How will TJ recruit for Hoiberg?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
Denver, CO
It has been stated over and over again that TJ is our recruiter, and giving that he is the one responsible for the real talent that has come to Ames in the last four years. With that said, will he recruit the same type of players? Do you think Hoiberg may have different views of talents? Will we see more size, speed, strength, smarts? (hopefully all the above) With Coach Hoiberg talking so much about spreading out the court, will we see more of a guard oriented offense? I think yes, but it remains to be seen.

Also, do you guys think that even with all this mess going on around McD, and the fact that TJ was still able to recruit fairly well bode well for us and for him under Hoiberg? Does it open the door to even bigger talent? Or will it not just change much and he will be getting the same type of player that he was under McD?

I'm curious, I feel like i'm chugging kool-aide after that press conference. I think that with Hoiberg and his connections compound well with TJ and his connections. Future is looking bright fellow cyclone fans.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
TJ recruits quality players and is very well connected. You are looking at it backwards.

We haven't always been able to bring in each of TJ's top choices under GMAC, because GMAC had nothing to sell and can't relate to the players. I believe the caliber of player TJ can now bring to ISU improves because Hoiberg and Grayer will be able to close better than GMAC.

Edit - Plus Hoiberg and Grayer have connections of their own. ISU's talent will improve under the new staff, mark it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
Denver, CO
I'm not looking at anything backwards, just simply posing questions. Trust me, I agree with you, couple Fred's connections in the NBA with the players and recruits TJ wants, and that is a recipe for success.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
I just thought your focus was misplaced. TJ is quality. GMAC's closing ability and the fact that GMAC was head coach, was the problem in bringing in top talent.


Nov 5, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
Another thing is the fact that we have been getting some good players as of late....we just couldn't get them to stick around long enough or we couldn't utilize all of their abilities i.e., Brackins, Gilstrap

So hopefully now we can continue to recruit some top talents and Hoiberg can fit them into a system that will be successful and be fun to play in for our players


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2009
TJ recruits quality players and is very well connected. You are looking at it backwards.

We haven't always been able to bring in each of TJ's top choices under GMAC, because GMAC had nothing to sell and can't relate to the players. I believe the caliber of player TJ can now bring to ISU improves because Hoiberg and Grayer will be able to close better than GMAC.

Edit - Plus Hoiberg and Grayer have connections of their own. ISU's talent will improve under the new staff, mark it.

I agree 100% with this. If Hoiberg, Grayer, TJ & Co can sell their style of play and outlook with quality recruits it can be very successful barring they get a few other quality assistants in here with a lot of coaching experience.

Imagine you are a recruit with some big upside and you meet with the staff and realize:
1) Hoiberg and Grayer each basically played a decade in the NBA and were both drafted
2) Hoiberg served in the front office for an NBA team for five years
3) Hoiberg was involved in the draft process for an NBA team for five years
4) The assistants on the team have had success improving players and have been around college for awhile.

Now imagine you meet these current guys (TJ, Hoiberg, Grayer, assistants) and like them a lot just as people. Here you are working with two guys who had success in both College and weren't bad in the NBA but were VETERNS in the most selective league in the world. Couple that with successful assistants. VERY attractive.

I'm trying to think of ways it wouldn't be VERY attractive, but IMO I can't really think of anything except for "lack of coaching experience with Hoiberg" which might not be a huge deal afterall (time will tell). IMO, if we can get a few more QUALITY assistants, how many other schools out there can boast those kind of cridentials? I can think of some and they are the top schools such as Duke, maybe Stanford now, North Carolina, etc.

The more I think and read about this new coaching staff, the more I LOVE it. We just need to get a few assistants in there who have a lot of coaching experience and success in player improvement. If we can get that nailed down, I will be very excited to see what our team is like in 3, 4, or 5 seasons from now. Honestly..

As a lot have mentioned, this is either going to be a huge homerun or a strikeout.
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