What Happened to Bobo at the ISF?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
Des Moines
But why was he there/here?
He is in town for a friend's bachelor party. He was hunting down a wig for his outfit for the party tonight. That is an entirely separate story. His truck broke down and it was at Charles Gabus getting repaired so he was without a vehicle to get around. He was trying to take the bus which is when he tracked me down (by the bus stop on Merle Hay).

He lives in Vegas, but also is back in DSM often.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2021
** Warning: old thread revival! **

(I'm never on the forum anymore, but googled "BoBo the clown" and this was one of the first hits.)

I was at Casey's on Merle Hay and an older guy comes up to me as I'm getting out of my truck and asked if I wanted to make $20. Since nothing normally good comes of encounters with strangers at conveniences stores, I was understandably skeptical.

He said his truck broke down and was at the dealership, and he got tired of waiting for the bus. Needed to purchase a wig for a bachelor party tonight and the clerk at Big Lots told him they didn't have Halloween stuff in yet, so directed him to some salon on Douglas across from the now burned down Plaza Lanes. Could I give him a ride?

I told him I would, but he didn't have to pay me $20, but he insisted. (I only say no "twice" when someone offers cash). :)

He had a very noticeable gravely voice when he talked but was very chatty. We drove to where the salon was supposed to be, but it was closed. He went to a store next to it and they gave him a business card for the salon's other location on 86th St in Johnston. Off we went only to find that was closed too.

I suggested we go to the Theatrical Shop in Valley Junction and has very appreciative that I was willing to drive him there.

As we small talked I don't know how we got on the topic of the fair, but he asked if I'd every heard of "Bo Bo". I responded, "Bo Bo the clown? Of course! That used to be one of our can't miss stops at the fair each year!"

He said he was Bo Bo back in the day. Retired now. Lives in Vegas most of the year.

I laughed and said it was so obvious now that he said and he had the very distinctive voice.

He got his wig and I drove him back to is hotel on Merle Hay.
This is the single greatest dead thread revival post in the history of CF.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
Des Moines
What do you think of Deace?

The infatuation some have on this forum to tie me to him is beyond interesting.

But since you asked.

Dude has a daily TV show on Blaze (Glenn Beck's streaming service), has written a few books that have sold well and one of the books, was recently turned into a movie that played in theaters across the nation and is now one of the top sellers for streaming.

Seems to be doing just fine...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
Oh man this is an awesome "where is he now" revival of this thread! I still always look over near the corner of the midway at the fair when I walk in just to see if by some miracle BoBo is back. Used to spend a week at the fair as a teenager because we showed cattle so I'd stay on grounds at the Youth Inn to save 2 hours of driving every day. Would go watch him for a bit some nights and if you stayed there long enough some schmuck would get pissed at him and blow $50 or more trying sink him. Best is they'd throw at the cage and he'd point to the target and say "you're trying to hit this dummy!" Then if someone dunked him he'd get back up and just say "I'm still high and dry." I always assumed cancel culture got him removed from the fair midway if not back then surely would have eventually.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2015
Des Moines
As a high school pitcher with good control back in the 90s I knocked him off that thing continously.

My favorite was the "You're a failure" lines.

Slightly off topic, anyone know why they got rid of the pitch speed games at the Iowa Cubs? I assume they got tired of dealing with the liability of arm injuries?
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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
People can complain about cancel culture or whatever with this guy but he was absolutely brutal to overweight women and different ethnicities. Plus, with him right by that entrance people didn't know what they were walking into a lot. Call me "woke" or whatever but I'm glad that he's no longer part of the fair.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 31, 2006
As a high school pitcher with good control back in the 90s I knocked him off that thing continously.

My favorite was the "You're a failure" lines.

Slightly off topic, anyone know why they got rid of the pitch speed games at the Iowa Cubs? I assume they got tired of dealing with the liability of arm injuries?
They had the pitch speed game going when I was there last month.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
Des Moines
People can complain about cancel culture or whatever with this guy but he was absolutely brutal to overweight women and different ethnicities. Plus, with him right by that entrance people didn't know what they were walking into a lot. Call me "woke" or whatever but I'm glad that he's no longer part of the fair.

I was always surprised that he was there as long as he was (actually he said it was either him or the owner that were the only two that ever "played" Bobo) , but have to admit, it was a guilty pleasure watching the whole scene...and would make it a point to at least check it out for a few minutes every year.

That said, I get what you mean and certainly isn't "woke" to question appropriateness...at least the way it is referred to today. If you cringe (which I would at times), probably something a little sideways worthy of addressing.

...and now I have the unique perspective of spending an hour or more with him in person and yes, he is a few decades or more behind where most of us are at these days....and believe me, no one would ever accuse of of being "woke".


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
Des Moines
As an aside, interesting to see so many familiar "names" out here after probably not being on the forum for at least a couple yrs or more. :)