Reseating of Hilton


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SuperFanatic T2
Jan 28, 2013
I got to add two seats this year but got moved to 218 to do so

Was there any special process to go through this? I've had tickets in 228 since 2011 and have asked for two more tickets every year starting in 2013. I'm willing to be moved but so far nothing. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

My biggest issue is how many of the corner seats appear to be only resellers. A very large portion of my section is always a rotating group of people because the tickets just get posted to StubHub as soon as the season starts. I don't have an issue with people doing that, I just wish they could reward people that buy the tickets from ISU and go to the games. It'd be nice to be 4-5 rows closer because I go to the games and the resellers wouldn't really lose value by having their tickets pushed to the back.

I've long thought they should give you a separate card to scan when you go to the game that would track if you resold or not, and they could use that data to figure into the seating decisions. Maybe they could use that data to figure out stuff for the donor seating as well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
One thing that I wonder about is how many donations / tickets are bought and paid for by businesses, which barring anything super unforeseen, means that those tickets will not become available to the public and can continue to be passed along year to year literally for infinity, or until the business goes belly up or stops purchasing the tickets. Which may account for stretches of empty seats in the "prime" mid court lower / upper level areas.

I know for a fact that the four seats next to us are used by a certain seed company and I don't think I have seen the same four in those seats in almost two years. Completely their right to pay for the tickets and give them to clients as gifts, but that is four seats that could go to other fans potentially. This may be some ticket holder's strategy for keeping tickets in the "family" through the generations and contributing to the low season ticket renewal turnover.

People aren't ever going to let lowers get away and if they do the people donating $12,500 that still have tickets in the upper level will get first dibs


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
FWIW, I think the ticket office could do a better job of figuring out how to put more actual butts in seats for games. They have quite a few tickets in the lower level that are available for almost every game. For example, there was almost an entire section on Saturday that had football recruits and their families sitting in. I have no issue with this but, more times than not, those seats are empty.

Now granted, they are not the best seats (behind the band), but they are in the lower level. There are other seats in the lower level corners as well that the ticket office has in their possession.

Perhaps they should lower the donation requirement for these seats a level or two to encourage folks to take these seats as season tickets.

Those seats are the athletic departments. As you noted the football team uses them when they have recruits. When they do not they are used by the student athletes and managers of all teams who get in free.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
Somewhat off topic but not entirely. For those of us whose parents buy seats and we use them (we actually pay them back). When they pass on/no longer are able to go is there away to transfer that credit to us so we don't have to start from new? My assumption is no.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
Somewhat off topic but not entirely. For those of us whose parents buy seats and we use them (we actually pay them back). When they pass on/no longer are able to go is there away to transfer that credit to us so we don't have to start from new? My assumption is no.

I know of someone who took over their parents donation to keep their lowers two years ago after they passed
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2006
I get the journey many are on in donating, increasing donations and then moving to better seats over time. And at the same time seeing some that may be giving less (but within the requirements lower). Challenge is, most who have tickets started the same way and gradually moved as tickets became available. We this was the way it worked and sadly, the only thing that really opened up new options for more than minor movements are when we have had down years (Morgan.McDermott).

Bottom line there is a points system that awards longevity of tickets and donation and puts the priority on current donation. Seating gets corrected, then it begins to get out of whack over time (same thing with football). Very few schools completely re-seat, most re-index. We have had tickets since the Morgan years and we started with 7 seats up in the rafters. We gradually moved lower and to center, then to Parquet corner, then more lower and center. The big jumps came in increasing to a new donor level.

Long story short, many of the ticket holders that others feel they should get better seating them, may feel the same about other donors. The last re-indexing cleaned up the grandfathering issue and I could even see where they make the donation level for the Parquet require directors level, or create a new level between Victory and Directors. Time will tell.

Sometimes people cannot get to games and we cannot begin to create issues of company vs individual, that will not end well for anyone. Same thing as bumping based on if you can attend. I support both the fan who makes every game and the donor who lives far away and buys tickets just to support the program.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2014
Good to know it does/can happen at least right now.

In today's information / internet age, as long as the ticket office isn't asking for a death certificate, and you have the appropriate information, they don't know who is who, really, and as long as the money train keeps rolling, what do they care?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
In today's information / internet age, as long as the ticket office isn't asking for a death certificate, and you have the appropriate information, they don't know who is who, really, and as long as the money train keeps rolling, what do they care?

This is I just have to do a forgot password on my dad's account and boom I am in business.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Oct 9, 2008
Central Iowa
Was there any special process to go through this? I've had tickets in 228 since 2011 and have asked for two more tickets every year starting in 2013. I'm willing to be moved but so far nothing. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

My biggest issue is how many of the corner seats appear to be only resellers. A very large portion of my section is always a rotating group of people because the tickets just get posted to StubHub as soon as the season starts. I don't have an issue with people doing that, I just wish they could reward people that buy the tickets from ISU and go to the games. It'd be nice to be 4-5 rows closer because I go to the games and the resellers wouldn't really lose value by having their tickets pushed to the back.

I've long thought they should give you a separate card to scan when you go to the game that would track if you resold or not, and they could use that data to figure into the seating decisions. Maybe they could use that data to figure out stuff for the donor seating as well.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Oct 9, 2008
Central Iowa
I got an email telling me to call the athletic department if I was interested in two more tickets

When I paid for my original pair, I think I got asked if I wanted to be considered for two more


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
This is I just have to do a forgot password on my dad's account and boom I am in business.

Yeah I would think after he passed if you knew the password, logged into his account and changed all his information to yours they probably wouldn't even know because they are looking at the account #.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2014
I get the journey many are on in donating, increasing donations and then moving to better seats over time. And at the same time seeing some that may be giving less (but within the requirements lower). Challenge is, most who have tickets started the same way and gradually moved as tickets became available. We this was the way it worked and sadly, the only thing that really opened up new options for more than minor movements are when we have had down years (Morgan.McDermott).

Bottom line there is a points system that awards longevity of tickets and donation and puts the priority on current donation. Seating gets corrected, then it begins to get out of whack over time (same thing with football). Very few schools completely re-seat, most re-index. We have had tickets since the Morgan years and we started with 7 seats up in the rafters. We gradually moved lower and to center, then to Parquet corner, then more lower and center. The big jumps came in increasing to a new donor level.

Long story short, many of the ticket holders that others feel they should get better seating them, may feel the same about other donors. The last re-indexing cleaned up the grandfathering issue and I could even see where they make the donation level for the Parquet require directors level, or create a new level between Victory and Directors. Time will tell.

Sometimes people cannot get to games and we cannot begin to create issues of company vs individual, that will not end well for anyone. Same thing as bumping based on if you can attend. I support both the fan who makes every game and the donor who lives far away and buys tickets just to support the program.

100% spot on. Can't please ALL the people, ALL the time.

I would love nothing more than to get into the parquet area - something about a basketball game that is appealing is that you can literally get on the "field of play" and get closer that you can for most competitive sports. This obviously comes at a pretty steep price. I am most definitely not in the income bracket yet to write serious 5 figure checks over the course of multiple years to even have a crack at those tickets. My hats off to those that can. I don't begrudge them passing them along either. Patience is a key in this I think. That and demographics. As a Gen-Xer, sandwiched between the Boomers and the Millennials, I am hoping the numbers play out (both way more Boomers and Millennials then X-ers) and we start to see things in Hilton shift over the course of time. The key will be taking advantage when the opportunity presents itself.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
ON A FURTHER NOTE, OUR AD spoke a group I was in at the time of the donation increase/reseating, and he talked about if we thought this was bad, that we should know that KANSAS reseats the entire arena EVERY YR. What you as a donor gave last yr might not get you the same seats this yr. I went to the KANSAS away football game this yr and sat in front of a loyal Kansas VETERINARIAN Dr. He CONFIRMED THIS ANNUAL RESEATING AND ALSO MENTIONED HE WAS REQUIRED TO BUY FOOTBALL TICKETS AS WELL IF HE WANTED BASKETBALL TICKETS. He said look at all the red clamp-on seatbacks over on the Kansas side, those are ticket seats from BB buyers. He also said look at the north endzone ground level standing only section, said he had tickets down there also he didn't use. He and his wife were seated right at the entrance to the upper deck because his wife was somewhat crippled up.

I mentioned that was surprised about how crappy the general seats were in Allen arena. The only cushioned seats were in the half court area, all the rest were old metal with fold down wooden seats. I said how can they treat the fans so badly with all the money they take in? HE SAID THAT IS JUST THE WAY IT IS.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
But who has been grandfathered in? A couple of years ago, we had to double our donation to keep or balcony seats. We certainly weren't grandfathered into those seats.

Nobody was, No, Grandfathering only occurred in football seats when Jack Trice stadium was built. You just got to keep your BB seats where you were sitting, just like I HAD TO DO $1,000 DONATION TO $2,500


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
You don't read very well do you? Read where all the 2,500 donors were RESEATED TO THE BALCONY ARE YOU INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THAT? MAYBE NOT IT SEEMS

Maybe if you learned how to use punctuation I could fully understand your post. My understanding was that everyone had the opportunity to up their donation to stay in their seat. If that wasn't the case, then I stand corrected. Have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
You don't read very well do you? Read where all the 2,500 donors were RESEATED TO THE BALCONY ARE YOU INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THAT? MAYBE NOT IT SEEMS

Reseating = starting completely from scratch and everyone literally picking their new seats, in donation/points order
Reindexing = alteration of donation levels required for specific sections
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