Random Thoughts Thread - Murder House Game


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
If Velo or I won last night's trivia, I was going to attack you. Since you won, I figured we were close, and was going to have to defend if I got called, even though I didn't think that one extra ghost would probably be enough to beat you still.

Gut feeling makes me think Velo has more than you, though I suppose it will depend on who went to you. You took my ghost, and I don't know who the two were that attached to me this morning, so I'm not 100 percent which of you would have had which of my ghosts go to you.

You only had 2 attached (non trivia) when I attacked you?


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
You only had 2 attached (non trivia) when I attacked you?

I suspected when there were 5 left it would come down to you, me and Velo. I've felt like Velo had the most the whole time, so I was guessing the only way he could be beaten is if I beat you and all of your attached ghosts went to me, because I knew I wouldn't have enough attached ghosts to really help out if someone beat me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
The final will be close then.

You should be able to tell. GTO said how many ghosts there were total when it was us three. Add one for me dying then subtract 10 for my trivia ghosts. That gives you the total ghosts. You know how many you have, so subtract that from the total and you know how many Velo has.


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
You should be able to tell. GTO said how many ghosts there were total when it was us three. Add one for me dying then subtract 10 for my trivia ghosts. That gives you the total ghosts. You know how many you have, so subtract that from the total and you know how many Velo has.

I know what there is before the trivia, but will let GTO break the suspense.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
I think Velo was on to me. I also think Lawman eventually was too.

Yeah, I was kicking myself for the entire rest of the game for not taking you on in the first round even though you were defending. I wasn't exactly loaded at that point, but I certainly had enough to beat you. After that, I didn't really have any idea if ghosts were fleeing to your banner.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
So I was gone all evening coaching at a soccer tournament. I get back to find out that BC and I are going to have to best 4 out of 7* at Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine a winner.


I'll be playing the part of Bart.

* 4 out of 7 in honor of the NBA Finals.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
By the way, thanks to all of the players who backed me during the game. I obviously won't know who you are until GTO spills the beans, but you all determined the game whether it is ultimately BC or me.

I hope even those who were killed early had fun with this.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
It’s getting harder to see through all the smoke (probably the reason BC took those goggles), but I can tell we are headed upstairs. As we reach the top of the stairs, the smoke is not as heavy and becomes more of a haze. BC is now opening every bedroom door looking for something. Upon opening the third door, he finds Velo sharpening the ends of a bicycle handle bar into sharp points. They look at each other and BC says: “bullfrog”. Velo smiles and raises his handlebar ready for battle. BC beckons him out into the hallway and Velo makes his way out. He’s wearing a bicycle helmet and takes one final swig from his water bottle which he then proceeds to toss aside.

Velo lets out one loud yell and rushes BC, handlebar point first. BC parries every strike with his mower blade. I can see that flames are starting to appear from the stairs, as Velo continues to drive BC back that way. Velo misses his next strike and hits the side of the hallway, but as BC tries to swing at him, he miscalculates and gets his blade stuck in the first room’s door frame. Velo sees an opening and kicks BC right in the chest, which sends him back to the stair railing. The creeping flames get a hold of BC’s shirt and he catches fire. I’m temporarily distracted by the sound of sirens on the outside, as it appears that police and firefighters are arriving at the scene.

I’m drawn back into the action, when in a desperate move, BC rushes, tackles Velo and pushes him into that first room. As they come crashing down into the room, Velo hits his head on the bottom of the bedframe. The helmet protects him, but he’s still dazed. BC removes the burning shirt and goes back out to the hallway. He comes back into the room with his mower blade, but Velo has moved. Suddenly Velo springs out from behind the door and hits Velo on his injured shoulder followed by repeated blows to the head. He’s able to get BC down on the bed. I noticed that he’s now pulling something from the sides of the bed. They are restraints and he’s able to secure BC to the bed. He then picks up the mower blade, stands over BC, and says “goodbye, little fly”. With one swift motion, I can see him drive the mower blade through BC until it's sticking out all the way to the bottom of the bed.

Winner: VeloClone

After this, I can see the spirits of all the dead from this house leaving both Velo and BC’s body and start slowly walking towards the outside. Velo makes his way back to his room and comes back out a few minutes later without his bicycle helmet and wearing one of the white uniforms from the garage. I follow Velo and the other ghosts as we make our way to the edge of the stairs. A firefighter arrives and is checking on Velo. I see they have put out enough of the fire for them to come in and take him outside. The firefighters get him on a stretcher and wheel him out the front door.

As we’re leaving, I feel that I’m now starting to dissipate and see Velo staring right at me as if he can see me. He smiles and waves. I notice that he is wearing the badge that was on the table and he has changed the picture on the badge with his own. As I turn towards the house one last time, I notice the sign in front: “Robert T. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital”.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
It was VERY close. It was actually 18 ghosts for BC (BC had 17, but won the 1 ghost from final trivia by submitting his answer before Velo) and 19 ghosts for Velo with only theantiAIRBHG left to pick a survivor. If he would have picked BC, It would have been 19 to 19 with BC winning via tiebreaker. However, antiAIRBHG picked Velo, pushing him to a 20-18 victory.