Narcisse Leaving CN


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
I cancelled ahead last time and it just waited until my subscription was up. More of a non-renewal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
Steve and Jon are first rate opprotunists.......nothing more, nothing less. An analogy would be that Steve is Oprah, and Jon is Dr. Phil. And the people they are exploiting................ISU fans. And I think that after Van Harden gave Steve the afternoon drive time spot on WHO, and Jon was elected to the school board, then CN was expendable. Neither are fans, they no longer need the exposure, so why the trouble? And in the future, I wouldn't be surprised to see SD use his time at WHO as a stepping stone to a gig in Michigan, and Jon using his school board tenure as reason to throw his name into the hat to get elected to the Iowa Senate.

As a side, my wife has tried to deal with Jon, and he is truely a three dollar bill. And I know SD's family-nice people.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 16, 2006
Menlo, Iowa
Before we throw Steve completely under the bus he did talk ISU sports on the radio a lot while ripping on Iowa and their fans. Not many talked ISU like Steve did and no one has matched the time he gave ISU since.

For the record for now CN contine to be an ISU web site the same as before just without the scout name.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
And what was his motive for talking ISU sports? Was he a fan? Hardly.

Again, I point back to the quote from him recently to show his true colors toward ISU. Sorry, I just can't pull the punches anymore.

I've watched them blame others for their problems, publicly trash people even. They've had the best press access out of anyone and completely wasted it. Have either even attended a hoops game this season? Site content completely stagnant for a very long time - for more than one period of time. When members ask for the content they paid for - they're told to be patient, they're busy, other "sob stories" or just plain get banned. And I'm not even referring to publicly asking - I'm referring to private, respectful e-mails from a number of individuals.

Steve is by far the lesser of the two evils - but I would never trust either of them for as long as I live. I have no problem with people making money by reporting on ISU athletics - they should be rewarded for their hard work.

I do have an issue with people taking advantage of others, providing a product that is far less than advertised, lying, backstabbing, threating others and generally treating their customers like useless individuals...all the while not caring or taking any responsibility for the results. I have a real issue with that.

Obviously, had an issue with it as well.

To be completely blunt, IMO, this is a good day in Cyclone athletics.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
They can contribute as much as they want on my blog.....:wink:

That way maybe they would actually do some work.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
From reading through this thread, I think there are unanswered questions about the departure of Chris Williams and Brent Blum. There are two sides to every story.

I will wholeheartedly agree though that the overall activity on the boards took a huge downward turn when they left. Content itself did not, however, throughout the spring, summer, and start of the football season.

I believe I know who the buyer of the site will be. They will have plenty of financial backing. It will be interesting to see who let go of who, CN or Scout rarely provided recruiting coverage as they had been contracted to do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
If anyone thinks Jon parted on his own terms, they're very naive to what was actually going on.

You are partially correct about 2 sides to every story. There are in fact 3. Side A....Side B...and then what really happened. I'll say this much - Chris and Brent have done far more in their short tenure on CN to earn my trust than Steve and Jon did in their entire CN lives. I'd believe Chris and Brent 10 times out of 10 over Steve and Jon. Without blinking an eye.

Chris and Brent were never given one single opportunity to answer the unanswered questions many of us had. Or even provide a public good-bye. Even the simple "thanks" messages from them on CN were swiftly deleted.


Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 1, 2006
I guess I missed all the fun on CN, but why would people stick around when that level of policing was going on on that site? That is what I liked about CF right away, we did not have to talk JUST about ISU. There were lots of other things to chat about in the offseason, so the board was busier than just the few days before a football game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
The only real policing that has been going on with the boards has been with the incessant whining from some messageboard posters about the lack of content. Anyone can talk about anything else off-topic on the board if they want to. Problem is, now you just end up talking to yourself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
The OT board was generally always like that or one filled with useless fighting.

I would also disagree with the "incessant whining comment". If I bought a bunch of CDs from a store and many of them were broken - I'd go back to the store and "complain". If nothing was done about it, I would firmly complain. If still nothing - bye-bye.

Members there are PAYING for information and for a long time were getting virtually nothing for it. I was just as a devoted member to CN as you or anyone else. When the ship began to sink, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I e-mailed them, trying to find out when things would pick back up. Instead of being treated as a customer, I was treated as an annoying enemy. Pretty much took care of any respect from me on the boards. I know of at least 5 other people with the exact same experience.

I don't care what kind of business you run, how busy you are or whatever else is going on - it's no way to run a business and certainly not how you treat your customers.

These two have no leg to stand on and are getting what's been coming to 'em by getting the boot from

Again, my biggest frustrations were not getting what I paid for, being treated like crap when asking questions (privately or public) and then the bevy of press access going virtually unused. While at the same time, other sources would love to have half of the access they do and provide good info from it - struggle to get any sort of access.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
Whining is OK, but when some of the posters there would do it ALL THE TIME....I mean, why would anyone continue to beat their head against a wall like that? Just cancel the membership and move on. If I go to BK and get a single Whopper instead of the double that I ordered (happened today, in fact), I'm not going to drive my *** back there and ***** about it. I just won't go back there and spend money for a very long time. SD used a fairly good analogy on there awhile back. If you really like Wendy's fries and don't like McDonalds' fries, are you going to up to the McDonald's counter and ***** and moan about how horrible their fries are? No, you go to Wendy's and buy their fries. No one is forcing anyone there to spend their money on CN.

I'm not going to sit here and try to defend their business ethics, its not my place to do so.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
It's a bit different spending $5.99 on a happy meal and $99 on a subscription that lasts a full year - something you paid for 12 months of coverage, not 6 months of coverage and 6 filled with excuses.

The fact is they would hear nothing of any questions respectful or whining - all of those were shut down very swiftly. I do agree the non-stop griping was silly - eventually gotta take your ball and just go home. However, pointing the finger at these members is nothing short of displacing the blame. Children do it quite often...Sam will kick Sally and scream "Johnny made me do it!". I guess I don't expect grown men to do it with such frequency and conviction.

The problem wasn't the members - it was Steve and Jon for not providing what they said they would. That is the issue...period.

I appreciate your perspective on the issue and enjoyed your post there and enjoy them here. I just can't agree with your views on this issue.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
I'm not pointing fingers at any of those members. Just saying that its worthless to continue whining about not having content. I just find it hard to relate to the whole paying for the full year thing as mine is paid on a monthly basis so that I can cancel anytime I want if I choose to do so.

Like I said though, if the buyer is who I think it is, they will have the large financial backing that they have been needing to hire the right people to work for them. As has been pointed out, and I believe accurately, both SD and JN have a lot of irons in the fire, and it appears that they've had difficulty in being able to find a dedicated journalist who is loyal to ISU to take over running the show.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
Buying one year is a better deal than one month. Well - that's how it's supposed to work. Judging from how the biz was run, it seems more of their subscribers did the full year. Smart choice going with the monthly option - not much lost if ya packed up and moved out.

I could go into why they're having troubles finding people to work for them and/or take over...but a number of those things have been said and I think I'll just let this one rest...for now.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
I would. Recruits that check scout or rivals as there first impression of ISU get a bad image if they check CN first.

I'd rather have everybody who subscribes to Rivals and Scout donate that money to the Athletic Department - and I bet Pollard would feel the same way.


Jul 1, 2006
Hey guys, long time poster at CN and lurker here. Like many others I renewed my yearly subscription last winter thinking they would find someone as good as Chris to run CN. Plus I have also been collecting the magazines since the days of Todd Stevens and the old Cyclone Illustrated. During spring ball and from July to September the site was actually pretty good. Then the season started and things started falling apart again. That was frustrating to see since I believe ISU benfits from having as many media sources as possible covering them. I moved back to Central Iowa about the same time sports talk radio started at the JOCK. The first couple years there was a heavy Hawkeye bias in their programming until Steve came along. He may not always have been positive but he always gave the Cyclones more than even time. So much that it used to PO any Hawk fan I knew that listened. I guess I looked at that as a good thing.

Well that is probably enough for my first post here. Good to see old names that I recognize like KingCy, sloaner, spokane and others.