Info: New Site Rule - No "Hottie" Threads or "Babe" Pics

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Feb 28, 2006

Due to the increasing trend of having half-naked lady picture in posts/threads, I have made the executive decision to make a new rule prohibiting provocative pictures in posts, threads, signatures or in avatars (this includes both women and men).


As much as I love the ladies, the site needs to remain as work and family friendly as possible. While the pictures are typically not indecent, they are not exactly work friendly for certain places of business - let alone constructive.

I apologize for the hard-line taken on this rule, it's just a very slippery slope and we need to look out for all levels & types of indecency on the site.

And obviously; pics of ISU cheerleaders & photos that possibly have secondary elements of ladies/men in them are all ok - it's just the obvious "babe" pics that are the driving force of this new rule.

There are plenty of places to share such pictures, this just isn't the place.

Thank You,
Jeremy Lind & CF Mod Squad
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