Sharing my weight loss story

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Oct 23, 2013
I have struggled with weight damn near my whole life. In January of this year, I decided to do something about it. This marks my 12983347 attempt to lose weight and I was encouraged when I started to do something different this time to help avoid failure. So I did. I started writing a blog about my experience. I am not trying to spam you with things, but if you want to check out my blog I would appreciate it. I just made it public 3 weeks ago to hold myself accountable. The link takes you to the main page, but there are 13 posts over on the right in the archives.

If anyone has experience writing blogs and can give me tips on how to make it better, it would be appreciated.

This is not an ego grab, that's not who I am. I am just trying to hold myself accountable and maybe help a few people along the way.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
You write very well and I hope you have all the success in the world.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
I have lost 45# in 3 months by drinking 2 cups of coffee per day with no dieting or extra exercise. Reply to this if wanting to know how.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2006
I have lost 45# in 3 months by drinking 2 cups of coffee per day with no dieting or extra exercise. Reply to this if wanting to know how.

LOL. I thought Kevin Trudeau was in prison.


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
good read. I have a long road ahead. About 7 years ago I was 286 and got all the way down to 177 within about 6 months. 3 years ago depression started getting the better on me and slowly all the weight went back on and then some. Recently got a fitbit wristband to kind of help / encourage me to get back on track.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
Also have struggled with weight my entire adult life (from HS). Highest was 295 in 2007. Got all the way down to 208.

But I struggle. Seems I'm always either good and motivated or bad and unmotivated. Can't seem to find and keep that sane middle ground. I've been in the 245-275 range for a couple years.

Are you ever shocked to see a photo of yourself, thinking, "I don't "REALLY" look like that, do I?" For me there's some magic break-point weight where I no longer feel obese, just fat. Maybe it's how much my belly protrudes when I turn profile in the mirror, or maybe what size jeans I can finally squeeze into. Don't ask me why but for me it's 238 lbs (I'm 6' 1").

My best friend has been thin all his whole ife. He never knocks me when I gain, always notices when I lose. That's a friend.

Started again on Monday 7/6. Want to be below 240 again. After 4 days I weighed on Friday and I was 261.6. 22 pounds isn't much. I can do that.

I definitely relate to the clothes thing. When I'm losing I like to try on clothes that didn't used to fit. I try them and think, "I can fasten the waist and I COULD wear it if the house was on fire" Then next time it's "Not too bad, but a bit snug - uncomfortable." Then maybe its, "Yeah, this fits perfect." I have 30 years worth of clothes, but most don't fit. Funny how when you lose you love getting rid of the "fat clothes" but when you gain, you squirrel away the skinny clothes for "when I lose weight again." And I hate buying the fat clothes too, so end up wearing only the few to a dozen that fit comfortably.

Anyways, read the Blog and you do write extremely well. Best of luck and it took balls to come out and just lay it on the line. Keep up the good work.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 19, 2006
Thanks for sharing this. Very well written and you're not alone. I know some of what you are going through. Keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2008
Keep plugging away at it guys. At 24, I was a robust 235 lbs. At 66, the scales say 185 lbs. Yes, it took a change in eating habits and making exercise a part of my daily routine. It was soooooooo warm outside yesterday that I had to resort to mall walking. You actually get to the point where your body will crave exercise. The benefits are worth the effort. Your self esteem and energy levels will make you feel like a new person.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 28, 2013
I'm in a similar boat. It started in high school being labeled the fat kid at 5'11" 180, which is utterly ridiculous now that I look back. Then through my 20's I was never motivated to work out and got up to 270. Luckily I met my wife who is very health conscious and had lost 100 lbs herself and kept it off, so I haven't added lots of weight over the last 7-8 years but I always hover between 240-260 and can never keep the course to get lower than 240. It's very frustrating.

At one point, while we were engaged I'd actually made good progress towards getting to 200. I was going to the gym everyday and was down to 225 prior to our honeymoon. My biggest motivation at that time was wanting to do a zipline tour through the jungle. The idea of ziplines terrified me and the weight limit was 250, so I was going to make sure I was below that when I did it. So I work super hard for 6 months, go to do the zipline thing, and of all 40 people on the tour (several who were obviously bigger than I was), I'm the only one they make where the fat guy harness that's meant for people over 250. That instantly killed any motivation when I got back home from our trip.

It so stupid that little things like that can have such a huge impact, but it does. Then we went on to have kids, new jobs, longer commutes, and now it just seems like a choice between spending time as a family or having time to go to the gym or do any kind of substantial workout.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
Keep plugging away at it guys. At 24, I was a robust 235 lbs. At 66, the scales say 185 lbs. Yes, it took a change in eating habits and making exercise a part of my daily routine. It was soooooooo warm outside yesterday that I had to resort to mall walking. You actually get to the point where your body will crave exercise. The benefits are worth the effort. Your self esteem and energy levels will make you feel like a new person.

Checks out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
congratulations on your amazing progress so far!

While I did not have nearly the journey you have, I did make a significant lifestyle change several years ago after many failed years of "I'm going to eat right! I'm going to work out!"

I think some of the key things for me are realizing that the "old" me is never really gone. It's still there saying I should skip a workout or sure, donuts sound good. But it's just not the voice I choose to listen to (most of the time!). And then recognizing that it is not a temporary diet change or workout program I'll do for two months and then never need to do again. It's truly a lifestyle change. Which means if you make a ton of changes all at once, you are more likely to revert back to your comfort zone when you get overwhelmed. It helped me to incorporate things over time.
Accountability (as you seem to have found out!) is huge. So is finding ways to exercise that you enjoy or at least don't hate.

And the biggest thing is to realize that one bad meal, skipped workout - skipped week of workouts - does not negate your progress to that point, nor does it mean you are a failure. It's like going to bed later than you wanted or forgetting to take out the trash. You'll try again tomorrow.

Congrats again - I look forward to reading more about your progress!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
Austin, TX
Very well written. Keep at it friend. The struggle is real for many I know and myself at times. My girlfriend and I just graduated so now we actually have time to hit the gym and can afford the time to prepare healthier meals. Its almost a complete 180 from where we were a few months ago. Already seeing some changes. Kudos to you and everyone trying to improve their lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2009
Quad Cities
A company I used to work had a wellness program in which they offered a system called Naturally Slim. This is not a diet but a change in eating habits. The program lasts 10 weeks. I did this 6 years ago and lost 20 pounds. I still follow the basic components and have kept the weight off, fluctuating 3-5 pounds. If anyone's employer offers this program I HIGHLY recommend taking advantage of it.


Oct 23, 2013
good read. I have a long road ahead. About 7 years ago I was 286 and got all the way down to 177 within about 6 months. 3 years ago depression started getting the better on me and slowly all the weight went back on and then some. Recently got a fitbit wristband to kind of help / encourage me to get back on track.

That is great! If you are in the Ankeny area, Elite Edge is looking for a few more people for their challenge starting next week. There is upfront money, but you get it back if you lose 20 lbs. I get nothing for directing you there, it just is where I have found success. I have heard Fitbit's are great, but I haven't taken the plunge. Keep me posted on how it works. Stay in touch,


Active Member
Mar 6, 2012
15 min South of Hilton
Two links that I have followed over the years. The first one is a guy that over a year ago was around 700 pounds. It's his journey of success through hard work

Second is before and afters of everyday people.

Like many here, I was skinny, put on a lot of weight in college due to beer, bad food and lack of working out. Graduated high school at 215, max I was at was 303, got down to 230, now back up to 250 and working myself down again. I have a daughter that is 2 and a son on the way any day and I want nothing more than to be healthy and spend as many years on this planet with them as I can. That has motivated me more than anything ever could. Kicked some bad habits over the last few years (smoking, soda, drinking more than once a month maybe). Great thread and will follow. Currently working out at fitness world in ankeny and its working for the time being. My sporadic hours for work requires a 24 hour gym, so this one works for right now