UFO stuff & "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch"


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
Well, yeah. These shows are just fiction with a documentary approach. It's wild that people believe **** like Oak Island are even brushing against reality.

There's plenty of reality with Oak Island. You just have to suspend the belief that there's a vast buried fortune. The tangible (archaeological) and finite (scientific data) are more interesting to me, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
Tonight's show got back to attempting to unearth some clues to solve the Skinwalker Ranch mystery. The team flooded an in-ground void then observed where the dyed water would reappear. Sort of mild, but that precipitated weird happenings. Once the water rapidly disappeared a follow up investigation included an excavation into the void.

Anyone who goes by "Dragon" can't be taken too seriously.

Plus, the fear of digging holes will effectively grind anything that's potentially useful to a halt.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
The problem is they are attempting a "scientific approach." At the same time, they are entertaining with personalities pursuing enticing incidences. How the Skinwalker investigation team and production crew work this equation and present the findings can border on banally stupid to intriguing, and between which, is what you get to decide.

Science is slow careful, repetitive, and often boring (to view, though can be powerfully fascinating), as it goes about developing a Hypothesis, collecting, and analyzing data, and then making a qualified summation, peer reviews, and possible predictions.

Now this is a fascinating topic. More high-quality images, cell phone captures, eye-witnesses accounts of UFO/UAFs by Navy pilots and scores of other professional observers have the public and the Government bodies questioning, not that this is real, but WHAT IS IT?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
Downtown Minneapolis
The problem is they are attempting a "scientific approach." At the same time, they are entertaining with personalities pursuing enticing incidences. How the Skinwalker investigation team and production crew work this equation and present the findings can border on banally stupid to intriguing, and between which, is what you get to decide.

Science is a slow careful, repetitive, often boring (to view, though can be powerfully fascinating), as it goes about developing a Hypothesis, collecting, analyzing data, then making a qualified summation, peer reviews, and possible predictions.

Now this is an absolutely fascinating topic. More high quality images, cell phone captures, eye-witnesses accounts of UFO/UAFs by Navy pilots and scores of other professional observers has the public and the Government bodies questioning, not that this is real, but WHAT IS IT.
Certainly a fascinating time to be alive that we can say "UFOs (UAFs) are Real. And the government has said so" and not be looked at as crazy.

That "what" is what is most captivating for me. If it's not ours, then what is it. Who's is it? Not to mention the basic hypothesized propulsion system we think is running these things (or at least some). That's the next big tech race for govs imo
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Feb 28, 2006
I watch these shows for entertainment, not education or enlightenment. I think both Skinwalker Ranch and that Frog Ranch show are mostly BS over-reactions to generally accepted things. Oak Island is likely just a lot of junk that washed ashore over the decades. But, at least Oak Island seems to utilize real science and work vs the other shows.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
As someone who believes most of the new UFO stuff that has come out, and is of the strong belief there is life (to what extent I have no clue) beyond earth, I have always had some disdain for these types of shows.

I've been reading perspectives on this topic and my collective belief is that the Universe has plenty of life!

Scientists have come to the conclusion since the Big Bang14 billion years ago, and life on Earth started 3.5 Billion years old, there are likely pockets in the Cosmos able to sustain life as long ago as 5 or more billion years. That means some life may be more than a billion years more advanced!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
I watch these shows for entertainment, not education or enlightenment. I think both Skinwalker Ranch and that Frog Ranch show are mostly BS over-reactions to generally accepted things. Oak Island is likely just a lot of junk that washed ashore over the decades. But, at least Oak Island seems to utilize real science and work vs the other shows.
As much BS as the Skinwalker show throws at us, independent observations, images, and videos of high-speed daylight discs--UAFs/UFOs--in this area is what I want to be explained. They have been seen for decades. I can not explain them, they are not all hoaxes, and they are not human-made. So what are they? Where do they come from? How do they work? What do they want? We have to deal with this.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
I'm not some fancy, big brained, astrophysicist. I'm just some angry guy from Gilbert, but wouldn't you think that, if you can't see where the water you diverted into a hole is flowing because it's covered with detritus, you might try to fill the hole with water again once you've cleared out the brush?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 10, 2007
Thanks for the reminder I checked and it is available on demand from the History channel.
The show sucks in general but it's kind of fun to watch these guys bumble around for an hour on Saturday morning while I drink my pot of coffee.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
No UFOs/UAPs, or beasties, are offered in S2-E2, back on Skinwalker Ranch...

...not much for extraordinary incidents were revealed. Petroglyphs and pictographs expert of the SW US gave his assessment of some unique rock art found mid-way up the Mesa in the NE section of the Skinwalker property.

Surprisingly, the expert's first assessment in interpreting prehistoric art was that the ancient people's work portrayed a portal!? He came to this reading as he had seen this theme in other such rock art throughout the region. That's kind of amazing, maybe. Also, the expert came to believe a wavy line indicated a "serpent." This same feature team member Travis (PH.D., astronomer) had, also, earlier interpreted as rock art depicting the constellation Draco- the dragon, or serpent. Nice parallel.

Another: A months-old cattle mutilation carcass showed little signs of animal scavenging, which is highly unusual as dead livestock is quickly targeted and consumed by predators in the high, dry, sterile plains. Little conclusive was found in samples taken from the remains in chemical testing and other forensics.

Lastly: A former resident gave accounts of other Skinwalker cattle mutilations. They had seen these up close and offered a graphic description. The same person offered up a photo of unidentified metallic rods found on the property. Of very high hardness, these rod artifact's identity was left to the imagination as to provenance, use, and composition. Speculation given was high-level experts reportedly had possession of the rods and had come to some undisclosed conclusions.

Next week the gang tries to simulate a portal to elicit some activity. Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2016
I've been reading perspectives on this topic and my collective belief is that the Universe has plenty of life!

Scientists have come to the conclusion since the Big Bang14 billion years ago, and life on Earth started 3.5 Billion years old, there are likely pockets in the Cosmos able to sustain life as long ago as 5 or more billion years. That means some life may be more than a billion years more advanced!
That would not be possible. The atmospheres would have been destroyed by intelligent life.☹️


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
I am adding some extraordinary UFO/UAP cases, having high witness counts, and leaving physical traces. This is a very lengthy case from Pentrych, Wales in 2016:

Why does this case not have A LOT of images of the event?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
Episode 3 of S-2, opens with former high level military investigator, Colonel Alexander, giving his, and that of his colleagues, encounters on Skinwalker Ranch (SWR). The Col.'s team encountered odd lights, a nighttime "dino-like raptor" which left tracks(!), enigmatic lights, and a portal-like glow expelling a six-foot-tall entity which hightailed out of Dodge and vanished into the night-don't they all! No images, videos, or casts of footprints of the raptor were offered.

Next the current SWR team erected a small ply board laser shack structure on a prominent site on the ranch. Multiple lasers were projected onto the side of the mesa to see if the team could evoke some response from the energies that be. Not much to report from this effort thereafter

A friend, of an earlier former "pre-investigation" owner of SWR, dropped by and got going on recollections. Related to him by the former owner, he gave reports of aliens running amok on the ranch. Lamenting his plight the former owner said, "why are they messing around on my ranch?" The friend told a perplexing eye-witness story of missing heifers later found stacked in a small SWR shed in some suspended state, but alive. Continuing on with cattle abuse vis a-vis was finding two black angus calves mutilated. Nearby came to be discovered an "obvious UFO landing site of crushed and twisted grass 23-feet long."

Later in the show, the team efforts featured simulating a portal with lasers at the old homestead. Using thermal and night vision, the team waited to see if any unexplained reactions or phenomena occurred. At this time inside the old homestead, Travis and the team had a "Ghost Adventure" like temperature drop and detected an odd stench. While this was occurring two other members head out to walk the property and caught sight of a puzzling light orb in a grove of Russian Olives a good 100+ yards from the old homestead. Travis and Dragon went in pursuit and vaguely got a glimpse. Like much of the occurrences on SWR, it quickly evaporated.

Next week odd temperature fluxes are investigated at the the old homestead.

By the way, have any of you got into the 411 Missing people thing? There is a parallel of some sort I will conjecture about with the nexus being microwave and other non-ionizing radiation being used to initiate confusion, manipulate, and cause illness in animals and people.

Take these items in connection with these three oddities:

-Disappearing 411 people are reported suddenly feeling ill, or sleepy, head home only to disappear with little recollection, or are later found dead.

-Alien abduction cases seem to involve these radiation to manipulate people and appear to be used on animals (during mutilations). Radiation surges are also oft-reported on SWR.

-And, the "Havana Syndrome" too. Are Aliens showing that not only can they fly unfettered around our greatest warships, but direct beams affecting people near our highly secure US Capitol and embassies?
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