[Iowa] Stars Leaving Des Moines


Nov 27, 2006
Kansas City, MO
You can go to the AHL website and look at the game summaries for the Stars and from what it looks like the attendance varies from night to night. One night it will be almost 6,000 to another with 3,800 to another of 1,700. They are also dead last in their divison.

The Bucs who have been having a bad year anyways average 2,800 poeple a game. That sounds like not a lot of people but the arena only hols about 3,000- 3,250 people so really it isn't all that bad.

I watch a lot of bucs games and i really like their league. I haven't been but i have heard from many different people that the Stars really aren't entertaining and they tickets are expensive.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2006
It's hard for me to compare the Bucs and Stars. Yes they are both hockey teams, but the level of competition, and type of crowd is completely different.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2007
Des Moines
I think the I-cubs are a success b/c alot of people in iowa are chicago cubs fans. I dont know how many dallas stars fans we have in iowa.


Dec 8, 2007
NE Iowa
You can go to the AHL website and look at the game summaries for the Stars and from what it looks like the attendance varies from night to night. One night it will be almost 6,000 to another with 3,800 to another of 1,700. They are also dead last in their divison.

The Bucs who have been having a bad year anyways average 2,800 poeple a game. That sounds like not a lot of people but the arena only hols about 3,000- 3,250 people so really it isn't all that bad.

I watch a lot of bucs games and i really like their league. I haven't been but i have heard from many different people that the Stars really aren't entertaining and they tickets are expensive.

I have been to both venues, and had season tickets for the Bucs a few years ago. Honestly the Stars game I went to I told my friends that I went with that I can see just as good of a game over at KGGO arena. Plus the costs are just waaaay too high at the well for a beer, food, etc.. just blows my mind that they want that much for drinks and eats. The Bucs have a smaller venue, consistant crowds, and that allows the fans to be part of the game and help out the home team.. heck at the Well when I went there they probably had at least have of the seats blocked off with curtains due to the attendance. It just goes to show that money is the driving force of success for such things, even if your team isnt winning, your costs will keep the fans coming for more.


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
I wonder if a Wild affiliate could be in the offing?

Marty said (so take this with a grain of salt) that Crawford looked at the AHL team before this current group did and would only take it on if the Wild would be the affiliate. He said the deal would be impossible so Crawford backed out and went the D-league route.

Marty also claims the Energy are making money already. Not sure if that's true.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
You could see this coming a mile away. Can't wait to hear Marty talk about it tonight on the way home, you know he was the only one who knew it was coming.

You guys have to quick listening to those clowns. I guarantee you will lead a much fuller, richer life.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2006
Ames, Iowa
It is too bad more people do not check out this team. Having an AHL team come to your town is a big deal. But since most people know nothing about hockey they just go see the bucs and assume it is the same thing. Why do we need another hockey team when we have the bucs? It is like going to a high school baseball game compared to the I-Cubs. Not the same thing people. The Bucs are a junior league. 17-19 year olds only. These kids are trying to get to the college level. Hardly the same thing as the AHL. The Bucs are great! I used to frequent the Sioux City Musketeers games alot growing up as well. It is a good venue and a great atmosphere that is for sure. But you can hardly call yourself a hockey fan if you would prefer going to the Bucs over the Iowa Stars. Too many casual fans in Des Moines that obviously do not know the difference.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
Tempe, az
I think it would have been much cooler if they would have thrown a bone to those old fans and called them the Northstars and had an appropriate jersey. That would have gotten them an extra 100 fans at least :wink:

Oh well, who cares, its Hockey. Hopefully the arena can make up the difference with concerts and farm shows.