Time for a Real Discussion About Caitlin Clark


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 29, 2013
There should be a rule that if the hoks get beat tonight, CyFan gets 4 hours, then this thread gets buried forever.
They aren't going to lose, but I do love the idea. I think they blow their load tonight, then Murphy blows his, then they bow out in the FF to whomever they end up playing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
There should be a rule that if the hoks get beat tonight, CyFan gets 4 hours, then this thread gets buried forever.

It's really not that embarassing if you read the actual posts and realize the board has multi-hundred page threads about all sorts of things. Looks worse than it actually is. A grand total of 2-3 posters who kind of went nuts and a lot of people saying "I don't have to cheer for a Hawkeye player who acts like a jerk on the court no matter how good she is".

A few times it even just turned into game threads and ISU wbb or LSU wbb or any number of things. I bet there are 50-100 posts at least about Audi Crooks in this topic. Probably 1000 posts about Kieth Murphy's mania.

It reminds me of Tiger Woods more than anything to be honest. Both of them kind of make my stomach turn with a gross on court/on course personality of constant miserable cursing unless they are playing perfectly and winning...yet I do find myself cheering for them to do something incredible at times. Also the two sports that went from niche to pretty mainstream overnight. There's also some sort of parallel with how he put a non-white face on a mostly white sport and how CC has for the first time ever put a women's team sport on about equal footing with a popular men's team sport in terms of fan interest. If people want a deep discussion on the issue that sort of thing is a lot more on the nose than this "She could or couldn't play against men" nonsense either way.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Character flaws aside, I am interested to see how Mulkey gameplans against CC. She is a great coach so it will be interesting to see what she seems to think is the best approach to winning against Iowa. I honestly can't remember what their strategy was in the title game last year. They were making 3s like crazy so it became pretty easy after that.
The young lady who had a career game was Clark’s responsibility,as I remember.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
While I dislike Mulkey, Reese, and LSU more than Iowa and the CC lovefest, it will be interesting to see if Mulkey "goes there". Meaning continually face guarding CC from at least half court. And if you foul her, foul her. Hard. Late 80s Pistons style.

I think they have enough bench to do that especially the foul her hard part.