Student Found Near Train Tracks Update


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Rochester, MN
Don't you think this many deaths is weird though? And that they immediately say "No foul play is suggested". This many 20-25 year olds don't just drop dead. It's a statistical anomaly for this age group... even taking into consideration the percent of the population that is that age group. A quick reference as proof is the fact that other universities don't even have close to this number of deaths each year.

We're still waiting on this "proof" that you're claiming. Is it so impossible to comprehend that suicide is a very real thing? My best friend's dad killed himself my freshman year of high school and immediately they told us that "no foul play was suspected," and because of my relationship to my best friend, I found out that his dad shot himself. Is he supposed to wake up everyday and wonder if someone murdered his dad?


New Member
Feb 1, 2010
First of all, my "evidence" is simply research that I have done. I have looked up different schools and looked at the number of deaths they have each year and their causes. This is not an official statement, just my observation. I'm sure you can do the research if you care that much too. The deaths on other campuses don't happen multiple times a year and tend to either be clearly explained events such as shootings, illness, or public alcohol related deaths... or they have one or two unexplained ones that happen once every 5-10 years. Ames has had a lot and I'm not just talking this year. We seem to see the same pattern, kid goes "missing", search party, kid is found in some unexplainable place (i.e. opposite direction of where they were reported to be going).

Just weird... I'm not attributing it to anything. Not saying that we have some killer or something, just weird. Also, yes I suspect the latest one was a suicide but the deaths of the last 5 years I don't think any other were suicides. I remember these things happening here since I was a freshman back in 2003. Seven years later it's still happening on a regular basis.... just odd.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2008
I doubt it was suicide..well at least not planned
there was only a small window of time that she was left alone and I know trains go through ames quite frequently (70+ a day) but it seems odd that she would time it perfect to get hit...the whole thing is just fishy.

to all the people on page 1 saying or asking if she hit the train intentionally. The OP quotes someone saying her injuries were not consistent with being hit by a train. I can only assume that means either the front or the side of the train.

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