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  1. J

    FS: 3 tickets UNI

    Section F, row 27, seat 15-17 Managed to get some extra tickets (accidently) Need somebody in cardinal and gold to sit in them. $80 per
  2. J

    Fight song air horn?

    Anybody know about a real airhorn that would play the first couple measures? I am not talking about electronics that pay MP3s. Thanks.
  3. J

    Who is going to MacLeod tonight?

    We'll need all the Cardinal and Gold we can get.
  4. J

    Holy cow, I'm in Panama

    Hi all. I'm in Boquete, Panama. Not exactly Iowa, that's for sure. Met up with our daughter and her classmate from this summer. Anyway, if you ever need a little culture shock treatment, head down this way.
  5. J

    International communication

    Hey, the daughter is in Central America for the summer. We were thinking we should install Skype so we could visit with her. Question 1: Is Skype the best option out there? Question 2: What do I need to make Skype work? ? Skype credit...
  6. J

    Vette On the Mend

    I heard from some Waverly sources that Vette is doing much better. Perhaps next year will find him enrolled at either Wartburg or Winona State. Yes, he's thinking about returning to the hardwood. :yes: Best wishes to Clayton. :wink:
  7. J

    Turning point?

    Obviously we turned the game after halftime. Wow, but specifically. I think going for a 4th and two on your own 47 ( or whatever it was ) shows just enough disrespect for your opponent to motivate them into destroying your hind-end for the rest of the quarter. :yes::biggrin:
  8. J

    Women VB over UNI in three!!

    :smile: 5142 fans watched the VB match. Not a lot of 'clone fans. I'd just guess less than 200. (usually Cedar Falls brings out more Cyclone fans) I must say the Cyclones played much better as a team than UNI. 30-23 32-30 30-26 It got exciting a few times.:biggrin: I...
  9. J

    Women's Volleyball @ UNI Wednesday

    Should be a great match. I haven't been to a VB match in the McLeod Center. It will be fun. Wear your cardinal and gold.:notworthy:
  10. J

    Donations - What's your big picture?

    To compliment the Grassley thread: Does your contribution to ISU decrease your other charitable gifts? Your church? I'm sure we all do 10% here. American Cancer Society? American Heart Assoc.? Local Dollars for Scholars? Girl Scout Cookies (don't try and deduct that one!) Where do...
  11. J

    Hy-Vee Cy-hawk commercial

    The Cy-hawk series, developed by the Hy-Vee people, confronts this rivalry with great civility. That is healthy. But...that commercial they use always sends me to the 'fridge. I do not like that commercial. (where the allegiance of the young married couple is split) Please tell me...
  12. J

    Game situation: What would you do?

    Down by three. 15 seconds left. We steal the ball and push downcourt 2 on 1, our advantage. What would you do? 1) Pull up and shoot the three? (you've got al rebounder) 2) Drive and hope for an old fashioned three? 3) Take the easy two and hope? This is also known as the end of the...
  13. J

    Help defense -- Is it over rated?

    "Help defense" is used after somebody gets beat. It's good team play. However, does depending on it hurt your overall quality of defense? It drives me nuts to see us over-defending a wing man, letting them go baseline on us and depending on our post players to pick up the slack. It must...
  14. J

    Where now McCarney?

    I'm sure Chizek is on top of everyone's mind. However I'm sure that CF clientel have got the talent to simultaneously handle this thread. What is McCarney up to now? Who is interested?