I just had Lasik yesterday. (5/5/2017) *Looong Read Alert*


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SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
My vision wasn't that bad (-3.75) and I had it done 4 years ago. I also had zero issues with contacts. I'd go through about 3 pairs a year. I just did it because I could. When they shove the deal in to hold your eye in place, it is the most uncomfortable pressure I have ever felt. That was the worst part for me. After I left, I was reading license plates no one else could and I never had an ounce of discomfort. I used the drops because I was told to, never because i had to.

There are two downfalls. I'm not much more sensitive to bright light and have to have sunglasses or I will get a small headache and I also don't see in the dark as well. I'll take it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
may have to show this to DH as he has mentioned getting this done. Both of his brothers have done it and seem to be happy with it. Not sure what level DH's eyes are at though I know it's enough to warrant considering LASIK.

But tell you what, reading about cutting eyeballs and burning them makes me damn glad I was close to 20/20 last I knew many years ago. And grateful for it. I can barely use an eye dropper on my eyes, no way I could get through the procedure described not heavily drugged!


Dec 5, 2011
I had my eyes done at the Wolf Clinic in Cedar Rapids in 1998 by Dr. Gothard . My vision was very bad and had worn hard contact lenses because of shape of my cornea.
I had both done same day. They put drops in and waited 10 min then into the chair I went.
Watched the red light as they made a flap of my cornea. Then laser for about 10 seconds. Laid flap back and on to other eye. I had mono vision in my left eye. I am right eye dominate. So I could read with that eye.
I had no issues just a little bit of soreness...like something was in my eye. I wore googles home and left them on so not to rub eye. Follow up next day and haven't had any problem since. I did go back a year later to tweek the right eye to improve my vision a little. I was fine but my eye doctor thought could improve a little bit.
I can still read without glasses, but will wear cheaters if I am reading for long time.
Best money I have spent... I was 46 at the time and now I am 65. My vision is very good even at night driving.
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I survived the 2023 ad invasion
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 8, 2013
I had it done in 2000 in Princeton, NJ. If I remember correctly, it was $5000 (everything is more expensive in Jersey) but the health insurance plan I had at the time covered it, so it was $500 out of pocket for me.

Much like everyone else, mild sedative, reclined in a chair, flaps cut, physician moved my head to reshape my corneas, flaps returned, eyes bandaged, wife drove me home, napped for an hour, and I woke up being able to read my alarm clock.

It may have been the best money I have spent (wife got it done too later that summer).

I stated out at something like -3.75, -3.50 with an astigmatism. I get my eyes checked every few years, and I still have 20/15 vision.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2013
Day 2: and there is pretty much no pain or swelling left. My eyes can move pretty freely but I haven't tested the sun and I probably won't until tomorrow. My right eye is definitely sharper than I've ever ever had it. Glasses and contacts have never made things so sharp out of my right eye - it's amazing. My left one has me a bit nervous rn because it still seems to be a bit out of focus. Not a huge amount but things kind of pop in and out of blurry with that one. That was my astigmatism eye so I'm hoping it just takes a little longer to get there. Still doing the drops every 6 hours and had to take a melatonin last night at about 2 because I just cannot sleep on my back but have been forced to do so the past two nights. My eyes look better, too.

I've had dry eye set in a few times but I have the drops for that too.


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SuperFanatic T2
Apr 4, 2012
Des Moines
Pretty much the same experience for me. Almost three hours of discomfort to the second. At the three hour mark my eyes were really dry but I could see decent. The next day, dry eyes but not bad. I remember the following weekend I was out in the deer stand. The dry eye's only lasted a couple months. I still get some glaring at night (surgery was done maybe 5-6 years ago). The ONLY issue I've ever had is at night. Depth perception was ****. I tried playing softball 1-2 years after surgery and it was a nightmare. I could no longer track the ball. I've always had very sensitive eyes to light and I felt like that got worse at night for me too. Both very minor inconveniences and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2012
My eyes were in the -5 range, and I had LASIK in 2009 through the Navy at no cost to me. As a periscope operator on a submarine, I was at the top of the priority list, so I got it done quickly. Some people wait years to get it done.

I remember that there was no pain during the procedure, just a little discomfort due to the pressure. I also didn't have much pain in the recovery. Maybe I was just lucky, but I've heard that the military doctors are typically ahead of the technology curve when it comes to eye surgery. I'm not sure if that's still true.

8 years later, I still see 20/20 and have NO regrets. The only downside, as others have mentioned, is a slight increase in light sensitivity, but I think I always was more sensitive than normal. I just wear sunglasses most of the time outside, and I don't really mind it. It's a small price to pay to be able to see without glasses or contacts.


Active Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 7, 2014
I have -9.75/-7.00 and really bad astigmatism. My optometrist says I'm not a candidate for anything like this. I would love to be able to see better.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
Roland, IA
Anyone know if $3,600 is typical for the procedure?

That's a bit high.

Qualsight.com got me latest and greatest LASIK technology for within my annual FSA allotment ($2500). I had my procedure done at Joffe Medicenter in the Twin Cities and it was fantastic.

*shout out to Dr. Heuer*

I only wish I'd decided to get it done before age 42. Coulda ditched the glasses and contacts sooooo long ago.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2013
That post was terrifying. I've thought about it but haven't decided if it's worth it considering my eyes only need -2.5 power contacts.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2010
The QC
No ******* way. I have had an 'eye thing' since watching "Why you should wear eye protection" videos at the foundry.

OK it was a movie, pre-videos.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2006
I have -4.25 contacts, badly near sighted. Anyone that bad ok'k for surgery?


Dec 15, 2013
I have -9.75/-7.00 and really bad astigmatism. My optometrist says I'm not a candidate for anything like this. I would love to be able to see better.[/QUOTE

I was in the same boat, I ended up getting contact lenses injected through my pupils about 5 years ago. It was about $6400 and I had to go to Minnesota to get it done. Fixed the nearsiteness perfectly, I still have astigmatism. I see about 20/30 and only wear glasses if driving at night or TV at night. They said I could PRK now to completely fix the astigmatism, but I have not yet. It was not an option for the nearsiteness. I am very happy with the results given my circumstances...Plus the contacts have UV protection, so it may help with cataracts in the long run.
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