ISU Athletics: We finally avoided a kick in the stones.


Sep 10, 2009
Dear ISU Fans,
Being a ISU alum, and having had my share of terrible tastes of defeat and demoralization over the years, I am glad we are almost over this last battle.

Now that we have secured a spot, for now atleast, I think all ISU fans, regaurdless of sport, should quit complaining about how bad we have been treated and pony up whatever is needed to make the nation know that this was a good decision. Now is the time to be as strong as Cardinal and Gold bleeder as possible. We have avoided the ultimate kick to stones of all, so now we must show that we are deserving, rightfully so, of being in a BCS conference.

Everyone has their issues, but this is the perfect time to not only survive, but thrive as ISU fans. The Football and Basketball programs are pointed in the right direction, so lets take the opportunity to exploit the opportunity, and support the Cyclones, and take fan support to the highest level!

We can control our destiny, by getting behind the athletic programs, and buying into whatever new programs may emerge in the new deal. The more we support them, the more attractive the program will be, the better the teams will do, and the more revenue we can generate, thus making a more polular sell to whatever new programs may appear in the future.

Go Clones!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
we didnt get kicked in the stones because we had a cup on. We still got kicked, it just doesn't hurt as much as it could have.


CF Influencer
May 8, 2009
Denver, CO
The Big 12 conference staying was the best case scenario for us IMO. Yes, some uncertainty is back about the future but this could've turned out MUCH worse for us


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
Like I said in another thread, when I purchased my new car back in April, I didn't get excited about purchasing the insurance for it. If this deal is anything more than just to make sure ISU has SOMETHING if something better can't be found, I am seriously going to be questioning ISU's leadership from now on.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Clive, IA
I thought we didn't get kicked in the stones....however...the more this thing unfolds, the more I think we DID. We are just too dumb to know it.


Jan 22, 2010
ISU did get kicked in the stones. How can you say it didn't?

1. ISU gets the privilege to get throttled by UT and OU every year.

2. ISU gets the privilege of being in a BCS conference, but have NO CHANCE of going to a BCS bowl.

3. ISU gets the privilege of handing over their CU and NU's departure money to the Big Three.

4. ISU gets the privilege of not getting any new money until 2015.

5. ISU gets the privilege of having Dan Beebe say he's "comfortable" with his promise of a TV deal.

Thank you sir!! May I have another?!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2006
oh, we got kicked in the junk, no doubt. But the alternative was getting our junk cut off and forced to chew it slowly before swallowing it. we came out as well as circumstances would allow. that doesn't mean things went great, it just means they went as great as was possible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
It's still better than what could have been the alternative. I heard about the Big East and the Mountain West but there were no actual reports of either of them wanting ISU. Yes, you have to bend over for Texas like almost everybody else, but you get more money than before and better chance to recruit that state. Nebraska leaving probably hurts you because it makes your state even more of a Big Ten state, but it also hurts their recruiting Texas so it probably evens out.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
Like I said in another thread, when I purchased my new car back in April, I didn't get excited about purchasing the insurance for it. If this deal is anything more than just to make sure ISU has SOMETHING if something better can't be found, I am seriously going to be questioning ISU's leadership from now on.

I'm still not sure I get your car insurance analogy, but I'm probably missing the point.

I think this is more like having a car that needs major repairs. You can't afford a better car at trade-in value and selling it privately is out of the question until you make the repairs. Fortunately, a manager in your department at work agrees to lend you the money to make the repairs and keep the car running for another year or two.

Only stipulations are: (1) you have to give him a percentage of your regular paycheck; (2) you and the other employees in your department have to chip in to buy him a new state-of-the-art TV (3) if he leaves the company at any time, the department is eliminated and you're out of a job. Your work experience isn't likely to land you a position as good as the one you have now, unless you can band together with several of the other co-workers whose resumes are slightly better than yours.

I guess your analogy is a bit more concise. :biglaugh:


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
If we agreed to giving up the buyout money, without getting something signed from the 3 schools that benefit from that, that they would stay long-term or else owe us a bigger buyout in return, we made a ****** deal.

Doesnt sound like we did get any kind of reassurance though. Texas will get its longhorn network up and running, take our money, and either run, or threaten to run when the tv negotiations come up again unless they get a sizable increase in their share of the pie. Shouldve gone to the big east, had a bcs conference, and been on a competitive field with everyone in the conference.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
If we agreed to giving up the buyout money, without getting something signed from the 3 schools that benefit from that, that they would stay long-term or else owe us a bigger buyout in return, we made a ****** deal.

Doesnt sound like we did get any kind of reassurance though. Texas will get its longhorn network up and running, take our money, and either run, or threaten to run when the tv negotiations come up again unless they get a sizable increase in their share of the pie. Shouldve gone to the big east, had a bcs conference, and been on a competitive field with everyone in the conference.

Totally agree larson. The more I find out about what went down, the more I feel like we got the shaft. The only thing we were saved from with this was a better future in the Big East.


Sep 10, 2009
There you go. Avoid losing Cyclone athletics as we know it, and complain about what it cost to do so. Ya, the schedule is tough, but that will make us better. I tell my sons that you don't get better by beating up a lesser opoonent. You get better by competing with the best. You want to be the best, beat the best. Same guy probably lives a life of freedom, and complains in the matter in which that freedom is achived. Same parent that enjoys the victories of their childrens sports, but compains the minute that their child has to sit out, even though they have done nothing to help the child improve, and is always late to practice. You will get alot more bees with honey, than vinegar.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
If we agreed to giving up the buyout money, without getting something signed from the 3 schools that benefit from that, that they would stay long-term or else owe us a bigger buyout in return, we made a ****** deal.

Doesnt sound like we did get any kind of reassurance though. Texas will get its longhorn network up and running, take our money, and either run, or threaten to run when the tv negotiations come up again unless they get a sizable increase in their share of the pie. Shouldve gone to the big east, had a bcs conference, and been on a competitive field with everyone in the conference.

The Big Seat might have been a great deal. I say might because there was no real offer on the table and no guarantee that there would be, especially if KU got an offer from the PAC16. You also have to take into account that the Big East is smack dab in the middle of the Big 10 and the ACC and the BE has teams that they want. I had hoped that if the Big East expanded first that they could avoid that, but you never know.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Sure our bird kinda sucks, but it beats chasing after something else and getting nothing.

I hate Texas, I really do. What the heck do they need more money for? 10 mil is peanuts compared to their current athletic budget. However, ISU just doesn't have ANY cards to play in this game and honestly, we are lucky to still be at the table.

ISU now has to take care of ISU. We didn't improve in the B12 pecking order and that sucks. Hopefully our revenue will increase in the near future and we can improve our standing in the pecking order among other division 1 schools.

Take what you can get and do something with it. Being Texas' biotch is better than no BCS conference at all.


Sep 10, 2009
The Big Seat might have been a great deal. I say might because there was no real offer on the table and no guarantee that there would be, especially if KU got an offer from the PAC16. You also have to take into account that the Big East is smack dab in the middle of the Big 10 and the ACC and the BE has teams that they want. I had hoped that if the Big East expanded first that they could avoid that, but you never know.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Sure our bird kinda sucks, but it beats chasing after something else and getting nothing.

I hate Texas, I really do. What the heck do they need more money for? 10 mil is peanuts compared to their current athletic budget. However, ISU just doesn't have ANY cards to play in this game and honestly, we are lucky to still be at the table.

ISU now has to take care of ISU. We didn't improve in the B12 pecking order and that sucks. Hopefully our revenue will increase in the near future and we can improve our standing in the pecking order among other division 1 schools.

Take what you can get and do something with it. Being Texas' biotch is better than no BCS conference at all.

This is my point, exactly. We are better off having a conference to play in, ie being at the table. ya, Texas is driving off in a brinks semi, but atleast we still are alive.

My original point is that we need to take advantage of the recent "lease" and make the best of it. The dealer (Texas) may only leave that offer on the "table" so long, before actually finding a better deal. We were not in the drivers seat, and basically had been dealt a crappy hand. We, as Cyclones, need to take as much advantage of this as possible, quit relieving ourselves in out own cherrios, and make as much hay as possible while the sun is shining.

Cyclones have enough trouble getting to away games. I'm sure being in the Big East would help that. Hardly.


Jun 10, 2010
I have been one of ISU’s biggest supporters. I was even trying to make the case with other Big 10 schools why ISU should go to the Big 10 but you guys just seal your fait with this. All I can say is WHAT THE F ARE YOU THINKING. You gave up the only thing you had money wise, to a school that has made it clear that the only think they are interested in is taking as much money for themselves as they can possibly get for what?! You didn’t even get a guarantee that they are going to give you the 17m until 2015 ARE YOU SERIOUS?! What happens now when Texas or A&M bolt on you? You just gave up what little you had for what? This has to be in the history of stupid moves the dumbest move I have ever seen and you guys are acting as if this is the best news you have gotten in your life. I’m glad given recent events that you guys believe that those schools in the south are going to keep their word. I hate Texas now more than, I don’t know I can’t think of anything I hate more right now. How could you guys let them do this to you? A move to a non BCS conference would have been better than this because in the end that’s probably what is going to happen and now you just gave up big money that you’re going to need latter because Texas ante stay in. I’m so mad right now I can’t even type. I don’t know I need to calm down now. Maybe there is something about this that hasn’t come out yet but as it looks right now you just got played.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Put it in perspective. ISU, Kansas, K-State, Mizzou, and Baylor each gave up $2 million in exit fee money to keep the status quo. We hadn't really received the $2 million. We weren't expecting to get $2 million a month ago, so we had not spent it.

This is a one-time (hopefully) payment. Memphis is not in a BCS Conference and is willing to pay someone $10 million per year, every year for that privilege.

You can't lose what you didn't have. We never had the exit money. And it sounds like Nebraska is going to resist paying and Colorado is broke. So maybe we didn't give up much.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
I have been one of ISU’s biggest supporters. I was even trying to make the case with other Big 10 schools why ISU should go to the Big 10 but you guys just seal your fait with this. All I can say is WHAT THE F ARE YOU THINKING. You gave up the only thing you had money wise, to a school that has made it clear that the only think they are interested in is taking as much money for themselves as they can possibly get for what?! You didn’t even get a guarantee that they are going to give you the 17m until 2015 ARE YOU SERIOUS?! What happens now when Texas or A&M bolt on you? You just gave up what little you had for what? This has to be in the history of stupid moves the dumbest move I have ever seen and you guys are acting as if this is the best news you have gotten in your life. I’m glad given recent events that you guys believe that those schools in the south are going to keep their word. I hate Texas now more than, I don’t know I can’t think of anything I hate more right now. How could you guys let them do this to you? A move to a non BCS conference would have been better than this because in the end that’s probably what is going to happen and now you just gave up big money that you’re going to need latter because Texas ante stay in. I’m so mad right now I can’t even type. I don’t know I need to calm down now. Maybe there is something about this that hasn’t come out yet but as it looks right now you just got played.

We had 12 kids in the neighborhood. We are picking up baseball teams. Two kids Neb and Buff left and went home. That left ten tp split up. We are pick number nine or ten. No one knows if we can play decent ball. We are stuck playing the outfield. We tried to go over to the next two neighborhoods last week but they had their baseball teams picked and we would be the last choice for them also. We stayed and played outfield. We need to improve our skills in the next four years so that we will not be picked last agin.

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