Time for a Real Discussion About Caitlin Clark


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
This is on the verge of being over. LSU can't make any point blank shots, and getting very frustrated... while CC is unconscious, even for her, and making everything.

Once LSU gets frustrated... you've got them beat. They can't handle it.

Same goes for CC.. get in her face and frustrate her.. that's your only chance. But LSU hasn't even tried that tonight.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
Yeah, I guess opposing opinions aren't allowed here. I

Oh most definitely although Reese is also very high on the whiner list but I'm talking about the teams as a whole. LSU is way more "mouthy" and that includes Van Lith and Mulkey btw so.... not a black/white thing.

Your opinion is allowed. People won't always agree. That's how it works.

Nobody likes Mulkey. 0% of us.

If you think Van Lith, Reese and other LSU players more "mouthy" than Clark you're in love with her like Kieth Murphy. You're right it's not a black or white thing, it's just clear reality CC cries, acts, complains and yells more than just about anybody we've ever seen. Nobody on LSU is freaking out any more than Brink did against ISU, she's probably the wbb player I've seen who cries/acts/freaks out as much as CC when things are going perfectly.
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