Is Braun's Punishment Harsh Enough?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2006
Nevada, IA
The guy is the Lance Armstrong of baseball. He repeatedly denied any involvement or wrongdoing on his part, and now agrees to sit the rest of the season? Plus he screwed Matt Kemp out of an MVP award in 2011 when he beat an earlier charge.

None of it sits right with me. If you want it to stop, you have to make the penalties severe enough to deter future infractions, like life-time bans. Give a couple of stars the boot, and the rest will see MLB means business. It is, after all, for their own good as well.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
The teams should absolutely have the ability to void contracts of cheaters.

Gary Matthews Jr. was in Texas and put up great numbers. The Angels gave him a fat contract and then it was discovered he was on the juice.

Gary Matthews cheated, cashed in, and got popped. His NON-PED production was awful and he was out of baseball, but the Angels had to pay his cheating *** for sitting home.



Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
It's too harsh. I say let them take PEDs if they want. If it makes the game more entertaining then the game is better for it. I mean they are just playin a game meant for entertainment and getting paid very well for it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
Is 4 games for a nfl player who is on the juice not harsh enough?

For comparison's sake...

4 games in the nfl is 25%

50 games in mlb is 31%

65 games is 40% of a season

People get mad at players when it is convenient for them to be. Many NFL players have gotten caught on PED's yet there is no outcry from fans to ban them from the game (maybe its because everyone feels that almost all NFL players are actually on something).

What is also interesting is that Braun could've driven drunk and gotten caught many times, or beat his girl friend and many fans wouldn't have cared.

I am disappointed as a brewers fan of him but at the end of the day it doesn't change my life in any manner that he isn't on the team for the rest of the year. I don't feel cheated by him.

Yeah he lied but what is the difference between that and every presidential election?

Tornado man

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Ames, IA
Heard LA's Skip Schumaker on Dan Patrick just now, really coming down hard on Braun and calling for a lifetime ban, that he makes him sick, etc. Then Patrick asked "but hey, your batting coach in LA is Mark McGwire, how do you feel about him?" Schumaker replied, "well, uh, Mark never really lied about it..." That's great, Skip!


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
Is 4 games for a nfl player who is on the juice not harsh enough?

For comparison's sake...

4 games in the nfl is 25%

50 games in mlb is 31%

65 games is 40% of a season

People get mad at players when it is convenient for them to be. Many NFL players have gotten caught on PED's yet there is no outcry from fans to ban them from the game (maybe its because everyone feels that almost all NFL players are actually on something).

What is also interesting is that Braun could've driven drunk and gotten caught many times, or beat his girl friend and many fans wouldn't have cared.

I am disappointed as a brewers fan of him but at the end of the day it doesn't change my life in any manner that he isn't on the team for the rest of the year. I don't feel cheated by him.

Yeah he lied but what is the difference between that and every presidential election?
The part where he ruined a collections guys career over his lying, and him stealing an MVP from Matt Kemp.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2011
PEDs are more detrimental to the game than gambling. You know PEDs affect the outcome of games, you don't know that just because Rose bet on baseball that he affected the outcome of games. If Rose gets a lifetime ban for betting they should throw PED users out for life.

I won't be happy until every time Bond's name is brought up in regard to his stats it's immediately followed by "of course he cheated so they don't really count). He can't be kicked out so take away from him what he wanted, fame.

I'll climb down of my soapbox now.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
Heard LA's Skip Schumaker on Dan Patrick just now, really coming down hard on Braun and calling for a lifetime ban, that he makes him sick, etc. Then Patrick asked "but hey, your batting coach in LA is Mark McGwire, how do you feel about him?" Schumaker replied, "well, uh, Mark never really lied about it..." That's great, Skip!

Many players need to thank PED users for their current salaries. If it wasn't for artificially inflated salaries associated with PED users, many baseball players would be making much less money.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
The part where he ruined a collections guys career over his lying, and him stealing an MVP from Matt Kemp.

Did the collection guy do his job improperly? Just making sure that we aren't defending someone for doing his job improperly. Baseball has a specific set of actions that must occur with the testing process, if that process isn't followed then there is no reason to have it. Did braun need to drag the guy through the mud, no, but is it his fault the guy didn't follow all procedures to the T. nope.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 6, 2009
Braun didn't just lie, he pushed the sample collector under a freight train. Baseball needs to do something about this garbage once and for all. I didn't used to care so much about players using PEDs, even A-rods obvious juicing, but this guy doesn't deserve to get paid to wear the uniform ever again. Too bad that'll never happen.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
White Bear Lake, MN
The teams should absolutely have the ability to void contracts of cheaters.

Gary Matthews Jr. was in Texas and put up great numbers. The Angels gave him a fat contract and then it was discovered he was on the juice.

Gary Matthews cheated, cashed in, and got popped. His NON-PED production was awful and he was out of baseball, but the Angels had to pay his cheating *** for sitting home.


Could be wrong, but everything I've read recently about the PED suspensions has insinuated that the teams do not have to pay players who are suspended. I thought that was why all the Yankees fans are giddy at the prospect of A-Roid possibly getting a lifetime ban and thus saving their team from paying at least $86 million over the next 4 years.


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
PEDs are more detrimental to the game than gambling. You know PEDs affect the outcome of games, you don't know that just because Rose bet on baseball that he affected the outcome of games. If Rose gets a lifetime ban for betting they should throw PED users out for life.

I won't be happy until every time Bond's name is brought up in regard to his stats it's immediately followed by "of course he cheated so they don't really count). He can't be kicked out so take away from him what he wanted, fame.

I'll climb down of my soapbox now.



Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
No the penalty is not stiff enough, the only way to curb PED use is to start handing out lifetime bans. Now with that being said I frankly don't care and will continue to watch and follow baseball closely.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
Durango, CO
Heard LA's Skip Schumaker on Dan Patrick just now, really coming down hard on Braun and calling for a lifetime ban, that he makes him sick, etc. Then Patrick asked "but hey, your batting coach in LA is Mark McGwire, how do you feel about him?" Schumaker replied, "well, uh, Mark never really lied about it..." That's great, Skip!

I'm not here to talk about the past...


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
I can never understand why people become so enraged over baseball players using steroids, yet give football players almost a complete pass. A football player on steroids could theoretically smash into another player (not on steroids) and end his career - to most fans no big deal. A baseball player on steroids hits a ball 10 feet farther than he should have and it ends up a home run instead of an out - everybody wants to ban him for life. The NFL testing program catches practically nobody, yet is hailed as the model for baseball to follow.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
Durango, CO
I can never understand why people become so enraged over baseball players using steroids, yet give football players almost a complete pass. A football player on steroids could theoretically smash into another player (not on steroids) and end his career - to most fans no big deal. A baseball player on steroids hits a ball 10 feet farther than he should have and it ends up a home run instead of an out - everybody wants to ban him for life. The NFL testing program catches practically nobody, yet is hailed as the model for baseball to follow.

People hate Lance, Rafael Palmeiro, McGuire, Sosa, Bonds, Clemens, Braun, A-Rod etc. because all of them were caught, but each of them pretty much took the "how dare you accuse me of this" route and refused to admit they were cheating. Guys like Jose Canseco, Giambi, Pettite, All NFL Players Ever, etc. have pretty much said, "Yeah we did it, sorry".

I can totally understand why they're on PED's, but if you're caught/implicated and show zero remorse or accountability, but instead go after the testers and others on the sidelines, then you're essentially a **** human.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Rochester, MN
Not harsh enough penalty for Braun, but then hey, Selig's gotta look out for his Brewers. Banhammer for life. Braun is a fraudulent, moronic liar and now is proven to be a fraud on the field.