Zombies get $165K from City of Minneapolis

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Staff member
Apr 10, 2006
Thank you zombies for suing noone in particular and screwing over tax payers. They are fighting mindless consumerism but supporting mindless litigation.

I get why they are ******, spending a couple days in jail, but honestly....just request that the city give a public apology and free lunch for a week.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
Had they just taken failblog.org's advice, they wouldn't be having these problems, now would they...



Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Schaumburg, IL
Thank you zombies for suing noone in particular and screwing over tax payers. They are fighting mindless consumerism but supporting mindless litigation.

I get why they are ******, spending a couple days in jail, but honestly....just request that the city give a public apology and free lunch for a week.

Personally, I think they should get more. People were all up in arms about socialized healthcare, but no one gives a **** about a non violent public protest being broken up and throwing the participants in jail? We need to wake up people, fine, you want to look and see what's in their bags, I'm OK with that, once you determine it is not a bomb, then that's where it should have stopped. The fact that you can be arrested for no good reason and thrown in jail for two days, just because someone thought you were a little suspicious is pretty disturbing to me. It will never cease to amaze me what we as a country consider freedom.

I'd love to see a wake up call getting sent to stupid cities and police departments. Just because they don't like what people are doing doesn't mean people are breaking any laws or deserve to be put in jail. Here again is another one of those issues that really irks me off. Don't blame the zombies for wasting taxpayer dollars, the problem is the elected officials and idiot police departments who can't differentiate between public protest and a real terrorist situation. The money being wasted is by the idiots in Minneapolis who over reacted to a public protest.

Again, I'm not against checking out the situation. I'm not against checking the bags. But once they saw they were merely radios in the backpacks, they should have let them go about their way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
Until we see the Patriot Act repealed, you'll continue to see people being held for long periods of time and for no reason for the "safety of the people".