***Official Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 11-20-2019***

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Thoughts on this week's mailbag

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
First and foremost, a few links:
Our official question submissions thread: https://cyclonefanatic.com/forum/th...n-weekly-mailbag-questions-submission.251174/

Link to last five mailbags (if bored and need some reading material):

Weekly Insider Information Mailbag 11-20-2019
Brought to you by ESPN+. ESPN+, putting CyclonesTV out of its misery since 2019. You can thank us later.

@cyclones500 asks: Since you asked. Each co-host chooses an all-decade team for Iowa State MBB, 2010-11 thru 2018-19. You get 5 starters and 3 off the bench, plus one most-underrated player of the decade, who cannot be included in your top 8.
You do not have to adhere to position. For example, if you want five guards in the starting lineup, go ahead. Want five centers in the top 5? (We didn't have enough significant, pure centers, so that's a bad example)
Georges at the 5, Royce at the 4, Ejim at the 3, Kane at the 2 and Monte at the 1. Bench: Tyrus McGee, Matt Thomas, Dustin Hogue. Underrated: Nader (can an NBA guy be underrated?)
GTO: Starting 5: Melvin Ejim, Royce White, Georges Niang, Monte Morris, DeAndre Kane. Bench: Matt Thomas, Tyrese Haliburton, Marial Shayok. Underrated: Tyrus McGee. This was very hard, as I really wanted Dustin Hogue or Naz Long in there. Maybe in place of Shayok?.
GTO: Same exact starting five?

Pants: I almost put something else, because that’s almost just the starting lineup of the 2013 team, but it was hard for me to justify any other starters.

@Sigmapolis asks: Which five movies describe your work life the best and why those five?
Why??? Okay, The Fast and the Furious when doing our usual month-end procedures. Office Space whenever dealing with printer issues. Glengarry Glenn Ross whenever I sell one of my clients on something. The Producers for those times when we overcommit. And finally, Friday for the arrival of our favorite day of the work week.
Pants: Okay. This is way harder than it should be, so I’m just going to pick 5 movies from my DVDs that are in front of me and I’m only doing it based on how the title and/or general premise of the movie describes it..
  1. “I Love You, Man”-Because I genuinely love what I do and enjoy going to work (almost) every day.
  2. “Life of Pi”-Because I work in mathematics.
  3. “Big Fish”-Because I’m the boss.
  4. “HappyThankYouMorePlease”-Because again, I really enjoy what I do and am happy to be doing it.
  5. “Bite Me”-Okay, that one was just for Sig for asking this question.
@jsb trying to gauge everyone’s hate level: Who do you hate more, Herman or Rhule? If you don’t hate either of them what is wrong with you?
I’m going Herman. While I dislike Rhule, I think a large part of my hatred for him is the team he coaches for and the history with that, as well as that he’s been good enough to bring an underserving program to prominence again. So only probably about 40% of my hatred of Rhule is from his actions alone. Herman is just a massive tool and deserves nothing but to fail everywhere he goes.
GTO: Damn, this one is hard. To be clear, I hate both of them. However, I think everyone knows that Herman is a douche. Rhule, on the other hand, I think tries to give this “nice guy” appearance while being a huge ***hole. I think that bothers me more. Winner - Rhule.

@CloniesForLife wants to know: Having seen our bball team play a few games now do you think we make it to the NCAA tourney? If so what seed?
I think our team could finish around .500 in the conference and make the tournament. I would guess 7-10 seed, but we need everything to go right for us.
Pants: Yes, we’ll make the tournament. Anywhere between an 8-10 seed. We’ll be sweating it more than we have in the past, but we’ll still make it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@CoKane with a great question: With the possibility of college sports video games coming back, which ISU player during the dead period of college sports games would have been the most fun to play as?
Well, let’s clarify, it will probably only be college football coming back. College basketball games stopped being made before those rule changes because they just didn’t sell very well. We might get a year or two of it, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see those leave shortly thereafter. Royce would be the correct answer there. But for football, I’d say David Montgomery. He was probably the player we had that had the most “video game” like moves.
GTO: Steele Jantz - would be like hitting the “random” button in the character selection screen. No idea which player you’ll get: a QB that throws for 400yds and 4 TDs, or 189 yds and 3 INTs.

@Gunnerclone asks: If you go to a classic “breakfast place/greasy spoon” style diner, what is your go to order? How do you take your eggs? What kind of toast?
My go to breakfast items: Denver omelette, farmer’s scramble, or eggs benedict. If I go for just separate items: scrambled eggs, sausage patties/bacon, hash browns, and sourdough toast. If they don’t have sourdough, then white bread. Never wheat toast. Ever.
Pants: I always used to go to classic greasy spoon diners. Every Saturday morning I’d go to one with a book and order breakfast and read. Haven’t found a good place in Virginia yet. But the order was always eggs over easy, dry white toast, hash browns and a black coffee.

@coolerifyoudid asks: We are approaching a time where I once debated watching ISU football play K-State in person or ISU basketball in the Bahamas in person. What is an appropriate wedding gift for a niece that schedules her wedding during this time frame?
Probably the nicest thing you can afford because you sure aren’t going to be at the wedding.
GTO: My passive-aggressive self would schedule a major medical procedure on the day of their anniversary (probably a couple of years later) and have them spend the day at the hospital. Then, give them an anniversary card and write in there: “This is for making me miss Battle for Atlantis 2019. Hope you enjoyed your anniversary at the hospital. Next time don’t plan **** around Cyclone sports.” Too much?

@cyclones500 wants to know: Which is giving you the most pleasure, currently?
(1) Assalley's leg
(2) Life in general
Assalley’s leg giving me pleasure just doesn’t sound right, so I’ll go with life in general. Job is going well, getting my yearly bonus this Friday (yay!), family doing well, can’t complain about anything.
Pants: Life in general. Things have been going pretty well lately. At a job I really enjoy, in a place that, while it isn’t Hawaii, is still a great place to live. I generally don’t get too down when my sports teams lose anymore. So life is going well, I’d say.

@cyclones500 asks: What is your favorite calendar month as a sports spectator? You may combine pro/amateur into one or do separate lists, but each co-host should use the same format.
Probably October? While I enjoy ISU basketball, it’s not something I get super jacked up for. I’m a football guy and that’s really the only sport I devote specific time to. And I’m not a big NFL guy. So October is usually when conference play starts, so I’d go with that.
GTO: November. Football wrapping up with the most important games for our overall record and basketball just getting started for a first look at all our exciting new players.

@coolerifyoudid getting to know us better: What are your guilty pleasures:
1) song
2) movie
3) food
4) drink
5) man-crush
Song: Greenlight by Lorde. Movie: Barbarella. Food: Is there such thing as a guilty pleasure food? Guilty pleasure means like, something you’re supposed to be embarrassed by, right? Drink: Malibu and pineapple. Man-Crush: Jason Segel.
GTO: Song: Stay by Lisa Loeb (don’t judge). Food: Popeye’s chicken (while bulking up for football season). Movie: Jurassic Park III (not a good movie, but I can’t stop watching it whenever it comes on. Probably to see the Spinosaurus). Drink: white russians (I like bowling). Man-Crush: Kurt Russell (no explanation needed).
Pants: Dude, “Stay” is a great song. No shame in that one whatsoever. Also, Lisa Loeb is still a babe.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@Cyched with another mind bender this week: If a bunch of cats jump on each other, is it still called a dog pile?
Yes. A dog-pile described a tackling mound of American football players as early as 1921. An earlier form, found in the 1880’s, was a pig pile. The expression is inspired by the way dogs seem to pile on each other when feeding or playing.
GTO: Cats? I wouldn't call that a dog pile. I would categorically call that a “cat-atonic cat-astrophe of cat-aclysmic proportions.''

@ImJustKCClone wonders: In any given year, in which five bowls would you most like to see the Cyclones play , and why? Do not include the championship game because that's too obvious.
Include location, date, bowl importance. and atmosphere in your choices.
Edit - by that, I mean you might like to go to a lesser bowl due to convenient time, or great atmosphere…
Frisco Bowl - terrible stadium for a bowl game, but literally 10 minutes from where I live. First Responder Bowl - played at the old Cotton Bowl stadium in Dallas (same place where the Red River shootout is played annually. Cotton Bowl - Jerry World, baby! Nice newer stadium, great capacity. Sugar Bowl - play against a heavyweight. Alamo Bowl - missed going there last year, but should be able to make it next time.
Pants: No particular order: Orange Bowl-Big bowl game that’s a decent distance to me. Sugar Bowl-Big bowl game, and Nola could be fun. Rose Bowl-Big Bowl game and California is awesome. Hawaii Bowl-obvious reason for me. Holiday Bowl-Just always seems like a super fun and exciting game. Plus, San Diego….

@BCClone asks: Would you agree to streak across the field during a game if it guaranteed the cyclones won a national championship? (@Cyched also observes: Yes, with the stipulation that it’s cold out.)
I would do it even if we weren’t guaranteed to win a national championship.
GTO: I think Cyched had it correct with the built-in excuse. Either way, if you’re not sitting at the very top, better bring an umbrella or raincoat because there’s going to be some hurling!

@BCClone with another one: With the muddy conditions, you prefer to wipeout on the ice during winter or mud on a day like today?
Never wiped out on mud, but did on ice. Wait, if on mud, is there any possibility of a mud wrestling fight breaking out?
Pants: Probably ice. It will hurt more, but I don’t have to change my clothes.

@BCClone is now on fire: If you had to give up one body part to live, what body part would that be?
Based on your follow up, it sounds like it has to be all of them (so not just one toe, all toes) so I’m assuming if I said leg, that would mean both legs, not one? So I guess toes? Those seem the least intrusive and least to effect my day to day life?
GTO: I could say appendix, one kidney, or gall bladder, but that would be kind of cheap. Left hand, I guess? Now, what would I replace that hand with? Pirate hook? Robotic hand? Giant sports foam hand?

@BCClone again: Who is the guest answerer?
You just won the Daily Double!
Pants: Jesus. He’s with us always.
GTO: Rather have Jesus than JFC.

@BCClone just will not be silenced: Did you ever date somebody that was so far out of your league you weren’t upset when they broke up with you because you figured they would do it sooner or later anyhow?
It somewhat depends on what you consider dating? For this purpose, I’ll say like, an actual relationship. I always date above me. So I’m usually a 4, maybe a 5 on a good day, and I’d say I’ve never been in a relationship with less than a 6. So really they’re all out of my league. My ex-wife was WAY out of my league, so, even though it was a mutual separation, it was still kind of like “wow, I don’t know how I pulled that off, but it was good while it lasted.”
GTO: Can’t say I’ve ever gone through this. Either I’ve stayed within my weight class or people I’ve dated outkicked THEIR coverage. ;) Except for Mrs. GTO, but she doesn’t count because we haven’t broken up. ::looks over shoulder::
Pants: Yet…..

@coolerifyoudid asks: What are your qualifications for a guest answerer?
Does your ideal candidate have to be:
a) interesting
b) funny
c) able to construct a coherent sentence
d) willing to trade sexual favors
e) all of the above
If your answer is E, please let me know so I can stop putting my resume together. I'm not very interesting.
A, B, and C. As for D, do you wax your Assalley or is it all 70’s hairy? Will need that information before making a decision.
Pants: Preferably A, B, C. D isn’t a requirement, because, honestly, I’ve seen a lot of you and what you look like and you’re well below me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@cychhosis asks: What would be the current state of ISU BB if they hired Mike Krzyzewski instead of J. O. ?
Multiple national championships.
GTO: Bigger meltdowns after basketball losses? Is that even possible for CF?

@CloneLawman asks: I think maybe BC should so serve, don't you think?
It’s a heavy weeding out process amongst all of our candidates. We’re considering fights to the death to determine guest speakers.
GTO: List of mailbag guests for the next few weeks will be posted right outside my office by Friday.

@CoKane asks: If the Big 12 expanded up to 14 teams who would you add(realistically of course) and what would the divisions look like
EDIT: To make it even juicier, gonna make it 16 instead
Step 1 - kick Baylor out of the conference. Step 2 - find seven teams to add. I would add Arizona, Arizona State, Cincinnati, Pitt, BYU, Colorado, and Boise State. West division - Boise State, Az, Az State, TTech, TCU, Colorado, Texas, BYU. East Division - OU, ISU, OSU, KS, KSU, WV, Pitt, Cincy.
Pants: So Realistically I’m assuming that means not poaching other teams from major conferences? UCF and Louisville are the two most often talked about. I’d also think BYU and Air Force would be cool additions, though both would probably be a stretch. Cincinnati and Pitt as my last two, though I don’t know if they’re still locked into anything from re-alignment. Then you go Texas, Tech, OU, TCU, Baylor, OSU, BYU, Air Force as one division and ISU, WVU, Kansas KSU, Pitt, Cincinnati, UCF, Louisville as the other, with locked in guaranteed games with at least one game at Texas annually for recruiting purposes. That said, the whole concept of 16, or even 14 team conferences is super ******* stupid and I hope the Big 12 would never, ever do it.

@GTO asks: I have a question for this week. If you had to pick ISU's bowl opponent (not considering which bowl it may be), rank from the following list and provide a reasoning:
Notre Dame
Ohio State
Appalachian State
Texas A&M/Colorado/Mizzou/Nebraska
1. Ohio State-They’re the team everyone thinks MC would leave for, and I’d love seeing the tongue ties of announcers saying Iowa State and Ohio State.
2. LSU-Best team on the list.
3. Notre Dame-Would be fun to take on them. Don’t know if we’ve ever played them in my or my parent’s lifetime?
4. TAMU, CU, MU, NU-Old Big 12 teams would be a fun throw back.
5. Appalachian State-An up and coming team. Would be a fun matchup.
6. Iowa-I don’t even like playing them in the regular season, I sure as **** don’t want to see my bowl season tainted by them.
GTO: 1. LSU - measure ourselves against the best.
2. Notre Dame - one of the biggest names in Football guarantees that we would be receiving the most exposure nationally for this game.
3. Ohio State - chance to beat the B1G’s best and silence a whole conference.
4. Iowa - would love to give our players a chance at revenge.
5. Texas A&M/Colorado/Mizzou/Nebraska - chance to punish the deserters.
6. Appalachian State - win and people will say you proved nothing. Lose and we’ll be made fun of because it was App State. No win situation.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@cyrocksmypants asks: Similar question I’ve been thinking about for some reason this week is would you rather be blind or be deaf?
Deaf for sure. I could still be self sufficient and could still enjoy many things in life. Being blind just sucks. You would need tons of help and your choices for entertainment are severely limited.
Pants: I think I’d go with blind. I know you can overcome deafness by reading lips and sign language and such, but I don’t think I could ever survive without music in my life. It plays such an integral part of every single day I live.
GTO: Good luck only being able to listen to porn!
Pants: I’m sure I could find some women willing to pity help me. I mean, it’s not like I’ll know what they look like.
GTO: Really? Let’s see if I can change your mind on this by sharing my decision making list (worth a final try):
Can watch movies and TV (with subtitles)
Watch Cyclone sports
Internet and CycloneFanatic
Adult entertainment
Can drive and/or ride a bike
Can read any book
Can work
Video Games
No music and everything is always complete silence. (this one does suck)

Books on tape.
Audio only for Cyclone sports
No Internet or CycloneFanatic
No adult entertainment
Can’t drive or ride a bike (at least not safely)
Only books in Braille
Most likely limited in work opportunities
No Video Games
Can listen to music and conversation.

Pants: Not gonna lie, No CycloneFanatic isn’t the worst thing in the world….

@CySmurf asks: When John Walters calls it a career, who would you like to see take his place. Also who would you like to see take Eric Heft's place when he decides to hang it up? ( Let me say I hope they both continue for a long time.)
: Blum does a really good job, but his voice just can’t replace JW. (No offense Brent, I know you can’t control that.) Also, how cool would someone like Naz be, if he ever decided to hang up the sneakers?
GTO: Throw money at Fran Fraschilla and hire him as the analyst. For play-by-play, I’m thinking we steal Gary Dolphin and we let him go ape**** during the Iowa game.

@BCClone paying attention: guest picker?? What does the guest pick?
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
Pants: Their butt.

@BCClone with an unfortunate story from his childhood: Speaking of this, what is the grossest thing you saw as a kid (not counting an injury type thing)? I remember riding the bus home from school and saw this older kid pick his nose and pull out this nasty sloppy booger. He extended his finger out to this other younger kid and the kid wolfed it down. I’m still about gagging picturing it 35 years later.
On two separate occasions I walked in on my dad boning my mom doggy style. I’d probably have to go with that.
GTO: I would like the mailbag to note that @BCClone appears to have taken a bus to school which was not of the standard length. Grossest thing I’ve ever seen... Kind of a long story, but here it goes. One time while driving from Iowa to Texas, we had to stop in an Oklahoma rest stop to use the restroom. So I take my oldest son and we go on our way to the men’s restroom. When we walk in, it was a total disaster. There was water all over the floors at least an inch deep and one of the toilets in the stalls was full of **** and overflowing. The place stank like piss. My son and I just used the urinal from about 3 feet away and did not wash our hands. Just used hand sanitizer and hand wipes from our car.
As I’m putting on my seatbelt and getting ready to go, I see a guy and his two sons walking barefoot from their car in the direction of the restroom. I shifted the car back to park while my wife wondered what I was doing. I told her I needed to see this. Well, I kid you not, they were in there a good solid 5 minutes and then came back out as if nothing happened. I wanted to throw up. The only place I ever walk barefoot is the beach, the pool, or inside my own house.
Pants: For some reason this reminded me of when I lived in Indiana and I was driving down Meridian to Circle Center. I think I was going to volunteer at the zoo maybe? It was summer and like, 100 degrees out. And some dude is just walking down the sidewalk eating mayonnaise out of a Costco sized jar with his bare hands. Just like, dipping it in the jar, pulling it out and eating it.
GTO: Eewwww! (did I spell that right?)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@CySmurf grossing everyone out: Can people with dentures have long passionate kisses or do they have to remove them to accomplish this?
@ImJustKCClone - need some help with this one.
Pants: I’d imagine as long as the denture glue or whatever it’s called was strong enough to keep the dentures from falling off, they’d still be okay? GTO, can you tag KC to confirm? Also, I hate CySmurf for this.

@Lexclone with the follow up for @CySmurf: Been cruising nursing homes again?
Nah, Gilfs aren’t really my thing. I’m still struggling with the acceptance of, being a 36 year old single man, Milfs are going to have to.
GTO: Too young for the home, too old for the club.

@NWICY with a few questions for the crew: FB question KU or Clones. I'm taking the Clones.
For non conference MBB games (non rivalry non big name) is it ok to wait till after tip to arrive to get a more favorable parking spot?
What is your favorite fruit snack?
Clones all the way. So you’re proposing missing just the tip? ;) Favorite fruit would be a pear. Not enough pear-flavored things out there.
Pants: Absolutely not. True fans are there from tip to final whistle. Also, I’m a big fan of blueberries, but they’re really hit or miss. Also, I’m fully aware blueberries are technically a berry and not a fruit. So cherries, I guess.

@VegasCy asks: Reggie Smith had “technical difficulties” with his microphone on Saturday, who do I need to send the Christmas gift to?
I’m still amazed people know ref names, let alone their career situations.
GTO: Other than Hollywood Higgins and Tom Eades, I couldn’t pick any other refs out of a lineup. What has Reggie Smith done to deserve this? I actually found it annoying that I could not tell what the hell happened in those penalties.

@VegasCy asks: After 10 games, here are some stats on our defense:
1. 91st in red zone defense
2. 85th in 3rd down conversion defense
3. 96th in forced turnovers per game
At times, our defense looks ultra aggressive, and other times looks pretty porous. We give up 7 points through 3 quarters vs Texas (14 in the 4th) and 7 points vs OU in the second half (42 for the game). Why aren’t we more consistent on defense?
How about first half vs. second half stats? It seems like we consistently shut teams down in the second half. Heacock makes great halftime adjustments, but I wonder why our defensive game plan seems to be inadequate in the first half of every game.
Pants: Our defense just isn’t as good this year. Not to say they’re bad, or that they’re not good. They’re just not AS good. Our corners are a huge drop off from last year. Rose isn’t as good in his new position as he was in his old position last season, but overall as a unit the linebacking core is probably better with Orien Vance as well. BUT Vance is also awful in pass coverage as well. Again, no disparaging, it’s still a talented and good unit, just not up to par with last season’s and probably the season before.

@VegasCy asking about positions: What was your body position during the final field goal on Saturday? Myself, I was on my knees on the living room floor saying a prayer, while my wife was (she’s a Hok) laughing at me and telling me I better have my nut cup on. I can’t wait for basketball so I can shut her up. We’re going to win that game, right? Maybe? Hopefully? Please?
Every field goal I was literally closing my eyes and crossing my fingers. Also, we’ve got some growing pains in basketball, but fortunately, Iowa doesn’t have a veteran group as well, so I’ll be shocked if we lose that one, especially with it being in Hilton.
GTO: Fetal position. By the way, **** Iowa must mean something entirely different to you. Will we beat the Hoks in Hilton? If we don’t improve our outside shooting, it will be a struggle. Still picking the Clones.

@coolerifyoudid asks: Finish this sentence:
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm really looking forward to _______.
GTO’s answer.

@BCClone asks: At an old rub and tug, do you tip when the lady starts the massage? when she says she is finished? Or what? You don’t just say here’s a c-note for the happy ending do you? And how much do you tip?
I am opting to feeling free to using the response of @Doc.
GTO: I would never pay for a job I can do myself for free. Help save American jobs!
GTO: Okay, I’m going to need this infamous Doc response.
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Ancient Argumentative and Accidental Assassin Ape
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 18, 2013
traipsing thru the treetops
@CySmurf grossing everyone out: Can people with dentures have long passionate kisses or do they have to remove them to accomplish this?
@ImJustKCClone - need some help with this one.
Pants: I’d imagine as long as the denture glue or whatever it’s called was strong enough to keep the dentures from falling off, they’d still be okay? GTO, can you tag KC to confirm? Also, I hate CySmurf for this.
Hate to disappoint you boys (well, actually, not really...) but with the exception of two non-removable implants, all the teeth in my mouth are my own. SO BITE ME!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
@coolerifyoudid getting to know us better: What are your guilty pleasures:
5) man-crush
Song: Greenlight by Lorde. Movie: Barbarella. Food: Is there such thing as a guilty pleasure food? Guilty pleasure means like, something you’re supposed to be embarrassed by, right? Drink: Malibu and pineapple. Man-Crush: Jason Segel.
Jason Segal? Come on Pants. At least pick somebody hot.

@BCClone just will not be silenced: Did you ever date somebody that was so far out of your league you weren’t upset when they broke up with you because you figured they would do it sooner or later anyhow?
It somewhat depends on what you consider dating? For this purpose, I’ll say like, an actual relationship. I always date above me. So I’m usually a 4, maybe a 5 on a good day, and I’d say I’ve never been in a relationship with less than a 6. So really they’re all out of my league. My ex-wife was WAY out of my league, so, even though it was a mutual separation, it was still kind of like “wow, I don’t know how I pulled that off, but it was good while it lasted.”
GTO: Can’t say I’ve ever gone through this. Either I’ve stayed within my weight class or people I’ve dated outkicked THEIR coverage. ;) Except for Mrs. GTO, but she doesn’t count because we haven’t broken up. ::looks over shoulder::
Pants: Yet…..
My lovely wife. Every day when I go to work I just assume she's going to hook up with some other dude during the day and leave me.

By the way, being married to a teacher and getting all the school scuttlebutt, I never realized how schools were such a den of lust. If there weren't so many kids around, soap operas could be based on the activities that occur between employees at a school.

@CloneLawman asks: I think maybe BC should so serve, don't you think?
It’s a heavy weeding out process amongst all of our candidates. We’re considering fights to the death to determine guest speakers.
GTO: List of mailbag guests for the next few weeks will be posted right outside my office by Friday.
Yes. Harvest has to be done by now doesn't it?

@GTO asks: I have a question for this week. If you had to pick ISU's bowl opponent (not considering which bowl it may be), rank from the following list and provide a reasoning:
Notre Dame
Ohio State
Appalachian State
Texas A&M/Colorado/Mizzou/Nebraska
Iowa has to be at the bottom. I think it would be fun to play them but I wouldn't want the host city to get our polite, enthusiastic, good-natured fans mixed up with those loud-mouth, animal children of insurance salesmen.

@coolerifyoudid asks: Finish this sentence:
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm really looking forward to _______.
GTO’s answer.
Next week's mailbag. Love you guys!
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Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
Jason Segal? Come on Pants. At least pick somebody hot.

My lovely wife. Every day when I go to work I just assume she's going to hook up with some other dude during the day and leave me.

By the way, being married to a teacher and getting all the school scuttlebutt, I never realized how schools were such a den of lust. If there weren't so many kids around, soap operas could be based on the activities that occur between employees at a school.

Yes. Harvest has to be done by now doesn't it?

Iowa has to be at the bottom. I think it would be fun to play them but I wouldn't want the host city to get our polite, enthusiastic, good-natured fans mixed up with those loud-mouth, animal children of insurance salesmen.

Next week's mailbag. Love you guys!

Roughly 4 o’clock harvest will be done. Then a day or two of fieldwork and then down to 10-12 hour days.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
Jason Segal? Come on Pants. At least pick somebody hot.

My lovely wife. Every day when I go to work I just assume she's going to hook up with some other dude during the day and leave me.

By the way, being married to a teacher and getting all the school scuttlebutt, I never realized how schools were such a den of lust. If there weren't so many kids around, soap operas could be based on the activities that occur between employees at a school.

Yes. Harvest has to be done by now doesn't it?

Iowa has to be at the bottom. I think it would be fun to play them but I wouldn't want the host city to get our polite, enthusiastic, good-natured fans mixed up with those loud-mouth, animal children of insurance salesmen.

Next week's mailbag. Love you guys!
It’s guilty pleasure man-crush, not gimme man-Crush. That would be Paul Rudd, like it is for everyone else.
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