Stranger Things Mafia Sign-Up Thread


Tracer Bullet
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 8, 2014
La La Land
I’ll be hosting the next round of mafia, and the theme will be Stranger Things! As is usually the case, if you haven’t seen the show, that’s okay and it won’t affect anything if you want to participate. I’ll try not to spoil anything about the show itself, but I’ll likely include a few roles that relate somehow to certain characters.

Aiming to start on Monday. Roles will probably be sent out sometime on Sunday if we can get enough players.

Comment below if you want in!

Player List:

1. ISUCubswin
3. bsaltyman
4. cyfanatic13
5. CloniesForLife
6. VikesFan22
7. cyguytillidie
8. MeowingCows
9. michaelrr1
10. JM4CY
11. CycloneNorth
12. cyfan21
13. CyArob
14. PSYclone22
15. moores2
16. azhuth09
17. CtownCyclone
18. GBlade
19. Cyclonscin
20. cyclonespiker33
21. gipper2001
22. SaraV
23. discydisc
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