Twister Sister Summary - Season closes in epic fashion


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Lamoni, IA
Dang, I hated writing that title. I'm not ready for this season to end. I've enjoyed it every step of the way. But here we are. I'm going to start with a couple of personal comments. I couldn't be more proud of this team! This absolutely amazing group of freshmen and upperclassmen showed no fear. Never gave up. Never backed down. They took blow after blow and just kept answering. They were going play for play with one of the top ten teams in the country. As I look back at this season I'm just kind of bursting inside with pride.

The first quarter saw Stanford break out to a quick lead with a sign of things that would happen all night. Iriafen drained a couple of early shots, but guess what. The ladies answered back. Our three point shooting throughout the night was just stellar. Belanger would drain one. Ryan would hit. All of a sudden the ladies not only caught up to Stanford, they actually created a 7 point lead. Throughout the rest of the quarter it was a battle to stay ahead, but the energy the ladies brought to the floor kept Stanford at bay. By the end of one ISU led the #2 seed 23-16. Our big hammer - the three - was being played hard here as the ladies went 6-8 from deep. Through the first, we outrebounded Stanford. We outshot Stanford. Our defense frustrated Stanford. This was a good start. What was also pretty clear was Crooks was having a rough start on the night facing the twin towers of Stanford.

As the second started, Stanford just kept creeping closer. ISU's offense just stalled out for a while as the Cardinal's height kept challenging the ladies. What became very clear was that one of our players in particular wasn't going to go away without the fight of her life - Emily Ryan. Em would do a bit of everything including dice the lane for layups. Just like Iriafen, she kept ISU in the middle of this game. You take those two players out and this would be an ugly mess on both sides. Crooks continued to struggle as every time she actually caught the ball it was tough to finish with the way she shoots the ball. Brinks would have two arms draped over her shoulders on every possession. The second quarter was another battle for points with Stanford outscoring State 15-10. The sisters shot an ugly 25% in this frame. Zero percent from three. Zero assists. It was a real struggle. But at the half the ladies still held the lead 33-31. More fireworks were to come.

The second half started with what we would see the rest of the game. It was a back and forth battle. Fouls were called. Brink would get her 4th foul early in the 3rd and go to the bench. Unfortunately, the Cardinal still had another giant to play defense (actually better defense) against Crooks and she continued to be frustrated. One critical piece that I felt really hurt us was free throws. Crooks missed two and a usually reliable Bristow missed a pair. In all we missed five of nine attempts in the quarter. What a difference those could have made. But again, Ryan was in the mix and doing everything in her power to keep ISU alive. Unfortunately, our other guards were struggling a bit more to get free. We weren't setting effective screens. But the never quit sisters were still going blow for blow with Stanford. At the end of three the score was dead even at 50 all.

So, the game (at least we thought) would come down to the last ten minutes. All knotted up each team started with Stanford missing on its first possession and ISU rebounding and scoring at the other end. But believe me, this one just went back and forth the entire ten minutes. Emily kept scoring. Brown would hit a trey. Crooks actually got into the act a bit, but she was hampered with four fouls. One of the real highlights was seeing Bristow come in and make a difference on both ends of the court. She made a very real impact. Back and forth, back and forth, with neither team building more than a possession lead. Both teams made six shots. Both teams made two treys. Both teams made two free throws. Both teams held the lead nearly the same number of minutes (only about 2 min apiece). One big event was when Brink fouled out. But, they still had enough size and depth to keep Crooks at bay. She never was able to start dominating in any fashion. At the end of regulation, Crooks would miss on our end and Iriafen would miss a jump shot on their end. Overtime tied at 66.

It was amazing to watch these two teams. No one seemed tired. The energy levels in OT were buzzing. No one backed down. Crooks would end up fouling out. The death knell of the game for ISU was the last two minutes. Emily had a couple of turnovers and one offensive foul (it was a beaut!) that resulted in three empty possessions. This gave Stanford the chance to take the lead and from that point on it was ISU battling to tie versus actually lead. The game was last tied at 78 after a pair of Ryan free throws. ISU would have one last lead after a beautiful Brown trey and it was 81-80. But Stanford answered back in about 10 seconds as Demetre would hit a deep ball of her own. ISU would never tie or lead again. The rest of the game were the two Ryan turnovers and multiple fouls on Cardinal players. They wouldn't miss at the line. The difference in the game was the Cardinal getting to the line and going 7-7. To make matters worse, Stanford hardly missed a shot in OT shooting over 80% for the period. The last gasp was when Brown took the inbounds with ISU down two and forced up a shot between two defenders. She slipped, lost control and that was pretty much it. After the clock hit zero Stanford would advance winning 87-81.


POG - no doubt here. Emily Ryan was a warrior tonight. She singlehandedly kept ISU in this game. When no one else was contributing in any manner, she was doing everything in her playbook to give us a chance. Scored 36 points, nine rebounds, only 4 assists, BUT a whopping ten turnovers. Many of those were mishandled passes. There is no doubt that without her this would have been just another Stanford butt kicking.

Crooks - what a difference two days and a different opponent makes. She was countered and beat all night into terrible 3-21 shooting. Nearly a mirror opposite of what she did Friday. I bet she's never had a game like this before. He jump shot wouldn't fall. Her layup attempts even when she was rarely in the clear clanked off the rim. It was just one of those nights. Had eight boards.

Brown - She had a nice trey for our last lead of the game. Quietly went 4-5 from deep at several critical times. Yet, it also seemed like she disappeared for parts of the game. 18 points and 5 boards are nothing to laugh at though. Four turnovers to only 2 assists.

Belanger - hit early and then we didn't hear much from her again. Just wasn't able to get herself free to get any shots off. Three out of five shots. We needed her to get some more up. Still a very gritty game for our senior.

Joens - We didn't get much from her tonight statistically. One board.

Natabou - Wasn't an offensive threat at all...and with her height we needed her to be. Was also a liability on defense as she couldn't keep up with Iriafen. Gave Crooks some good minutes off though.

AJ - I swear she was the smallest person on the court. Took quite a faceplant late in the game and we all know how facial injuries bleed. Made one trey on the night.

Diew - another senior's last game. Couldn't hit any of her shot attempts. Used her length on defense and she grabbed a couple of boards.

Free Throws - as I mentioned earlier this was a BIG factor in our downfall tonight. Team went 11-17 compared to 13-14 for Stanford. After being used to having our team regularly shoot 80% per game this is something that HAS to improve.

Assists - when our offense is clicking the assist to basket ratio is very high. We saw that Friday against Maryland when we had 26 assists. Tonight...a grand total of 8. EIGHT. That doesn't cut it. It also illustrates the futility of our inside game in this one.

Three point Shooting - This was our advantage as we hit 12-19, but most were in the first half. In the second we simply weren't getting the shots off.

Turnovers - I'm sure after reading Ryan had ten you know this number isn't pretty. Nineteen total. Yes, we've won with more, but it seemed they all came at bad times. Stanford scored 21 points off our turnovers.

Inside Scoring - something else we aren't used to is being dominated on points in the paint. Stanford led this one by ten points.

Blocks - you expected Stanford to lead this and they did with 10 to our 3.

Well, folks. If you watched this one you saw one crazy ball game. Our sisters fought their tails off on the home court of their opponent. They overcame a horrendous offensive night by Crooks. They had opportunities to win right to the very end. This bodes well for the future. We were privileged to see lots of amazing things from this team. Sadly we lose two seniors. Ny Diew has been such a joy to have as a part of this team for the past few years. Her contributions can't be measured in some ways. She will be missed. We only had the privilege of seeing Hannah Belanger play for one year and she made quite an impact. She got to live her dream. I wish both of these ladies all the best in their lives after ISU.

I'm not quite ready to think about the future. I want to sit back and soak in all the fantastical things we got to experience by riding on the wagon with this team. Who would have thought in October that this young team would (a) produce a freshman all American, a first team all big 12 post, (b) win 21 games, (c) finish 4th in the conference, (d) start conference play 6-0, (e) see the freshmen grow by leaps and bounds to improve practically every game, (f) make the finals of the Big 12 Tournament, (g) overcome a 20 point deficit to advance in the NCAA tournament and (h) never, ever quit. Never surrender. Never Give Up. Great season ladies. We have a lot to look forward to.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
I don't know if I've seen a Cyclone team fight that hard in a while - and that's not a put down on other teams or games, it just shows how *hard* the Sisters fought tonight. Sometimes experience and depth wins - and Stanford had both. Kudos to the Sisters, they made this season a joy. I could shout out every single player on this team for their contributions this year, but man. Emily Ryan. Our senior leader gave it her all tonight. Even with a loss, an all-time game by a Cyclone. All of our ladies left quite a bit of (literal) blood, sweat and tears out on the floor. The girls made an epic run for Cyclone history and we're just getting started.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
What a shame. Just correct any one minor flaw in the game and it would have never made it to OT. Best game I've ever seen Ryan play. Not only did Crooks have a bad game, Brinks did too. I've seen her look awesome many times. But obviously she got extremely frustrated in this game. I know many are disappointed but honestly I would not have been surprised if Stanford had literally run away with this game. Everybody left it all on the court. Lot of good games today.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Lamoni, IA
What a shame. Just correct any one minor flaw in the game and it would have never made it to OT. Best game I've ever seen Ryan play. Not only did Crooks have a bad game, Brinks did too. I've seen her look awesome many times. But obviously she got extremely frustrated in this game. I know many are disappointed but honestly I would not have been surprised if Stanford had literally run away with this game. Everybody left it all on the court. Lot of good games today.
See you next season my friend!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I just couldn’t get over how many times Audi was stuffed down low. I wonder what her vertical jump height is.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2006
Iowa City
I’m sure you didn’t mean to leave Bristow out. She had a great game on the stat line and provided some energy for rebounding.
She was lauded in the game summary but didn’t get an individual paragraph. She was excellent - I thought she showed toughness we hadn’t really seen before!

I hope she’s happy at ISU as I think she’s got serious game and I don’t want to see her scoring 20 PPG at TCU. She, Brown and Crooks can be our “power trio” for years to come! The future is bright so long as we can hold this together!


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Lamoni, IA
Bristow - I really apologize for not listing her individually. I blame it on it being 1 AM as I really do remember looking at the stat sheet and asking myself if I had everyone. So, I’ll give her some well earned credit right here.

Friday night she looked a bit out of place. Nerves? Maybe. Last night she looked like a veteran who knew what needed to be done. Her offensive movement and aggression were some of the best she’s exhibited this year. She was exactly what we needed with her height, reach and especially her athleticism. She played a whopping 26 minutes, was perfect from the field for 7 points and pulled down a critical 8 boards. Surprisingly she missed two free throws, but that was a team problem last night. To me she showed exactly what she can offer this team. I’ve viewed her all year as being akin to a young colt. You see the potential just waiting to emerge. IMO she may be the most athletically gifted of all our fab freshmen. I can’t wait to see her on the court again next year. I think she'll surprise many of us.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Lamoni, IA
The other comment I’ll make is that hadn’t realized Ms Joens had gone out with an injury. As I think about it this AM I have the foggy memory of someone overcome by an Adrenalin overdose from last night and do remember her heading to the bench and locker room. As it was pointed out in another thread, we definitely missed the energy of her and AJ in the later parts of the game. AJ could have spelled Emily a bit and Kelsey always makes her presence known with rebounds and the occasional and very timely three. I wish them both a speedy recovery. Did anyone hear or remember what Kelsey's injury was?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2019
Bristow - I really apologize for not listing her individually. I blame it on it being 1 AM as I really do remember looking at the stat sheet and asking myself if I had everyone. So, I’ll give her some well earned credit right here.

Friday night she looked a bit out of place. Nerves? Maybe. Last night she looked like a veteran who knew what needed to be done. Her offensive movement and aggression were some of the best she’s exhibited this year. She was exactly what we needed with her height, reach and especially her athleticism. She played a whopping 26 minutes, was perfect from the field for 7 points and pulled down a critical 8 boards. Surprisingly she missed two free throws, but that was a team problem last night. To me she showed exactly what she can offer this team. I’ve viewed her all year as being akin to a young colt. You see the potential just waiting to emerge. IMO she may be the most athletically gifted of all our fab freshmen. I can’t wait to see her on the court again next year. I think she'll surprise many of us.
No problem! I just know you are a big Bristow fan from your posts and I didn't want you to miss the opportunity to praise her more. ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2016
In my controversial opinion Belanger > Donarski. Don't @ me.
100% numbers do not lie offensively anyway. Defensively maybe a different story but that is why she left because she thought she was labeled as too much of a defensive stopper and not enough offense for her to showcase for WNBA. LD offensive numbers this year were worse.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 7, 2008
Just watching the post game press conference. Boy I don’t think I could be more impressed or excited for the future. Those woman are proud of what they accomplished but not at all satisfied.

We sure are lucky.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2016
Wow…that clip shows Brink mugging Audi and then trying to foul the next ISU player. As with many I wasn’t impressed with her last night.
Not impressed at all with her game. Even less impressed with her as a human. I think telling the ref F U shows her class. How she doesn't get T'd up will forever be a mystery.
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