Help! I'm Fat - *** Official Exercise and Weight Thread ***


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Des Moines
I'll join cyclone4L on the getting healthy. I'm about 40 pounds overweight and on blood pressure medicine.

regarding the healthy eating, any ideas for some easy sides to prepare? I don't want to get in a rut of eating a salad with some lean protein for every meal.

Riced veggies aren't bad; you can either rice your own or buy frozen. There's no law that says you can't have a potato every now and again; just be careful with how you prepare it. Smothering it in butter and sour cream and bacon bits and cheese is what'll get you. Sweet potatoes (stick with recommended serving sizes) are a good bet. Any kind of squash is pretty versatile.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
That's another issue. My previous doctor who I wasn't thrilled with is retired so I'm in search of a new one. I know the doctors that associate with the iowa state sports teams are through McFarland clinic. I wonder if they take on regular patients. Anyone on here that is in Ames have good recommendations regarding physicians in Ames?

Most of the docs in the Ames McFarland clinics weren't taking new patients as of about a month ago. I found one at the Nevada clinic that I liked who was taking new patients.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2013
Urbandale, IA
It is a lifestyle change, not a "diet". Hope you have a good plan and good luck to you! Unsolicited advice: drop sugar and processed foods. A lot of the soreness you are experiencing is due to the inflamation that is caused by some of the foods as much if not more, than your weight itself. I'm much stricter than than just dropping sugar and processed foods(over a year now) and am very, very happy with results. Ironically at first it was the hardest adjustment to my eating habits I've ever done, but now it is the easiest.

I don't want to hijack your thread, so please message me if you are interested in any information on what I've been doing successfully for almost 13 mos now.

I think people also need to point out certain sugars. Sugars from fruits are not created equal like sugars from candy bars etc. Getting plenty of good fruits with vitamins and minerals is important too, those sugars don't break down the same way that alcohol sugars do.


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SuperFanatic T2
Jan 24, 2007
Urbandale, IA
I need to focus a lot on my portion sizes when I eat. Hopefully increasing vegetable intake, smaller portion sizes and eliminating/reducing sugary drinks will help. Might incorporate some strength training to see if that helps.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2019
I was 265 in April of last year, I'm now 190. Went from a size 42 pants to 34.

You can absolutely accomplish your goal.

I accomplished this by eating a ton of fruits and vegetables every day. Loaded up on eggs (3-4 per day) and at least one avocado per day. The first 4 months, I knocked out all meats, fish, breads, sodas, minimized salts, and ZERO sugars, except the natural kind from fruit.

I also walked at least 3 miles a day. And I kept walking until I felt comfortable jogging/running, which arrived at around 215 pounds.

Walking will do wonders. The great thing about the uber healthy diet is that you can literally eat as much as you want and you won't gain weight. Just make sure you don't cheat otherwise you might gain. I literally eat all day long, but only healthy food.

I'm still on that diet today and the main reason is because I have seen amazing results. That is what motivated me to keep going. I still avoid meats, fish, breads, keep salt intake low, but do cheat occasionally. I would recommend the first 4 months of your diet dive in with zero cheating, then after 4 months you can experiment with some other foods. Load up on healthy fats like avocado, eggs, and unsalted nuts.

It's really a life style change, and if you can accept that you can do it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2013
Urbandale, IA
i have the same problem
i dont get full
i can eat and eat and eat and not get full
but ill get a stomach ache an hour or so afterward if its something like a pbj or something
but im not fat at all, obviously because of some genetic disposition
i am currently in the process of cutting out wheat; coffee and sugar
but i think it is something with the endocannabinoid production in your body
because before i was messing with my ecs system i never had the problem
but now that i have messed with it not sure how to undo without losing some of the good effects that i gained by messing with my ecs system

Have you tried eating slower? I know people who eat faster gobble it up, then their gut doesn't have time to react and by then you've eaten so much it makes people feel sick. Eating slower means your digestion has time to catch up. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
Des Moines
I think people also need to point out certain sugars. Sugars from fruits are not created equal like sugars from candy bars etc. Getting plenty of good fruits with vitamins and minerals is important too, those sugars don't break down the same way that alcohol sugars do.

They aren't that different and thus you do need to watch those too.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
I was 265 in April of last year, I'm now 190. Went from a size 42 pants to 34.

You can absolutely accomplish your goal.

I accomplished this by eating a ton of fruits and vegetables every day. Loaded up on eggs (3-4 per day) and at least one avocado per day. The first 4 months, I knocked out all meats, fish, breads, sodas, and minimized salts.

I also walked at least 3 miles a day. And I kept walking until I felt comfortable jogging/running, which arrived at around 215 pounds.

Walking will do wonders. The great thing about the uber healthy diet is that you can literally eat as much as you want and you won't gain weight. Just make sure you don't cheat otherwise you might gain. I literally eat all day long, but only healthy food.

I'm still on that diet today and the main reason is because I have seen amazing results. That is what motivated me to keep going. I still avoid meats, fish, breads, keep salt intake low, but do cheat occasionally. I would recommend the first 4 months of your diet dive in with zero cheating, then after 4 months you can experiment with some other foods. Load up on healthy fats like avocado, eggs, and unsalted nuts.

It's really a life style change, and if you can accept that you can do it.

Good advice but I would add if you do have a weak moment and cheat don't let it get you down. So many people cheat on a Friday and say, "Damn it, I'm going to get right back on it on Monday." Meanwhile they do additional damage all day and night Saturday and Sunday. That is a lot of back tracking compared to the hic-up that was just Friday.

Strive for perfection but don't get down on an imperfect human when they experience small failures.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
I'm 6'2 and was at around 245 lbs. My big issue was my BP as with a family of high blood pressure. I was around 200/100 a few times. First thing was go to the doctor had a physical and blood work done. He got me started on some low dose BP meds. First things he told me was clean up my diet and exercise. I can't jog or run due a broken foot issue. I got on my wife's gym pass and started going to the gym 4 mornings a week.

Get into a different mindset! Push yourself to say things like "If I can ride a stationery bike 5 miles, why not go for seven miles?" I'm not out to get washboard abs or the like, just wanted to feel better and not get tired as easily.

I get up at 4:30 am drink at least a 16 oz glass of water before going to the gym, ride 15 miles on the stationary bike. I even did the trestle trail eight times this summer. BP as of this morning was 126/76, down to 234 lbs, more energy, and really didn't change my diet a whole lot, just started making better eating decisions.

You can make it happen!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2013
Urbandale, IA
So many replies!

I would reply to all of your comments, but I don't think my customers would like that much.

I really appreciate everything you guys have said. I plan to go to the doctor before since I have other health issues. Also, I'm 5'10". I have a wider frame, but not to compensate an extra 100 lbs. I'm not "big boned".

Some of the worst parts about being fat is noticing you're heavier than Cyclones who we brage about gaining 40 lbs over the offseason (Zach Petersen). And also when fat people call you fat. That sucks, too.

Seriously though, you guys are awesome. Thank you so much for the kind words and advise. I cant wait to show you the progess.

I would suggest a hair cut too, feeling good about yourself and your appearance is helpful. Look good, feel good. hahah (pirate face emoji)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2019
Good advice but I would add if you do have a weak moment and cheat don't let it get you down. So many people cheat on a Friday and say, "Damn it, I'm going to get right back on it on Monday." Meanwhile they do additional damage all day and night Saturday and Sunday. That is a lot of back tracking compared to the hic-up that was just Friday.

Strive for perfection but don't get down on an imperfect human when they experience small failures.
What I found is that I could not allow myself to cheat, because once you regularly cheat, it keeps happening. Also bad food is SO addicting. And I'm not joking. A lot of times you don't realize it until you get off of it. (like a drug). The first couple weeks is painful once you switch diets, but then you totally get used to it, feel better, and dare I say...enjoy it.
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Active Member
Sep 13, 2011
Toledo, IA
Best of luck man. I'm 6'2" and I was up to 353. Made some changes and got down to 238, but run about 255-260 now. Gotta get myself back down to 235ish as well. It's not easy but you can do it if you want it bad enough!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
It's the difference between diet and dieting. Lot of mixing and matching the two.

And portions. JFC, I'd swear the food industry and restaurants WANT to kill us all. :mad: Not sure of their motivation but damn. The only time I see proportions that I think are reasonable is at higher end expensive restaurants. :( I go out with a couple on occasion to dine and we are all pretty lean by USA standards. If we get a dessert it's usually a three way split for a single item.

Our culture is tricked into thinking good or healthy food has to cost a lot, or that we have to go out to eat to enjoy food.

The funny part about high prices at places with good portions...a similar meal with less pointless ingredients can be cooked at home for like $5.

Simplifying food intake has helped me a great deal, and has saved money as well. Win win.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
What I found is that I could not allow myself to cheat, because once you regularly cheat, it keeps happening. Also bad food is SO addicting. And I'm not joking. A lot of times you don't realize it until you get off of it. (like a drug). The first couple weeks is painful once you switch diets, but then you totally get used to it, feel better, and dare I say...enjoy it.

Eating veggies and grains can be an acquired taste, but once I get used to it, I crave it like anything else.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
What I found is that I could not allow myself to cheat, because once you regularly cheat, it keeps happening. Also bad food is SO addicting. And I'm not joking. A lot of times you don't realize it until you get off of it. (like a drug). The first couple weeks is painful once you switch diets, but then you totally get used to it, feel better, and dare I say...enjoy it.
Not suggesting anyone cheat regularly, just if/when it happens - accept it, forgive yourself and move on. There are a lot of self esteem problems often tied with weight issues. Don't add, "I can't even do this right!" about eating healthier/exercising to the list of reasons to beat yourself up. If you fall off the wagon. Get right back on it - don't wait until the next week to try again. Start again today!
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