Zac Thomas' wife detained by Moats' cop


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
Sounds like this cop got his start in Iowa City. Gotta keep tabs on the athletes in about every city, but this guy must have some some reason for picking up athlete's and their spouses.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
I guess I don't necessarily see where this is so out of line.

In most states, isn't not being able to show proof of insurance cause for your vehicle to be impounded on the spot? She doesn't have proper registration (on the windshield?) and then running a red light and illegal u-turn.

The improper address on the license seems ridiculous, unless she lied about moving or something.

But what was he supposed to do? I guess he could ticket her for all those things.

From what we've seen the other night, the guy is a classic bully. But without knowing what happened in this particular instance - well, we've all seen examples of where the more well-to-do act as if they're above such issues.
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