Narcisse Leaving CN


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 16, 2006
Menlo, Iowa
Well that is probably enough for my first post here. Good to see old names that I recognize like KingCy, sloaner, spokane and others.

Welcome aboard. I really started getting active here a few weeks ago. Looks like most everyone is coming over here now, there are a few more that havnt changed over just yet. Its cool to see people using their same usernames here and there.

I wonder what will become of CN. If they want to keep and gain business it looks like they have a lot of work to do and maintain that work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Whining is OK, but when some of the posters there would do it ALL THE TIME....I mean, why would anyone continue to beat their head against a wall like that? Just cancel the membership and move on. If I go to BK and get a single Whopper instead of the double that I ordered (happened today, in fact), I'm not going to drive my *** back there and ***** about it. I just won't go back there and spend money for a very long time. SD used a fairly good analogy on there awhile back. If you really like Wendy's fries and don't like McDonalds' fries, are you going to up to the McDonald's counter and ***** and moan about how horrible their fries are? No, you go to Wendy's and buy their fries. No one is forcing anyone there to spend their money on CN.

I'm not going to sit here and try to defend their business ethics, its not my place to do so.

The difference being, CN seemed to give you only a child size order of fries when you ordered and paid for a full meal. When you go back to complain, they kick you out of the restaurant and tell you not to eat there again. You may even LIKE their food, but they are unwilling to fulfill their end of the contract they agreed to when they took your money, and insult you when you confront them. I see no problem in complaining about that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Todd Stevens and Cyclone Illustrated, those were the days.

Anyone know where Todd is at these days?

Yeah, if I'm not mistaken Todd owns a bar in Mason City.

Is he still writing? I loved his columns in the Ames Tribune.

Todd does own, with his cousins, a bar in Mason City named "Cousins."

His full time gig is in the education/training department at Farm Bureau. He did my orientation 4 years ago and has conducted some other classes that I've been in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
The difference being, CN seemed to give you only a child size order of fries when you ordered and paid for a full meal. When you go back to complain, they kick you out of the restaurant and tell you not to eat there again. You may even LIKE their food, but they are unwilling to fulfill their end of the contract they agreed to when they took your money, and insult you when you confront them. I see no problem in complaining about that.

Ding, ding, ding - We have a winner!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
I think Steve Deace has too many fires burning. Didn't he and Jon miller just buy a mortgage company? Great timing....What's next on the plate? Maybe an importer of Chinese toys..


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
I think Steve Deace has too many fires burning. Didn't he and Jon miller just buy a mortgage company? Great timing....What's next on the plate? Maybe an importer of Chinese toys..

I think they're just talking heads for the company. Probably talk it up on their shows, maybe the websites and get a kickback. Remember after the ISU fb game earlier this year where SD just went on for 3 or 4 minutes about it.

Can't imagine they're involved day to day.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
Deace is a Michigan fan. Miller and Narcisse are Iowa fans. I think everyone can see right through them when they talk about Iowa State and pretend to care. Like Jeremy stated in an earlier post, fans want to be associated with a site or program that is run by fans of the team they root for. That is why I think this site and the other one, which are run by true ISU fans, are leaving CN in the dust.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
Two issues of CN ago featured the basketball teams complete with pictures of Genisis Lightbourne with her skin color change. Actually they used a wrong picture to identify her and as I recall, left out another female player bio and pic. I email to complain and posed the question of why did I subscribe to a rag that can't even bother to proofread it's product......No response and when it comes time to renew....the answer will be the same response :sad::no:


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Metropolis of Ames
Buyer beware! SD is only in it for the money. You are not supporting ISU by giving him money he did not earn. Only support pay sites that you feel are earning your money. CN does not deliver -- many examples are on this thread. I have more but the point is don't pay SD for a poor website. Other school sites have far more information on it, including better free info. You can tell the quality of a site by the free articles. If you like more details and breaking news, then you pay these sites. Again, CN doesn't deliver. It doesn't matter that SD is trying to buy another business and his "attention" is elsewhere. Could you get by with this level of performance at your PAID job?

Don't pay CN and the problem fixes itself. Also, be very leery of sports site owners who put pics of themselves and their kids. Is it about them? Or is it about supporting the team? I was paying for news and info about the team; I don't care about your kids getting braces.

Omaha Cy

Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 1, 2007
Re: ******** Leaving CN

wow, ive been out of the loop with the saga of CN.

Ive noticed a huge drop off in content with the magazine by flipping thru it at the grocery store. Its paper thin right now. Furthermore it seems like its coming out less frequently. I recall seeing a few of them in the last month having the ISU/IU football game coverage on it.

originally when SD was on state of the nations a few years back i liked his effort to support ISU. I switched from mediacom to dish so i was unable to watch the show this fall, but it sounds like i didnt miss anything.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 19, 2006
Re: ******** Leaving CN

Has anyone paid for the Cyclone Times sub? Just wondering


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Re: ******** Leaving CN

originally when SD was on state of the nations a few years back i liked his effort to support ISU. I switched from mediacom to dish so i was unable to watch the show this fall, but it sounds like i didnt miss anything.

My only exposure to SD is on the State of the Nations show. And while he does come off as pompous and makes horrible attempts at being humorous at times, I think him and Miller do a pretty good job on the show. I like watching it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
Re: ******** Leaving CN

Whining is OK, but when some of the posters there would do it ALL THE TIME....I mean, why would anyone continue to beat their head against a wall like that? Just cancel the membership and move on. If I go to BK and get a single Whopper instead of the double that I ordered (happened today, in fact), I'm not going to drive my *** back there and ***** about it. I just won't go back there and spend money for a very long time. SD used a fairly good analogy on there awhile back. If you really like Wendy's fries and don't like McDonalds' fries, are you going to up to the McDonald's counter and ***** and moan about how horrible their fries are? No, you go to Wendy's and buy their fries. No one is forcing anyone there to spend their money on CN.

I'm not going to sit here and try to defend their business ethics, its not my place to do so.

Not to be horribly mean, but that bolded part is just too funny.