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  1. BryceC

    Campustown Redevelopment

    I am the exact opposite. That block was really crappy. Now move on to the east and do something else.
  2. BryceC

    Large Area of Iowa in Extreme Drought.

    Yeah I figured we still had a ways to go, you aren't going to solve a multi-year drought in 2 weeks unless things go the other way. But man this has to be helping.
  3. BryceC

    Large Area of Iowa in Extreme Drought.

    We doing any better on this now? I mean my gosh I'm mowing like every 3 days.
  4. BryceC

    SEC/Big Ten Developing Plan to Share Revenue with Athletes

    It’s undoubtedly been good for our basketball program.
  5. BryceC

    When do you think you will buy a 100% pure electric vehicle?

    My version of flourishing includes not killing and maiming so many people on the road. I guess if yours likes that we define things differently.
  6. BryceC

    When do you think you will buy a 100% pure electric vehicle?

    I don’t particularly like the guy but he’s not the only one advancing this technology.
  7. BryceC

    When do you think you will buy a 100% pure electric vehicle?

    Good point. I care that human flourishing is impeded by ignorant people. I shouldn’t say that I don’t care what they think, I should say I don’t value what they think. I can’t change how people think. I don’t think public policy should be set by people who are afraid of technology.
  8. BryceC

    Iowa High School BEDS count 24-25

    Probably 10 of those chicks chew too, so unless you're into that it gets to be even tougher sledding
  9. BryceC

    What's streaming that's good TV/movies

    It’s really good. If you’re at all interested lock in
  10. BryceC

    When do you think you will buy a 100% pure electric vehicle?

    I draw the line where people are unreasonably afraid of technological innovation that could save lives. I'm not philosophical about it. I don't where the line is. Somebody, somewhere thinks we've gone way too far with seatbelt laws. I don't care about them, the way I won't care about people...
  11. BryceC

    When do you think you will buy a 100% pure electric vehicle?

    The public can make whatever personal choice they want. They shouldn’t get to make policy decisions when there are proven benefits to public safety. I don’t care if the public decides to stop wearing seatbelts or they decide the speed limit should be 90 for example.
  12. BryceC

    When do you think you will buy a 100% pure electric vehicle?

    I agree, my point is it shouldn’t be up to them.
  13. BryceC

    When do you think you will buy a 100% pure electric vehicle?

    That's always been my argument. If it can be proved out that it's no more dangerous than a human driver it should be allowed immediately. The benchmark should not be zero accidents, it's the expected accidents per miles driven compared to human drivers.
  14. BryceC

    When do you think you will buy a 100% pure electric vehicle?

    I don't care about any of that stuff, but I wonder how much of the sales figures are simply a result of them being pushed by other manufacturers finally. For the longest time it was just Tesla in the market and maybe a couple of weird domestics.
  15. BryceC

    Marvel Cinematic Universe

    Well… and other help lets be real.
  16. BryceC

    Hey Millennials, want to feel old?

    Now The Jerk… that one might have trouble getting off the ground.
  17. BryceC

    Financial Aid Advice

    I mean this sincerely, I don’t mean to detract from people’s experiences but a huge number of people learn all of that without going to college. I think that stuff is totally overrated.
  18. BryceC

    Nostalgia for the 90's and 00's

    I mean this sincerely I'm a little shocked we're talking about 90s games and nobody has brought up Quake, which I spent literally days of my life playing. Fun fact I went to a Quake LAN party at Iowa State I think when I was a high school sophomore and was out all night, I think I got back at...
  19. BryceC

    Nostalgia for the 90's and 00's

    Could you hear the bass, or was it just the rattle from the trunk of the old Ford LTD?
  20. BryceC

    Nostalgia for the 90's and 00's

    Take your kids to the library. I've done it with all of my kids. Movies shelved as far as the eye can see.