Props to Tiger!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2006
Nevada, IA
Say what you will about Tiger Wood's past indiscretions, the man has the guts and will of a champion!! Some people will never forgive Tiger for the mistakes he's. Adultery is a serious offense, to say the least, but to err is human. IMO, his performance on Sunday deserves respect.

Yesterday at the Barclays, he had back spasms so painful that he was dropped to his knees after a tee shot, (I think it was on the 13th hole). The pain caused him to severely hook his ball OB into the water, subsequently bogeying a par 5 that he usually birdies, or at least pars. The bogey dropped him 3 shots back of the lead with five holes to go.

Most guys at this point would drop out of the tourney, not Tiger. Not only did he continue, he came within two inches on the 18th of forcing a playoff!!

If you've ever had back spasms, you know that the pain is intense and can be debilitating. To maintain the focus it takes to make shots under that pressure was a testament to the man's will and stamina.

In the era of Roger Clemons, Barry Bonds, Sammy, and McGwire(sp?), and especially Lance and Ryan Braun, who lied through their teeth to the press and the public repeatedly, only to fess up the truth when there was no other option, Tiger admitted his sins, and dealt with them. I, for one, have gotten over it and respect him for the competitor he is, one of the very best to ever play the game of golf. I hope he wins another major or two. Actually, I hope he wins a dozen more!! When he's on his game, he makes the game of golf look incredibly easy, and we all know it's not.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2010
Central Iowa
I like Tiger and I watched the shot you referenced live yesterday. I did notice that he didn't drop to his knees until after he saw that he hit a terrible shot. I don't doubt he had a some sort of spasm, but it you watch the replay it looks slightly fishy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
Ames, IA
I like Tiger and I watched the shot you referenced live yesterday. I did notice that he didn't drop to his knees until after he saw that he hit a terrible shot. I don't doubt he had a some sort of spasm, but it you watch the replay it looks slightly fishy.
Ummm... No. I think the terrible shot had something to do with his back giving out in mid swing. He was fine until that that shot, then was clearly in pain the rest of the way.

People also thought Tiger was faking when he hobbled around and won the U.S Open. Then it came out that he had torn ligaments in his knee the whole time. If anything, he hides how much pain he is in.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
Fighting a war overseas away from your family takes guts.

Hitting a tiny white ball with a club while being paid millions of dollars does not. Let's not pretend that Tiger is this greatly admirable person. He's good at golf. That's about it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
It is fairly obvious that he is his own biggest fan. Good golfer? Sure. Heroic? Nope. Feel sorry for his kids when they find out about all of the women. They might grab a club and take a swing at him too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
Fighting a war overseas away from your family takes guts.

Hitting a tiny white ball with a club while being paid millions of dollars does not. Let's not pretend that Tiger is this greatly admirable person. He's good at golf. That's about it.

Bravo! You've certainly won this game of one-upsmanship.

Really? Fighting a war overseas from your family takes guts? Never knew that. Glad to know you don't respect the "sacrifices" (obviously phony, since it was on the football field and not a foreign shore) that Jake Knott made for the team last year.



I'm Mike Jones
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2008
Bravo! You've certainly won this game of one-upsmanship.

Really? Fighting a war overseas from your family takes guts? Never knew that. Glad to know you don't respect the "sacrifices" (obviously phony, since it was on the football field and not a foreign shore) that Jake Knott made for the team last year.*******.
I guess I missed the part where Incyte typed that. Can you direct me to it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2010
I guess I missed the part where Incyte typed that. Can you direct me to it?

Playing through incredible pain to win a game isn't admirable. He never referenced Knott specifically, but he did say that much.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2009
Des Moines
Not sure that the Tiger super-fans should really be all that jazzed up about this.

What happened to all that talk about Tiger "listening to his body?" Not over pushing things so much when he is hurt?

His body is breaking down, and playing on injured knees/back/wrist/elbow/whatever isn't exactly a great idea anymore, especially since it seems to have been preventing him from preparing for majors.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Congrats to him on being the first athlete ever to play through an injury.

He may actually be the first athlete that played through pain and lost yet still have fans gushing over his performance.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
Bravo! You've certainly won this game of one-upsmanship.

Really? Fighting a war overseas from your family takes guts? Never knew that. Glad to know you don't respect the "sacrifices" (obviously phony, since it was on the football field and not a foreign shore) that Jake Knott made for the team last year.


Nice strawman argument.

I have a feeling Jake Knott would be the first person to agree with me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
Dismissing a sports accomplishment because it isn't the same thing as putting your life at risk in a war is brutally idiotic. Of course it's different. It doesn't even need to be stated.

The best part about it? This is a sports-themed forum. How hypocritical do you have to be to make such a post?


Jun 28, 2010
North Liberty
I think almost everyone in this thread, including the OP, needs to just chill out. It's not heroic to play golf, not even while injured, but there is a certain amount of fortitude required to play at that level. A level which, I'm guessing, very very few on these boards would meet.
Good lord do people get up-in-arms in a hurry.

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