~ How soon will you mow the lawn? ~


Dec 12, 2006
There are a variety of ways that you can make your lawn mowing greener; First of all, you will need to understand that the color green does not apply to your lawn, as green as it may be. Green applies to the color of nature and it's freedom from hazardous wastes and pollutants.
To contribute, or do your part, for the green cause, you will have to take a sharp look at the way that you normally cut your grass; Do you use gas or electric powered lawn tools, such as weed whackers, lawn mowers and edging devices? If the answer is yes, then read on: Not only can you save a considerable amount of money by keeping your lawn green, but you can also help to reverse the tables and turn back the environmental clock.
If one is cutting a lawn of considerable size, then the use of certain heavy duty machinery is understandable! However, there are still ways to make your acreage greener within the way that you cut it. For instance; You shouldn't cut your grass too short! This also applies to regular suburban and urban yards; Cutting your grass too short will result in heavy deposits of grass that will probably help your weeds grow better and not only that, you will be burning a lot of excess power by doing so.
If you are cutting a lot of grass at one time, then you will also need to take a look at how you recycle your clippings.
Grass should be cut to a height of 2 to 3 inches. Maintaining a consistent height will help block light from the weeds and make the grass more dominant. One should always cut grass with sharp mower blades; This is because the cut will be cleaner and it will make the grass thicker and healthier, just alike a good, regular hair cut.
A Mulcher Mower is by far the best green machine on the market! The mulching process will chew everything up and leave it all to compost. The grass needs a natural source of fertilization and what better way, than to leave the clippings and leaves, right there on the lawn, and have nature take care of the rest for you.
Alternatively, if you feel the need to rake or bag as you mow, then please make it your duty to use that freshly cut fuel for other purposes, such as spreading around trees and shrubs and letting the garden worms take care of things. Or, you could even start your own compost heap!
Garden worms? They are unbelievable creatures! All those clippings will eventually be dragged down to the depths of worm city and will become part of yet another, wonderful fertilizing structure. Compost heaps are a valuable investment for your garden. With just a little extra time and care, you may never need to waste your hard earned money on the quick fixes that are offered by some of the multi billion dollar fertilizer companies. With this in mind; I say; Keep the chemicals out of your gardening and off your lawn! Bad for the water-shed and bad for visiting animals! Aeration is also good for your lawn. This is best done in the fall and spring; It involves a simple spiked device and a little rigorous exercise. I have even done this with a garden fork; You just walk around your lawn punching holes into the soil at regular intervals. This technique will allow air and moisture into the ground, which will help natural fertilizers circulate around the grass roots. Additionally, it prevents the build up of thatch that can inadvertently choke your grass and produce more weeds.
Do you remember how much you paid your garden shed? Do you remember why you bought it? Of course you do! Everyone on my block has one too, including me! Apart from a couple of tomato cages, the rest of my shed is filled with garden tools. My lawn mower sits in one half of it and the edging equipment sits in the other. What a waste of money!
Not only is it all a waste of money, but it is all a waste of power! All those years of cutting and trimming and all the electricity and gasoline that I've used, just to keep my 16th of an acre looking as good as my neighbors'. Plus, that shed has been occupying some valuable green space!
Manual push mowers and vertical edging clippers are the answer, in my opinion! These simple tools that have been around since before anyone I know was born, will help save the planet! Sure, John Deere and Toro will probably go out of business, but what the heck, I like exercise! I like to save money! And I like to save the environment!
No more buzzing and zipping! Bring back the pushing and the clipping! How do you think our grand parents cut their lawns?
Storage? Well you won't need a big old garden shed anymore! You can stuff your tools behind the front door or in the basement! Then, go and bust up that concrete foundation and plant some flowers!
Consider this; Your neighbor's grass only looks greener, because you are standing further away from it! However, your grass may be greener than theirs, and you don't need a degree to figure any of this out.


Oct 18, 2006
There are a variety of ways that you can make your lawn mowing greener...

However, your grass may be greener than theirs, and you don't need a degree to figure any of this out.

Don't hold back!:wideeyed:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I like to make sweet designs in the grass like you see at baseball games.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 16, 2006
Menlo, Iowa
There are a variety of ways that you can make your lawn mowing greener; First of all, you will need to understand that the color green does not apply to your lawn, as green as it may be. Green applies to the color of nature and it's freedom from hazardous wastes and pollutants.

There is where you almost lost me. But I did read a little more and decided I should just fence off my yard and let the cows have at it, so I wont harm the envrioment, but there is that issue of methane when cows fart. What if I mow it with my 14 ft batwing mower and my 200 hp tractor, is that better for the enviroment than my lawnmower and weedeater. I can get those grass sissors to trim with. I could just spray it once a week that would be quick and easy only a few rounds with my sprayer and I would be done, except for the erosion factor and that harmfull chemical roundup. No I think I will just mow it with my mower and trim with my weedeater, dont worry I will be sure to let them warm up for a long time, keep them running when i need to get another beer or eat, and let them cool down for a long time before shuting them off.:jimlad: I also like to dump the used oil in the road and tend to over fill the gas tank.:jimlad: BTW I do like to apply lots of commerical fertilizer to my yard and do it often.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
There are a variety of ways that you can make your lawn mowing greener; First of all, you will need to understand that the color green does not apply to your lawn, as green as it may be. Green applies to the color of nature and it's freedom from hazardous wastes and pollutants.
To contribute, or do your part, for the green cause,

I like to start up my gas powered mower and let it run and warm up for a good 15 minutes before I mow. I set the blades to cut it really, really tight. Then I apply a healthy dose of chemical fertilizer to the lawn.

I could pull weeds around the house and garden, but I find it easier to spray industrial strength chemicals on them. And funner.

I usually round off my Saturday by changing the oil in my car and then dumping it down the sewer. :yes:


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Clive, IA
Someone was able to hijack a lawn mowing thread into a Save the Planet thread. Wow. CF has done it again.


Sep 3, 2006
NE Iowa
Seriously though, once upon a time 3M made a product called Embark. This product was made to help plants survive drought conditions. Not sure how it works, but is slows down the growth of the plant. When sprayed on grass, the grass does not grow as fast. Hence, less mowing. Sounds green to me but I was wondering if anyone has experience with Embark.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
That first nice weekend a few weeks ago I got the mower out just to suck up all the leaves and dead stuff off the lawn. Lawn is getting green but until it warms up more not going to need to mow anytime soon. I need to reseed a few spots too eventually as well.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2008
Forest City
Hopefully never:wink:

That's what the renter's kid is for - and it works out nice. He mows the lawn at the house, and I mow the grass at Bear Creek with an 8 iron:yes: