This out of left field: Wisconsin hires Georgia native and Stanford Assistant


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
Lincoln, Ne
She is the pedigree hire. She's had progressively greater responsibility and exposure in her career - Florida, Evansville, Western Carolina, Virginia Tech before returning to Stanford. Except for the weather, UW would be a good opportunity for her. It's been noted here before that the Big10 is ripe for picking if anyone can set up a top tier program. Even so, if he did in fact seriously interview, I'm a little surprised that Bollant didn't leave the Phoenix to become a Badger.

Tornado man

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Ames, IA
She is the pedigree hire. She's had progressively greater responsibility and exposure in her career - Florida, Evansville, Western Carolina, Virginia Tech before returning to Stanford. Except for the weather, UW would be a good opportunity for her. It's been noted here before that the Big10 is ripe for picking if anyone can set up a top tier program. Even so, if he did in fact seriously interview, I'm a little surprised that Bollant didn't leave the Phoenix to become a Badger.

Apparently Bollant never got the call back; according to the Green Bay Press Gazette, he would have left for Madison if offered the job.
Perhaps it's good news for him - look what happened to Borseth. He was a god in Green Bay, then left to take the Michigan job, and now after four years of not making the NCAA's, he and his program are irrelevant in Ann Arbor.
Gotta think Alvarez wanted to hire a female coach for a women's team, and I don't blame him. I probably would too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2008
definitely out of left field.

TMan, the unspoken truth right now is straight female coaches are the premium. If they are minority, even better. Honestly, I wouldn't complain to see another minority female on our staff.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009

As I stated earlier (3/29): "Next WI BB coach could be the obvious OR a name totally unexpected."

Seeking a new coach the search panel was very open to find a qualified women to lead the Badger Women BB team. So I guess I am not totally shocked by Kelsey's hire.

However I feel, be it man or women, Bollant is an enormously keen observer of the game, has superior knowledge of his players and sharp a strategist. This guy can flat out coach and motivate. He will go to a Big Time school and succeed.