Jamie Pollard hires African-American


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006

I can't believe how such a known racist bastard would hire a black guy for his staff.

Just so there is no confusion, this is in response to all of the people that said race had something to do with him firing Morgan and Douglas retiring.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Both JP new hires were from UNI. Probably McD recommended them to be hired. A better one is Capel of okahoma JUST NOW hired his second coach today. Bad for Oklahoma recruiting. McD brought two coaches with him the first day. McD is much better organized than Capel appears to be.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
I've liked a lot of your posts, Bryce, but that wasn't one of them. Nobody called Pollard a racist bastard that I've seen on the boards or heard on the air waves, but there is reason to wonder if subtle racism could have been involved in the Morgan firing (the Douglas retirement was expected sooner or later). College coaches just aren't fired after only 3 years, especially at Iowa State and especially with Morgan's overall record and some post season success. And I don't think many people really believe Pollard was the driving force behind Morgan's firing. When big money talks, it usually gets its way.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2006
Waukon, Iowa
Cyko, you really need to get on with your shallow, empty life and get over the Morgan dismissal. A local idiot from the Register called out the ISU athletic department and suggest race was a factor in the Morgan-Douglas procedure. When Pollard saw how far the men's basketball program had deteriorated this winter, he took the appropriate corrective action. Everyone but you has that figured out by now.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
I understand what you're saying CYKO, and this post wasn't meant to be liked. Obviously I was exaggerating. But I'm pissed at the insinuation of racism about the firing, I think it carries no water and the "big money donors" wanting the black guy out as coach is pure speculation. If Wayne would have won and kept control of his team, he would still be here.

Frank Solich was fired from Nebraska because people didn't think his system could work. Herb Sendek was fired from NC State this year after getting 22 wins, and going 10-6.

I agree, college coaches at ISU haven't been fired after only three years. But this isn't the same old ISU under Pollard. I've been given no reason to think that Pollard isn't his own man and he takes care of his own business. The assumption that he is beholden to the donors is insulting as well.

I could be naive. But I just don't think it's that complicated.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
>>>College coaches just aren't fired after only 3 years, especially at Iowa State and especially with Morgan's overall record and some post season success.>>>

They are fired within 3 years if: 1) They were underqualified to begin with; 2) Hired by an AD that some qualified coaches didn't really want to work for; 3) There was a deterioration of discipline within the program that was unlikely to be recaptured and 4) you have a 3 year conference record of 22-26 that is unlikely to be improved upon in the forseeable future.


SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
Eastern Iowa
I agree with Bryce. Race seems to be the easy card to play since it happened to be an African-American coach that got fired. Will we ever truly know if race played an issue? Probably not. But to attack the character of our new AD based on one coaching change decision and one retirement of another coach is completely absurd. I have faith in Geoffry that he wouldn't hire a "racist bastard." And for those of you who think Pollard is racist, who would you rather have coaching our basketball team and wrestling team? That Cael Sanderson guy was pretty good in his day if I can remember right and that McDermott guy didn't do too bad for himself over at UNI. Pollard hired/promoted the best people for the jobs. End of story.


Mar 24, 2006
College coaches just aren't fired after only 3 years, especially at Iowa State and especially with Morgan's overall record and some post season success. [/quote1146585791]Pollard actually has vision, dreams, and EXPECTATIONS for the athletic department.

Morgan wasn't going to meet Pollard's criteria, so adios to Wayne. Morgan being black has nothing to do with it


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
There are fired within 3 years if: 1) They were underqualified to begin with; 2) Hired by an AD that some qualified coaches didn't really want to work for; 3) There was a deterioration of discipline within the program that was unlikely to be recaptured and 4) you have a 3 year conference record of 22-26 that is unlikely to be improved upon in the forseeable future.

Well said!


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2006
Northwest Arkansas
Didn't KCCI do a story on the lack of African Americans in the ISU athletic dept right after this all happened as well? I do not live locally, but I remember hearing something on that.


Mar 24, 2006
Didn't KCCI do a story on the lack of African Americans in the ISU athletic dept right after this all happened as well? I do not live locally, but I remember hearing something on that.
[/quote1146589316]I'm not sure why they don't do an expose' on Iowa.

Stringer & Raveling left years ago.

Gable never recruited black star wrestlers for personal reasons--in 20 years, until Joe & TJ Smith

KCCI can kiss our asses


Apr 10, 2006
I'm pretty sure race had nothing to do with the firing of Morgan and the retirement of Douglas. Morgan was fired because the wheels were falling off his program and Douglas retired (whether his was asked to or not) because he wasn't exactly getting the job done eitber - Cael has been basically running the program for two years now. Pollard was close to getting Jeter from Wisconsin-Mil, but McDermott was the preferred choice. Actually, ISU was a leader in hiring minorities in AD, think of Gene Smith - ISU hired him almost 15 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
No reason to throw out personal insults, old geezer, and I'm pretty happy with the quality of my life. From your angry post, though, sounds like you could have some problems. I'm long over Morgan getting fired, I was just responding to Bryce's post and giving my opinion that I think there are reasons to believe there could have been some subtle racism involved considering the short period Morgan was at ISU and his relatively good record. There are other people that feel the same way, no need to bash us for it. I also know that Pollard was closely scrutinizing the basketball staff from very early in the season. That came from a very reliable source and is now pretty much public knowledge. That seems rather unusual considering we had just been to the NCAA, won a game, then got beat by the National Champions. I don't think it's a stretch to think that the big donors put pressure on the new ad to get rid of a coach they didn't want. That's the way it usually happens. Am I 100% sure that is what happened, no, but I think it's highly likely. I'll be supporting G-Mac 100%, but that doesn't change my opinion that something smells about Morgan not getting one more year to bounce back from this mediocre one.


Apr 10, 2006
I still don't think race played into any part of this decision, whether some people think something is "fishy" or not about the whole ordeal. The fact is Morgan never should have been the coach in the first place - Pollard was just speeding up the inevitible. I guarantee Douglas and Morgan won't be the last black head coaches at ISU, but for the time being Cael is a living legend and McDermott is (and hopefully proves to be) a better bb coach than morgan. I'm writing this in case the last post was directed at me.


New Member
Apr 11, 2006
Herb Sendek was fired from NC State this year after getting 22 wins, and going 10-6.

Sendeck was never fired. Arizona State gave Sendeck a bunch of money to coach their team. Sendeck left NC-State. NC-State never fired Sendeck.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
Music Boy, my post was directed at oldgeezer as I said in my post. I have no problem with your opinion or your post, you didn't make any personal attacks.


Active Member
Apr 20, 2006
Everybody points out that WM won a NCAA game, but nobody points out the winning streak they had to put on just to get to the tournament. Didn't we have to win like 11 of 13(not certain about that) just to have a shot to get into the tourny, while UNI was a lock like 2 weeks before hand? Citing WM's one NCAA tourny win as a reason to keep him is ridiculus, besides he won that against a big 10 team.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
nsv: Yes, this is true. But Sendek got tired of the fans and media ripping him all the time and took his wares elsewhere. Getting sick of the BS and deciding to leave is kinda the equivalent to me.

He went to the tournament 5 straight years and had 5 wins and they weren't happy about it. These things happen.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
Leaving on your own is a lot different than getting fired, and he had been there at least 5 years. I'm still waiting for somebody to give me some names of coaches who have been fired after only 3 years unless there had been some NCAA violations, personal scandal, players getting in trouble, etc. If there were any, did they get fired after having 3 winning seasons and a 4-2 post season record, and accomplishing that at a program coming off a nationally known scandal like the LE situation? The point is, 3 years isn't long enough to allow a coach to get in all of his recruits and fully establish his program, and not long enough to get a good read on how successful a coach might be. That's why it is so extremely rare to see a coach fired after only 3 years. Sure fans can debate if the firing was justified, but it's hard to argue that a coach getting canned after only 3 years isn't highly unusual.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
Sendek was run out of town, and if you don't think so read the umpteen articles written on the subject. Seton Hall's coach then, got fired after going to the NCAA's this year. He's a better example than Sendek.

And CYKO, I have never said the firing wasn't unusual. It was highly unusual, and I also personally feel that coaches SHOULD get 5 years to establish a program with their guys and I think a coach needs that long to get acclimated to a position.

These are unusual times for ISU basketball and sports in general. I know it was only three years, but having a coach get fired by a new AD isn't uncommon at all. Was Jamie jumping the gun? Perhaps, but it's not in our hands to decide. And don't prop up the 4-2 postseason record when three of those wins came in the NIT. They were good wins and I was happy to see them, but let's get real. Nobody gives a crap about the NIT. He was 1-1 where it mattered.

I've never said that the circumstances weren't bizarre or that I didn't still wish Wayne were here. I loved Wayne. I just think the ASSUMPTION that there are racist undertones to this thing is insulting. You could find undertones in anything. Heck, why not just go out there and say I'm racist because I support the administration in what has transpired. I didn't like it at the time, and I'm still not comfortable with it. They fired a black guy and hired a white guy (who barely eeked out a job over another black guy), I support this decision, so thereby I must have some subtile racism effecting my consciousness.

I hope that sounds as obviously ridiculous as I meant it to. That is how inane what your saying sounds to me.