VOTE tomorrow


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 27, 2009
For you Ames residents, get out an vote for City Council tomorrow! Here's your chance to make Ames a better place. It doesn't even matter if you're not registered, all you need is a photo ID and a piece of mail with your Ames address to register at the polls. Here is the Ames Trib's coverage of the elections:

Ames Tribune > Ames Tribune > News

The open spots on the council are Ward 1, Ward 3 and At Large. Ward 1 is pretty much everything east of Grand Ave. Ward 3 is everything south of Lincoln Way and west of Beach (campustown through SW Ames). For those of you who want some actual progress and development in town and not a City Council bent on fighting every developer that wants to do something, I'd suggest that Ward 1 residents vote for Wacha, Ward 3 residents vote for Jeremy Davis and for the At-Large seat, vote for Orazem. I think that getting Orazem in there would do a ton of good with him, Larson and Mahayni. Getting Wacha would be a huge bonus as it would be a majority for a pro-development, progressive council. I don't have a lot of hope for Davis as I think that Doll will be re-elected.

Take a look at this Orazem profile...if this fits your beliefs, get out and vote for him! Ames Tribune > Archives > Ames Tribune > News > Candidate profile: Peter Orazem

Even if you are a student, this is 10 minutes out of your day and could greatly affect the Ames that you come back to after you graduate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
I'd like to bump this again because it is important. For those of you within listening range of 1430 KASI in Ames, Peter Orazem is going to be on at 1:30 this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2006
I had a post here yesterday, that it appears disappeared due to the changeover.

It was about the issues, but I linked to Peter Orazem's article in the Tribune, since the discussion there in the transcripts was so good. As many know, Orazem is a professor of economics. As I posted yesterday, he someone I know and respect. I would encourage students to read what the candidates have to say - and to get out and vote!

If I could I would vote for Peter Orazem, not only because I agree with him largely on the issues - but also because my experiences at Iowa State with him as both a teacher and an adminstrator were quite positive. It also appears that he could have a very positive impact on the community on the city council, that he would be an effective leader.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Put my vote in. Hopefully we can get a new group in and at least get Ames into the "90's" way of thinking. :wink: