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    *** Official #10 Illinois vs #4 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    How many bail out fouls were there?
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    *** Official #10 Illinois vs #4 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    Lot of time left to say a single digit game is over
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    Buying under the influence

    Would not have regretted this decision at all.
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    Who makes a Sweet 16 first?

    Por que no los dos?
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    Illinois matchup

    So much scoring in transition, but we don’t turn the ball over like this. So….
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    *** Official #25 Washington State vs #4 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    Ok why are they bailing them out with these soft calls because they can’t physically hang with us!?
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    *** Official #25 Washington State vs #4 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    Why on earth did we not hold for one!?
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    *** Official #25 Washington State vs #4 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    Wells is pretty free and loose with his off-ball elbow….
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    *** Official #25 Washington State vs #4 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    Progression to the mean, please
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    Boy 51 for NU has SLOW feet
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    ***Official 2024 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Thread***

    UNM went on a big hot streak in their tournament to even get in, I was wondering when it would catch up to them.
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    ***Official 2024 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Thread***

    lol I told my wife “oh boy is he in for a rude awakening”
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    ***Official 2024 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Thread***

    Would not be sad about overtime
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    *** Official South Dakota State vs #4 IOWA STATE Game(Day) Thread ***

    So this kind of touches on one of the things I'm most proud of about us - as the realignment ******** has gone on around us, and there's a sense that we (and our conference) are left for dead, the collective response has more or less been "Go **** yourselves: Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, whoever...
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    *** Official #7 IOWA STATE vs #1 Houston Game(Day) Thread ***

    lol perfect final score!!
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    *** Official #7 IOWA STATE vs #1 Houston Game(Day) Thread ***

    I, uh, did not see this coming.
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    Voyager 1 is likely dead

    So the whole "engineering archaeology on technology from the 70s that its builders didn't expect to live this long" hits a little close to home. Pretty sure the designers of the machine I work on would faint if they knew it was still functioning, more or less in its original configuration, ~50...
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    Who are your most hated college basketball players...

    I remain 100% convinced that Phil Forte and Keiton Page are, in fact, the same person.
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    New Puppy Advice

    My corgi is 8 and he occasionally still gets a wild hair and decides to chew on something he's not supposed to, although that's maybe like once every year or two at this point. His particular favorite are books I'm in the middle of reading but haven't finished yet :rolleyes:. Only my books...
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    ***Official Super Bowl Game Thread***

    Apparently we remembered that short, easily completed passes build confidence