***Official Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 12-18-2019***

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Thoughts on this week's Mailbag

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Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
First and foremost, a few links:
Our official question submissions thread: https://cyclonefanatic.com/forum/th...n-weekly-mailbag-questions-submission.251174/

Link to last five mailbags (if bored and need some reading material):

Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 12-18-2019
Presented by Great Value brand toilet paper. Because sometimes a pine cone will do a better job.

@CoKane asks: IDK if I'm too early or too late or what is going on anymore but I'm gonna ask while Im here. Who do you think is the correct choice for Cyclone of the Decade(both coaches and players eligible)?
Georges Niang, and honestly, I don’t know if anyone else is even close? I know we’ve had some FANTASTIC national champions in cross country, but it’s just not visible enough of a sport, in my opinion.
GTO: In order: Georges Niang, Allen Lazard, Jamie Pollard, Matt Campbell. However, for being representative of what it means to be a Cyclone forever, I would go with Georges and Allen.

@demoncore1031 asks: How many times will Ian Book be sacked by Will McDonald?
1, but he’ll get held a dozen times.
GTO: Agree with Pants here. He might get 1 or maybe 2 before the refs start protecting their blueblood and allow them to cheat/hold the rest of the game. Honestly, has been the story all year for McDonald, as no offensive linemen can match his speed. I would like for CMC to get into the ref’s ears so that they start calling those obvious holds.

@Cyforce with a lineup question: Any chance one of the incoming QBs gain enough of Campbell's trust that we could see Re-al line up in the slot on occasion? M seems to be the one position next season we won't have a game changer unless Milton moves back inside.
Milton will move back inside, and Re-al will transfer before he changes position.
GTO: I could see Re-Al getting some of the touches Nwangwu gets today before I see him at wide receiver. Either way, I have a feeling he may transfer next year if Purdy comes back for his senior year. Just a feeling.

@ImJustKCClone trying to doxx a Hok troll: Instate rivals has a newly minted (as of 12/15) "dislike fairy" named PeacefulRival. Whose alt is it?
@CloneLawman also adds: Further, please give us a complete psychological profile for the Peaceful Idiot. Thank you.
I’ve mostly avoided the ISR threads since the loss. The few times I’ve gone in there it has been unbearable. God bless @CyTwins for the work he puts in there day after day. I have no clue who PeacefulRival may be, but the psych profile is pretty standard for most Hoks: peaked in high school, lives in parent’s basement, has multiple Hawkeye tattoos, can’t hold a job, sexually inadequate, and ties up all their home’s internet bandwidth by being on CF all day arguing with CyTwins.
Pants: I honestly haven’t posted in the rivals board since our loss last week. You people that can visit that place after a loss to them are braver than the troops.

@Cyched strikes again: Why do 'fat chance' and 'slim chance' mean the same thing?
Slim chance is a literal meaning whereas Fat chance is used as an ironic or sarcastic meaning.
GTO: Why are you body shaming fat chance? What’s next? Will you buy fat chance a Peloton for Christmas and force him to keep a video log of his year-long journey?

@BCClone trying to decide on what to add to the Costco shopping list: What brand of toilet paper is the best?
Charmin is my favorite, but I’ve always been bothered by the butt-wiping bears. The worst one is the commercial where the bear has pieces of toilet paper stuck to his butt. I really don’t need to visualize a bear wiping his ass everytime I think of your brand.
Pants: Angel Soft is a surprisingly soft, yet affordable brand.

@BCClone asks: Is it ok to tell people who you don’t know well that what they said is pretty darn dumb(in some sort or other)? Or even telling them that they ate one of the dumber people you know? I live in a town full of stupid people and it gets annoying after awhile. I’m talking in person, not on a message board.
I think I had a stroke while reading this. Do they become more dumb by eating a dumb person? I’m typically a pretty blunt person, and have no qualms with telling someone to their face that what they’re saying is stupid. The way to do it is to frame what they say or do as stupid, and not just calling they straight up stupid.
GTO: Some tribes believed that you gained strength by absorbing the life force of animals/people you ate (also depicted in the criminally underrated movie Ravenous). In this case, it would make sense that eating someone dumb would make that person even dumber. But I digress. If you need to tell someone they’re dumb, the best way is to mock them by exagerating their dumb behavior right to their face.
Pants: So like…..in kind of a Highlander sort of way?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@BCClone asks: I prefer to only hear Christmas music a few days before Christmas, how soon should Christmas music be played?
Early November to Christmas day. No earlier or later should be acceptable.
Pants: I love Christmas music, so Thanksgiving Day to New Years Day is good for me.

@cmjh10 twisting that knife: So......basketball team is something else isn’t it?
Too soon.
GTO: Something else besides a basketball team? I may have to agree.

@mdk2isu asks: On this note, how is your cube/work space decorated? What Cyclone decor do you have up?
Hate to say that I took all my Cyclone stuff home between building moves and have not brought it back into the office. I did have some posters with the MBB and WBB schedules sent to me by @NWICY, but they were old and I took them down a couple of months ago.
Pants: I office from home, but I do have some ISU stuff at my desk still.
Here’s my ISU stuff:


And here’s some other random original paintings I have hanging:

@Fitzy asks: Which obscure Star Wars character from episodes I-VI should make an appearance in The Rise of Skywalker, and what do you hope they do?
I’m not a nerd, so I’ve only ever seen the first Star Wars. And by that, I mean the very first one ever made, because that’s how non-nerds chronicle movies, not by saying dumb crap like that the first one is actually the fourth one, or seventh one or wherever they’re at now.
GTO: The original trilogy is 4-6, the prequels are 1-3, and the new movies are 7-9. Come on, man. Not that hard. Obscure character I’d like to see? That torture droid 8D8 from Episode VI in Jabba’s Palace. I would love for him to finally get a crack at C3PO.

@jcyclonee with an obvious solution to our team’s shooting woes: Why can't we fix the lighting in the upper deck so that our team can shoot better?
No way! That is where future Cyclones are made. #f**kinthedark
Pants: Because that’s where the fans are going to assault the Iowa band from this point moving forward.

@jcyclonee trying to save money on a mechanic: The windshield wipers on my kids' car (2012 Jetta) stopped working. Sometimes that happens because ice prevents them from working. After bringing the car in the garage, knocking the ice away from the wipers and leaving it in there with the heater on for a while, they still don't work. What could be the problem?
Also, does anybody else miss Car Talk on NPR? I don't know or care that much about cars but those guys knew everything about everything and did it with such a disarming manner that I couldn't help but be entertained by it.
Have you checked the wiper fluid? If not that, probably a burnt out fuse or wiper motor. Also, how stupid is it that burnt is a real word? I’ve never listened to NPR, though. Nothing against them, their reporting is actually great. Just not my cup of tea.
GTO: Burnt ends are delicious. Anyway, regarding the wipers - just remove the windshield altogether. Problem solved. Can’t say I ever listened to Car Talk on NPR, but did listen to it when I used to drive from Des Moines to Ames and they would sometimes have some surprisingly interesting segments. @cyrocksmypants may appreciate this one - one time they had some researcher talking about the differences in Japanese vs. American horror movies. The themes, the underlying social elements, the differences in what is considered terrifying in both cultures, etc. It was an amazing program for a horror buff like me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@cmjh10 observes: While he isn’t obscure, Jar Jar coming back would be great. Entertainment value of the meltdown would be amazing.
@ImJustKCClone also notes: I want to see the little critter that got eat outside Jabba's "hutt".
@cmjh10 - have you ever checked the JarJar Sith Lord theory? If you’re into conspiracy theories, look it up on reddit. That would send the fanboys into a frenzy.
@ImJustKCClone - OMG, I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT! I always remember that critter getting eaten by that frog-like creature as they swipe scenes to Jabba’s palace in Tatooine. The frog-like creature is called a Worrt, but I don’t think that little critter had a name. I always enjoyed that scene for some odd reason.

Pants: Nerds.
GTO: Please, your midichlorian count is so low you don’t even have what it takes to become a padawan.
Pants: Is this like, ewok talk or something?
GTO: Yubnub.

@Sigmapolis asks: Why do so many people only seem happy when they're angry nowadays?
There’s legitimate psychological issues to these sort of things. Some people, either through depression, lack of confidence, or sometimes just from their upbringing itself, feel like when things are going well for them, that they don’t deserve it, or sometimes just expect that something will go wrong, so they subconsciously self sabotage parts of their life to feel normal.
GTO: Some people just feed on hate, anger, and negativity. I can fall into that trap, as I tend to be a negative person at times and have to catch myself and steer away from my worst case scenario mentality.

@Doc covering all his bases: What are the best ways to make a premeditated homicide seem like a random killing?
Why does it seem like people get ripped when they're in prison, when they have limited diets? Do you think I could get rich by doing a diet plan based on prison food?
All they have to do is read books and lift weights there. Dudes are going to get jacked doing that.
GTO: Banana peels, ball bearings, roller skates, and floor wax should do the trick. Does this prospective diet also include forcible anal sex? Because I don’t need to lose weight that badly.


@Doc asks: Are there any unsolved mysteries out there that just fascinate you?
Oh man, that’s a loaded question. It’s hard because I’m sure there’s actual reasonings for most things and I’m just not aware of them. Most of the deep ocean, maybe? I believe it’s said we know more about space than we do about our oceans, which is crazy to me. Also, the Jodi Huisentruit case. If you don’t know that one, check it out. It’s something else.
GTO: Outside of just general “are aliens real”? I would say maybe the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant? There are just so many mysteries to read about. Here is an interesting list to get you started: https://coolinterestingstuff.com/top-100-mysteries-2

@Doc with the three in a row: What's the most embarrassing thing you've seen happen at a company party?
Usually married people hooking up with co-workers or people who had too much to drink. Nothing else that stands out besides that.
Pants: I saw a female employee completely flash her top AND bottom parts and then a male employee subsequently sexually harass her which turned into a lovely 2 month investigation.

@SCyclone wonders: For @GTO - have you ever napped under your desk in your cubicle, a la George Costanza?
No, but I have napped in my car during lunchtime. That is probably the best sleep a person can get. Try it sometime and you’ll agree.
Pants: I’ve fallen asleep at my desk multiple times, but never under it. I did have a habit of working without pants on for a while, though.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@SCyclone asks: What is the over-under on the number of times Eric Heft says "you know" during a typical Cyclone sportscast?
I love Heft, but this is something that is so cringy to me that it almost makes him not listenable.
GTO: Eric Heft or Brent Blum? Choose wisely.

@SCyclone trying to match Doc’s number of questions: If the Cyclones defeat the mighty Irish in the Camping World Bowl, what will be the #1 excuse used by Golden Domers for losing?
Easy, they didn’t care about the game because they were expecting a better bowl/better opponent.
GTO: 1. “We had a new offensive coordinator.” 2. “Rudy ran out of eligibility.” 3. “Nobody told us they had (Corn) Jesus on their side.”

@jcyclonee coming to the right place for answers: Will anybody ever decipher the Rongorongo glyphs?
GTO: The written version of the Rapa Nui language? I actually knew that from several documentaries I’ve watched on that subject. I have submitted an inquiry. Will let you know once I receive a response. Here is the request I submitted to the top researchers in the field:

I asked: I got one for this week. @cyrocksmypants - Suppose that our Men's Basketball Players had to choose a career that best utilized their skills displayed on the court, but can't be basketball. What would each of their careers be?
And, no, you can't use "bricklayers", "brick makers", or anything along those lines as an option.
Hali-a tailor because he threads the needle
Nixon-police officer because he’s got his man in lockdown
Bolton-Horror movie actor because he’s a slasher
Jake-pornstar because he’s a banger
Solo-bodyguard for obvious reasons
Conditt-ID checker at a bar because he’s a shot blocker
Grill-Barbecue chef because…...do I need to explain that one?
Jackson-Live action version of Scooby Doo’s nephew, because he’s scrappy
Griffin-a stand-in version of me during events with my family because he’s a disappointment
Lewis-Star of HG Well’s re-imagined classic, The Invisible Man
GTO: Damn, Pants! Those are better than what I could come up with.
Hali- Amazon Prime, always delivering on time.
Nixon- public defender taking all the toughest cases.
Bolton- Michael Bolton impersonator.
Jacobson- construction worker with hard hat and lunch pail
Solo- nightclub bouncer, no explanation needed.
Conditt- Adblocker Plus.
Grill- Instagram model, because he hasn’t done anything but people still gush over him.
Jackson- stunt double, because he looks the part.
Griffin-Dr. Doolittle, because of how much he does on the court.
Lewis- Guard dog, because he is always in the doghouse or on a short leash.
Boothe, Steyer, and Jenkins- attorneys at law.

@coolerifyoudid continues this week’s mailbag violent streak: The guy in the cubicle near me hums random **** all day long (A-team theme song, Karma Chameleon, Jingle Bells, the Farmers Insurance We Are Farmers bum ba dum ba dum dum dum, etc)
Would removal of this annoyance be considered a justifiable homicide or should I start working on an alibi?
Instead of humming along, just sing the words to the song he’s humming. That’ll teach him.
Pants: Any time he does it, just start humming the same song, but even louder.

@coolerifyoudid asks: Rank the finishers in the 40-yard dash:
@GTO, @cyrocksmypants, Kelechi Osemele, Nate Stanley, the Athabasca Glacier
@ImJustKCClone adds: Whar Big Play Curvey???
KO, GTO, Pants, Curvey, Glacier, Stanley.
GTO: Current state? KO, Pants, Curvey, Glacier, GTO (standing there making fun of Stanley), Nate “Lane Bryant” Stanley.

@CoachHines3 with the huge mailbag blunder: should i ask a question for this weeks mailbag?
I like that you didn’t get all caught up with whether you could and focused on whether you should. Countless human lives would have been saved if you were in charge of a prehistoric-themed amusement park.
Pants: Try again next week.

@Ms3r4ISU asks: How can two of you be flying solo while working together? Do you just ignore each other until it's time to post the answers and whoever hits "Post reply" first wins?
How DARE you question this intricate system of how we compose this mailbag and all of it’s moving parts. I’m offended.
GTO: Putting together the mailbag is a complicated process involving a ouija board, incense, and a sacrificial goat. Not for the faint of heart.

@CloneLawman correctly observes: It's like Goose and Maverick in one plane. They have no wingman/men/person/persons.
@Ms3r4ISU follows up with: So, just one gets the girl?
They would definitely call that a cockpit, since there would be two class A d*cks at the controls. @Ms3r4ISU - Tag Team, back again. Check it to wreck it, let's begin...
Pants: I imagine GTO’s wife wouldn’t be all too happy if he was getting the girl, and he’d probably end up chained to the hot water heater.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@CloneLawman observes (in response to only one getting the girl): yeah. Like Goose, GTO already has a spouse. I guess Pants is sort of a poor man's Maverick.
Wait, didn’t Goose die? Can I be a different character who DOESN’T die?
Pants: I’ll take it.

@SCyclone asks: But, can we be sure we know what the term "flying solo" actually means?
It’s an English turn of phrase meaning “to do something alone.”
GTO: Unbeknownst to most, the term comes from a couple of years ago when someone saw Solomon Young flying over the cornfields in a Cardinal and Gold cape.

@Cy$ asks: best coach hines skit? I like the basketball one the most personally.
Find it kind of odd that a CFer created a username named after a character that has not been on TV for over a decade. Just strange, but he’s still a decent poster nonetheless.
Pants: My favorite Coach Hines skit is when he comes in and asks a Coach Hines question every week. It’s truly a commitment to excellence.

@CloneLawman getting all philosophical: Can we really ever be sure of anything?
In regards to probabilities, I don’t think anything is ever 100% a guarantee. One would think you could be sure that the sun will come up tomorrow, but it’s certainly not a guarantee as the sun is a flaming ball of fire that could explode at any given time, killing us all. And while I could be for sure that Hawkeye fans ******* suck, maybe tomorrow they end up blowing?
GTO: You can be sure that Prentiss Nixon could go 10-10 from deep in a game and people would still blame him for a loss.

@VeloClone asks: Does anybody really know what time it is?
@ImJustKCClone replies: Does anybody really care?
Retired people probably don’t care what time it is. For the rest of us, time is very important as we try to get to 5pm as quickly as possible, M-F.
Pants: Time is just a human construct. Open your mind to the galaxy around us, brother. Mother Nature knows nothing more than dark and light, cold and warm.

@cyclones500 asks: A couple of Xmas-related queries.
1. According to the extended forecast, it could be a mild Christmas week, little or no snow. Does lack of cold/snow around the holidays make it less Christmas-like or do you not much care?
2. You can choose only one color for a string of Christmas lights at home, regardless how much or how little you decorate (from tree-only to a Griswold-level exterior display). Which color do you choose? What is your last choice?
1. GTO and I have two different upbringings when it comes to the weather we grew up around during Christmas. But, I thought it would be weird when I moved to Hawaii, but it really wasn’t for me. People still decorated. People still celebrated. The spirit was still there. I thought it was just as good. So I don’t feel it weird or less Christmas-y to have no snow or cold weather. That said, I did always laugh seeing snowman decorations, as many of the people from Hawaii have never actually seen snow.
2. I’d choose white, and last choice would be red, because I’m not a hooker.
GTO: I grew up in Panama/Puerto Rico, so never any chance of snow. Then lived in Iowa for like 11 years so I got pretty used to snow on Christmas. Now in Texas for the past 14 years, it seems we only get snow on Christmas about once every 5-7 years. That is a good compromise, I guess. Christmas lights color preferences (in order): white, blue, multicolor, red.

@VegasCy asks: I think the fan base could use a marquee win, it’s been a while. Since winning the Big 12 tourney in March, we have a first round exit against tOSU and 1-5 against bowl teams during the football season. Fortunately, we have plenty of opportunities in the next month. So when is the next marquee win for ISU?
1. CWB vs ND
2. Kansas at home on 1/8/20
3. @ Baylor on 1/15/20
4. @ TT on 1/18/20
5. @Auburn on 1/25/20
6. Baylor at home 1/29/20
How brutal is that basketball schedule? Was Thursday’s performance a one off, or do you think we get exposed against quality teams?
Next marquee win will be over Notre Dame. After we’re done with them, they’ll have to rename their city “South Bent”. No, last Thursday’s performance is not a one-off but rather the new norm. The one-offs will be night where we’re hot from distance. With our shooting woes, we will get exposed by both good or bad teams within conference.
Pants: Kansas at home. I hate to say it, but I think football loses against Notre Dame. And while I’m pretty down on this basketball team right now, I think they come out against Kansas to give people just enough hope before losing an unthinkable game and crushing us all again.

@VegasCy asks: Do you think any of the 2020 basketball recruits have the ability to log serious minutes starting from game 1 next year?
Honestly, they all should at this point. Unless Hali comes back, I don’t know if there’s a sure fire person to guarantee a starting spot to on this team (maybe Conditt?). Hope some others step up, but man, the piss poor effort Thursday has still left a really bad taste in my mouth.
GTO: I think if either of the two guards can shoot from deep, they’re the most likely to get a spot in the rotation.

@VegasCy again: Compare and contrast the CF criticism of both CSP and CMC.
Simple, really. CMC can get away with much more because he followed Paul Rhoads and not Fred Hoiberg. I call it the McCaffery-Lickliter Effect.
Pants: Campbell came in to a pretty bad situation, with a team that was down in the dumps and didn’t have a ton of talent. He has built the team to a point that the criticism is so over the top from the lofty expectations our fan base has had that he himself has created. Prohm obviously inherited a team loaded with talent. He did a great job with that team, but he’s had some real struggles. This season is weird because I don’t think there was any expectation that THT would go pro after his freshman year, so that kind of screwed up the planning a bit. But he definitely has, at best, maintained the same level Fred got us to and hasn’t really grown that much. Also, it’s a lot easier for people to put blame on O/D Coordinators in football than it is to put blame on assistant coaches in basketball.

@Gunnerclone asks: Rather have: Two Nickels or One Dime?
Always choose the Nickels (GTO, please make sure @55dB gets tagged here so I can remind people I dated her, even though she hasn’t posted in like, two years. We miss you Nickels, come back.)
GTO: Two nickels, as I never trust a dime. They are too light in weight and always seem to get lost. Something seems shady about dimes for some reason. Also, Thomas Jefferson’s hair is more stylish than FDR. This whole question reminds me of a line from a book I read my son before bed from Dr. Seuss’ Would you Rather be a Bullfrog?: "Would you rather be a Dollar Bill ... or ninety-seven cents"
Pants: Oh, this is about a threesome with two average looking chicks or a duo with a super hot one? Threesomes are overrated. Take the one hot chick every time.

@VegasCy asks: Um, TT is losing to Southern Miss by 7 at halftime. How do you go from beating the #1 team in the country to this? (Texas Tech ended up winning 71-65)
TT is pretty much a slightly better version of ourselves. A good defensive team that can’t shoot consistently, or at all. Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster type of season where we will beat some teams we shouldn’t and also lose to some bad teams. We should be on upset alert the whole season.
Pants: Tech will be bouncing all over the place all season long. I agree with GTO, they’re slightly better than our own version, as they’re probably going to do well enough to get into the tourney despite bouncing all over whereas we, at this point, are probably on the outside looking in.

@CloniesForLife being a total colorist: Why is the Grinch green when nobody else is?
Because systemic racism exists, even in Whoville.
GTO: Easy. The grinch is a different race/species than the Whos. Stealing Christmas was the Grinch’s revenge for years of being exiled and discriminated against by the Whos. The whole town of Whoville brought this upon themselves. Seriously, we need a horror version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

@VegasCy asks: Why does Alexa continue to piss me off?
Sounds like a perfect question for Alexa herself. Please report back with her answer.
Pants: Have you ever seen Schitt’s Creek? Alexa from that show is such a super cute babe. I love her. She’s slowly working her way toward my top 5.

@BCClone to wrap up: Who was the hottest tool time lady?
I feel like @dirtyninety should be a guest speaker for this question, and this question only. But wasn’t there only two? Lisa and then Heidi? I love a blonde, so I almost went Lisa, but Heidi was super cute AND witty. I’ll go Heidi on this one.
GTO: I was never big on this show. Looking both of them up, I would go with Heidi.
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