Iowa State Daily - Sunglasses article


Doesn't wipe standing up
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2010
Chicago, IL
What a bunch of *********.

Here is a link to the story, which also got a huge front page on the Daily today.

They didn't create anything. And their story about the Mom's friend is baloney. I found the exact sunglasses on here

The reason the bamboo is from China is because they didn't make anything and had an idea to take these cheap Chinese sunglasses, get them laser engraved with a logo, make a fancy website and charge people out the ***.

Here is an article about a Kickstarter that did the same thing but with watches:

I commend them for their capitalist nature, I really do, but don't give me a fake mission statement and a fake story to go along with it. I don't like being lied to as a consumer.

I urge no one to buy their sunglasses unless they come clean. I know most companies offshore things but most of them don't have a mission statement like this:

Divine is an environmentally and socially conscious brand which provides our customers with superior bamboo sunglasses.

The bamboo used to design our frames is grown on marginal farmland of Javanese mountains to serve a divine purpose: protect soil and water quality while creating opportunities in a new industry.

At Divine, we are dedicated to economic and social development, preservation of the environment, and sustainable style.

They have no freaking clue where the bamboo was grown. They are talking out of their ***!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
Just a note those aren't the same glasses. Notice the curve above the nose and the alibaba's a are brown and these are dark brown/black.. is the difference worth the $30 plus mark up...probably not but what you posted doesn't prove fraud or any evidence this story is not accurate.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2010
What a bunch of *********.

Here is a link to the story, which also got a huge front page on the Daily today.

They didn't create anything. And their story about the Mom's friend is baloney. I found the exact sunglasses on here

The reason the bamboo is from China is because they didn't make anything and had an idea to take these cheap Chinese sunglasses, get them laser engraved with a logo, make a fancy website and charge people out the ***.

Here is an article about a Kickstarter that did the same thing but with watches:

I commend them for their capitalist nature, I really do, but don't give me a fake mission statement and a fake story to go along with it. I don't like being lied to as a consumer.

I urge no one to buy their sunglasses unless they come clean. I know most companies offshore things but most of them don't have a mission statement like this:

They have no freaking clue where the bamboo was grown. They are talking out of their ***!

You can't possibly be this naive. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but every company out there is lying to you, it's called marketing. This little negative campaign you're trying to run here is beyond ridiculous and comes off as extremely petty and uninformed to reality.

As a quick lesson, never ***** about the price of luxury goods. They are worth what people are willing to pay for them, not a dollar more or less. If people are willing to drop $50 on a pair of these, they are worth exactly $50.


Doesn't wipe standing up
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2010
Chicago, IL
You can't possibly be this naive. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but every company out there is lying to you, it's called marketing. This little negative campaign you're trying to run here is beyond ridiculous and comes off as extremely petty and uninformed to reality.

As a quick lesson, never ***** about the price of luxury goods. They are worth what people are willing to pay for them, not a dollar more or less. If people are willing to drop $50 on a pair of these, they are worth exactly $50.

Great, lie to me. But don't say that these were made from bamboo grown in the mountains of Java for the purpose of sustainable nature. If I know it is false, I will call you out on it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
Great, lie to me. But don't say that these were made from bamboo grown in the mountains of Java for the purpose of sustainable nature. If I know it is false, I will call you out on it.

The article doesn't claim that. And the only one lying I can see is you. Why the need to slander some young ISU entrepreneurs claiming they bought the glasses off alibaba? 2014-10-09-17-26-38.png

note if you try and spin to the mission statement it says the bamboo used to design. Not produce as was noted in the article. Major fail
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2010
Great, lie to me. But don't say that these were made from bamboo grown in the mountains of Java for the purpose of sustainable nature. If I know it is false, I will call you out on it.

And no one will care.

It all reeks of jealousy.


Doesn't wipe standing up
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2010
Chicago, IL
The article doesn't claim that. And the only one lying I can see is you. Why the need to slander some young ISU entrepreneurs claiming they bought the glasses off alibaba?

Their website says that. So they are most certainly claiming it. And I'm personally a young ISU entrepreneur as well that does things the right away instead of lying straight to my customers faces about a higher cause to the business (helping the environment).


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
Iowa City area
You can't possibly be this naive. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but every company out there is lying to you, it's called marketing.

And no one will care.

While I removed the comments about jealousy, etc., because it does seem a bit over the top, out right lying in marketing isn't something 'no one will care' about....


Doesn't wipe standing up
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2010
Chicago, IL
And no one will care.

It all reeks of jealousy.

If I bought high end sunglasses and later found out it was all a lie, I would care. Their customers buy into the marketing and helping the environment, not the sunglasses.

And I will nit comment on the jealousy comment because it was just to rile me up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
If I bought high end sunglasses and later found out it was all a lie, I would care. Their customers buy into the marketing and helping the environment, not the sunglasses.

And I will nit comment on the jealousy comment because it was just to rile me up.

No comment on how you were wrong on alibaba...why not retract?