PS3 Help


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
Denver, CO
Okay fanatics I have seen you help before, but after moving from one place to the next (moving from place to place while in college sucks) I am now having problems with my PS3 and the HDMI output.

I have held the on button for 5 seconds and have reset the settings to standard output. However, after doing that and wanting to set it back up to the HDMI output it will not switch over.

When I first hooked this up at my new place it worked fine and I watched a blu-ray movie. A few days later I went to put in Madden and could get the picture, but no audio, now I can't get either audior or picture in the HDMI mode. Both work properly with the standard output. I have tried two different HDMI cords, nothing changes with either cord.

Is my HDMI input in the back of the PS3 console not reading the cord properly?