Iowa, ISU at odds over deal (football contract)


Nov 13, 2006
Jasper County
It would be a shame to cancel the series just because some Iowa donors are getting butt-hurt.

Benjay, you've just distilled the ui argument down to it's essence. No one wants to pay huge dollars to a program and then 1. run the risk of losing to a school you detest, or 2. be forced to pay more for the privilege of traveling to that detestable school to lord it over the little people.
But maybe they do have a legit gripe about the ticket split. Anyone know what the normal rate given the visiting team?
A closing note: In going through the rest of the thread, I notice a lot of people mentioning what a "hassle" the game is. Me thinks this is because we let our neighborly enemies get under our skin. Maybe we should try being quiet and enjoy the game for what it is: A game where there's probably about 100 young men in two kinds of uniforms, all from the state of Iowa, enjoying the heck out of the situation. Good advice for all of us.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Good bye Iowa..... I really don't care about this game. Its good for ISU economics, but I really could care less anymore about that. Lets get MN on the schedule. I am fed up with this week. Nothing but complete Hawkeye garbage.

Lets see if I can channel a typical Iowa fan (listening to Cotler this morning... Should be easy)

Oh..... The hawks rule... We always win. We are expected to win, nothing to gain.

Jamie charges us too much. We should get in cheap.. only 49,000 tickets sold. We deserve to get in. We are royalty.

I don't hate the Hawks but during this week..... You get the biggest idoits of both sides making it no fun.

You forgot - we don't lose to ISU, we beat ourselves...


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
You just blew your argument

No, I don't think so...

Notre Dame's not part of a conference - they make a living off non-conference rivalries. Therefore, according to this argument, we SHOULD continue the rivalry with Iowa

I suggested that ISU should schedule some out-of-conference out-of-state opponents that have an appreciable fan base. Why does it matter whether or not Notre Dame belongs to a conference? How does that fact affect my argument? How does that in any way suggest that ISU should continue to play Iowa.

Notre Dame is playing Baylor in Texas in 2012. To my knowledge, there is no established rivalry between Baylor and Notre Dame. Not every team that Notre Dame plays is one that they have an established rivalry with.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
Johnston, IA
I'm sorry, but Iowa fans act as if they have some form of entitlement to buy tickets at a price they believe is acceptable. They don't have to go to the game if it is so objectionable.

You have to be pretty arrogant to feel that you have the right to set prices and ticket policies at someone else's stadium. This type of response reminds me of a spoiled child that doesn't get their way.

AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! tripled the amen on that one, cuz you got it on the dot. Quit crying because you can't set the prices at someone else's stadium chokeyes...they just sound so stupid when they open their mouths about this. Jamie Pollard should just keep sticking it to them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
No, I don't think so...

I suggested that ISU should schedule some out-of-conference out-of-state opponents that have an appreciable fan base. Why does it matter whether or not Notre Dame belongs to a conference? How does that fact affect my argument? How does that in any way suggest that ISU should continue to play Iowa.

Notre Dame is playing Baylor in Texas in 2012. To my knowledge, there is no established rivalry between Baylor and Notre Dame. Not every team that Notre Dame plays is one that they have an established rivalry with.

It's pretty obvious you're a vocal minority in this, and your heavily voiced opinion in this is having no impact on the way anyone else feels about it. I'd say this site encompasses a wide variety of Cyclone fans, and the rivalry is wanted by an 8-1 margin. Feel the need to end your personal crusade yet?


Nov 22, 2006
Exactly why is it a great series for the state of Iowa?

Exactly why is it great for Iowa?

Exactly why is it great for ISU?

Exactly why would it be a tragedy if it is canceled?

I'm sorry you can't stand me. I'm really not that horrible of a person...

Because it's the most fun day of the year in Iowa.

Easy road game to attend and the biggest party of the year.

Easy road game to attend and the biggest party of the year.

Because it would be like canceling Christmas. This day is holy.

I can stand you and you are not horrible.

I don't know who you all are hanging out with to have suffered such abuse at the hands of random hawk fans. I've been going to this game for the last 15 years (exc. the 9/11 resched), and have had nothing but a great time every year. This includes spending a lot of time with my Hawkeye friends, sitting in Kinnick with ISU gear on, etc.

I will miss the game this year due to a wedding and to have folks trash this holiday really hurts. Maybe we all need to take ourselves and this sport a lot less seriously and see the game for what it is-- a GREAT rivalry and a great day to drink beer in the sunshine with friends from all over.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
It's pretty obvious you're a vocal minority in this, and your heavily voiced opinion in this is having no impact on the way anyone else feels about it. I'd say this site encompasses a wide variety of Cyclone fans, and the rivalry is wanted by an 8-1 margin. Feel the need to end your personal crusade yet?

I don't feel any particular need to do so, but I guess there's no point in going on. Since the majority is always correct, I guess my postion must be incorrect. Oh well... :frown:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Looks like they are getting scared in Iowa City to play us in 2010 or the null sale single game tickets has them torqued. Probably the latter.


Mar 8, 2007
Lake Rathbun
I wish we would have played them in 1976 (Luther Blue and that incredible offense), that would have been a 63-0 rout, 1977 was a fluke loss, 1-1000 chance it would happen and it did. Talked with Tom Buck (had return TD in game) he said there were numerous missed opportunities in that game. And as he said, if you beat a good Nebraska at Nebraska you should kill a bad Iowa at Iowa.