Are there going to be any defensive coach changes?


Active Member
Sep 17, 2008
Des Moines
Yeah, like that worked for Ron Prince. :skeptical:

Chizik has already patched the two worst holes, with a juco safety and a defensive end. Everything else is building for the future, with talented high school players who can contribute right away. I'd take a half dozen Leonard Johnsons spread across he defense over any juco.

Getting a middle linebacker who can run is the next worst hole, and with Jesse Smith back for another year, Mike Marry would seem a perfect fit.

I think that it is no secret that Norman Griffith was probably going to join the Cyclone family before he met his tragic, horrible end. Again, my condolences to everyone who knew him.
We were in on Pooh for quite some time. Have we been in on Marry for just as long; would we have tried to sign both of them (Norman and Marry) if Norman had not been lost?
I can't help but think we might be behind on getting another linebacker because of that terrible tragedy.
I believe that position need has been identified for a long time.
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New Member
Nov 16, 2008
Why are they having the corners starting ten yards away from the line of scrimmage? it is giving the wide receivers plenty of time to get off the line in full speed and run their routes. why not play up on them giving the pass defense more time to get to qb. look at baylor short pass after short pass. still corners are ten yards away. even if its longer passes least the wide receivers arent starting off in a dead sprint to do there routes giving up all that space. put the corners up there bump the wide recievers giving the pass defense more time to put pressure on the qb. get them up on the line get physical making it harder for the wrs to run their routes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
um we got a.j. klien he's 6-1 210 and runs 4.6 sounds like a taller faster jesse smith to me with a year under shep maybe up to 240-245


Active Member
Mar 30, 2006
Yeah, like that worked for Ron Prince. :skeptical:

Chizik has already patched the two worst holes, with a juco safety and a defensive end.

I have high hopes for Butler, but do you think Taylor Martin is really what we need at DE? He's got 10 tackles and 2.5 sacks through 8 games in juco. Got to hope that Maggitt can bulk up, step in and make a difference. Lyle seems like an alright player, but Parker just seems like another body. We're really going to hurt from losing Taylor, Ferguson, and Frere at an already weak position.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
I have high hopes for Butler, but do you think Taylor Martin is really what we need at DE? He's got 10 tackles and 2.5 sacks through 8 games in juco. Got to hope that Maggitt can bulk up, step in and make a difference. Lyle seems like an alright player, but Parker just seems like another body. We're really going to hurt from losing Taylor, Ferguson, and Frere at an already weak position.

Losing the guys we have this year won't matter much. The talent level is pretty much the same with the guys we have. Poor.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2007
Des Moines, Ia.
I have high hopes for Butler, but do you think Taylor Martin is really what we need at DE? He's got 10 tackles and 2.5 sacks through 8 games in juco. Got to hope that Maggitt can bulk up, step in and make a difference. Lyle seems like an alright player, but Parker just seems like another body. We're really going to hurt from losing Taylor, Ferguson, and Frere at an already weak position.

Maggitt's strictly a rush end, as are Parker and Lyle. Martin might not be the final solution, but he, Cleyon Laing and another signee will doubtless be the hole-fillers. It helps that Martin will be around for Spring ball.

It might even be another juco, someone like Delano Johnson.We'll see.

Cy Heavy

Active Member
Aug 29, 2006
I understand that we're young and in GC's second year so I'm willing to wait for the team to come around. What is concerning is the adjustments, or lack therof, at halftime for our D. The CU and KU games in particular come to mind when we appeared to be completely out coached in the second half en route to the loss. I do think that if this coaching staff doesn't learn how to coach two half's of football soon, changes should take place.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Robins, Iowa
Alright, I will admit that it would be nice to have some better players with more skills, but what is going on out there is horrible. WR and open all over the field!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2007
Des Moines, Ia.
I understand that we're young and in GC's second year so I'm willing to wait for the team to come around. What is concerning is the adjustments, or lack therof, at halftime for our D.

So, at halftime, decent players are supposed to magically appear, who aren't slow, unagile, undersized, and all of the other myriad shortcomings?

They say you can't coach speed. Well, it's certainly not a "halftime adjustment", either.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
The defensive coaches are not getting the most out of the relatively mediocre talent they do have. Obviously.

We do need to improve our coaching on defense. Coverage breakdowns week after week are embarassing. Its one thing to get outjumped for a pass or just plain not be fast enough, but we constantly have wide receivers, TEs, and RBs running wide open through the middle of our defense. These are mental errors and this is where coaching comes in.

Hopefully they make adjustments and do a better job next year if we stick with them.

I disagree, I saw ISU show the same blitz for the second time Mizzou made the same check they had earlier the receiver ran the same rout he had earlier. The ISU safety jumped the rout misplayed the ball badly Maclin ran for a touchdown untouched. If Mizzou's safety Moore makes that same play he is the one scoring. We need better athletes on D before we start criticizing coaches. I also saw LJ cover Maclin like a glove right up to the time the ball was thrown, Maclin, a bigger, stronger, more experienced athlete pushed LJ away like a little freshman and caught the ball for 1st and goal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA
How many defensive adjustments are you proposing we make when we are leading a team 20 - 0 at halftime?

"Guys, I know we've been doing a great job on D so far, but we're going to change things up a bit in the second half just 'cause I wanna."


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
How many defensive adjustments are you proposing we make when we are leading a team 20 - 0 at halftime?

"Guys, I know we've been doing a great job on D so far, but we're going to change things up a bit in the second half just 'cause I wanna."

They had to know that KU was going to try something different in the second half. And they did. And we made no adjustments once they did so.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
Why are they having the corners starting ten yards away from the line of scrimmage? it is giving the wide receivers plenty of time to get off the line in full speed and run their routes. why not play up on them giving the pass defense more time to get to qb. look at baylor short pass after short pass. still corners are ten yards away. even if its longer passes least the wide receivers arent starting off in a dead sprint to do there routes giving up all that space. put the corners up there bump the wide recievers giving the pass defense more time to put pressure on the qb. get them up on the line get physical making it harder for the wrs to run their routes.

Perhaps you didn't see that it was usually our safeties that played off. Or maybe you missed it when we did get up to the line and Maclin burned Hunley for a TD. It looked to me lik eour corners came up more this game then in the past but the safeties stayed off.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO
Actually, I'd contend we did adjust in the 2nd half - adjust to sitting back on defense rather than attacking as we did in the 1st.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
I can't see it this year. If we still suck balls next year on D I could see it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
St. Louis
I could see a coordinator change. I really can see Chiz doing the head coach / coordinator thing.

I would feel bad for Bolt, but I really think that might be in the best interest of the football team. We are really hurting right now at the DL and LB positions. If Chizik can tell potential recruits that he is now 100% focused on defense, it might give us a chance. Will we ever see a day that we have depth on the DL? I got so tired of seeing Mac's DL tire out in the fourth quarter, but now I would kill to get some of the guys that we had back then (Reed, Hayward, Carstens, Curvey, etc.).


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2007
I understand that we're young and in GC's second year so I'm willing to wait for the team to come around. What is concerning is the adjustments, or lack therof, at halftime for our D. The CU and KU games in particular come to mind when we appeared to be completely out coached in the second half en route to the loss. I do think that if this coaching staff doesn't learn how to coach two half's of football soon, changes should take place.
The problem as I have said all along is the fact we don't have enough depth and we wear out. IF GC does get more quality and he can give a breather to guys we will last the whole game. This isn't a new problem. Donnie Duncan used to have the best first half of the season team and then they ran out of gas and we finish 5-6. McCarney's teams had the same problem but it was during the games. We were lights out in the first half but looked like a grade school team in the second half. We have to get more horses and quality horses for us to succeed. I think GC can do it.