***Official Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 10-30-2019***

Thoughts on this week's mailbag

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
First and foremost, a few links:
Our official question submissions thread: https://cyclonefanatic.com/forum/th...n-weekly-mailbag-questions-submission.251174/

Link to past mailbags (if bored and need some reading material):

Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 10-30-2019
Halloween Edition
Sponsored by Pepto Bismol, for when the big runs are keeping you down.

@Sigmapolis starts the week with the easy question: FMK the three Emmas: Stone, Roberts, and Watson.
This one is pretty easy and @cmjh10 got it right. M - Watson is the easy choice. For the other two, neither is much my type, but I guess I find Stone less annoying so F - Stone and K - Roberts.
Pants: F-Stone (she proved in Zombieland 2 that she’s still a hottie), M-Watson (Watson is on my top 5 list), K-Roberts. I know who Roberts is, but she’s kind of just a passing person for me. This was too easy.

@jcyclonee just coming back from his hangover asks: What happened to this last weekend? It went by too fast.
I know people love 2:30 games, but I kind of hate them. I can’t tailgate. So I sit around all day waiting for the game to start at 3:30, then when it’s over the day is kind of over. Really ***** with my Saturdays. Then Sunday, I got lost in some not very good horror movies.
GTO: Yes, this weekend was the equivalent of that Chuba Hubbard TD run. Gone in a blur. I was sick, but still had to attend a church Trunk or Treat (during the game, so I just watched on my phone in bits and pieces). I also recorded the game on my DVR and then decided to delete it as soon as I got home. On Sunday I skipped church and just stayed at home resting all day.

@ImJustKCClone asks: Will we win our bye game this week?
Bye team has some athletes, but they’re also coached by CPR, Mangino, and Burnham so they’ll find a way to suck on offense and give 15 yard cushions on defense. As long as we don’t beat ourselves… Well, then again. Could go either way.
Pants: Probably a tie. Just hoping for no injuries.

@CloneLawman trying to gather information for his case: Who burgled KC's little car this weekend? (unauthorized entry with criminal mischief...no theft reported).Why?

[Additional detail provided by KC: Screwed up and left a window partway down. Nothing stolen but our parking pass. Basically they emptied a full box of kleenex across the floorboards, seats, & dash, took folded plastic ponchos out of their net bags and spread them across the seats...juvenile crap. After a win, I probably would have laughed. After a loss (that should NOT have been a loss), it wasn't as funny.
I'm over it now...but still disappointed in adults that don't understand "if it's not yours, LEAVE IT ALONE".]
: Is KC aware that technology now exists to prevent this sort of thing from happening? Like car alarms? Or door locks? Or car doors and windows?
GTO: The modus operandi would point to BDK and his fast food establishment trashing friend. His motive could be related to revenge on KC for constantly calling him out on his stupidity. A second potential suspect could be a disgruntled former Taco Time employee. The motive on that one could be related to either firing, unpaid wages, or just triggered from seeing the vehicle again.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@Ms3r4ISU with the weather inquiry: One inch of snow or one inch of rain - which would you rather see on Halloween? (Those of you old enough to remember the ice storm of 1991, note that ice is not a choice.)
Just like Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliot, I can’t stand the rain (showing my age). The rain would stop a bunch of people from trick or treating, but I doubt an inch of snow would stop anyone. Plus, you could also do a Nightmare Before Christmas theme with some snow on Halloween.
Pants: I moved to where I am to see as little snow as possible while still getting all four seasons. Snow can go ahead and **** right off.

@Cyched always trying to stump us and asks: Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
Facial hair, be definition, is hair on your face. Are your eyebrows part of your face? Yes.
GTO: The answer is no. I consider facial hair to be more of an option and eyebrows are a necessity. Even when women shave them, they just pencil them back in.

I asked @cyrocksmypants: In the spirit of Halloween, top 5 horror movies pre-2000 and top 5 newer ones (after 2000)?
I’m going specifically with your wording of top, not best, as my top aren’t going to be the best because of what I enjoy. Also, I won’t rank them 1-5, so they’re in no particular order.
-Killer Klowns from Outer Space
-Night of the Living Dead
-In the Mouth of Madness
-Evil Dead Trilogy (I’m cheating a little bit there)
(wanted to include I Spit on Your Grave, but I don’t think that’s really a horror movie)

-The Descent
-Drag Me to Hell
(If Cloverfield doesn’t count as horror, I’ll substitute with Ginger Snaps)
This was really hard for me.
GTO: Great list. Agree that this is very hard, as I could easily go top 20 and feel better about not leaving any of my favorites out. Here are mine:
-Dawn of the Dead
-A Nightmare on Elm Street
-The Thing
-In The Mouth of Madness (do you read Sutter Cane? - we have that one in common)

Post 2000
-Pulse (Japanese version)
-Devil in the Dark
-Trick r Treat
-The Witch

@NWICY asks: For @ GTO do you wait for your kids to go to bed then take the good candy from their Halloween stash or do you do it in full view of them?
Pants do you dress Riley up for Halloween then shamelessly use him to hit on women when you take him for walks? I mean he's pretty cute anyway so assume you use him as a lead in.
You have to do it in front of them, otherwise they will never respect you.
Pants: Riley would absolutely murder me if I dressed him up. He is not a fan. At all.

@cmjh10 asks: Will we ever win a football game again?
Probably not. Time to burn your tickets. Campbell has run out of gas.
GTO: When is next year’s season opener? That may be the best chance at our next win.
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Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@jcyclonee with one of his questions that provide ALL the context: So I brought my daughter to ISU this last weekend. She visited a friend, went to the football game and stayed overnight. She really enjoyed herself and said that she appreciated that there seemed to be more "normal" people at ISU than at her current college. I think this is meant to be a compliment but I always considered myself and my friends to be pretty weird during college. Does this mean weird is the new normal or are college students now normal instead of weird?
We live in weird times right now. Our youth is living in a volatile world, and one that’s changing so fast, that those that are your daughter’s age, have no idea what it will look like when she’s done with college. She could be going to school for one thing, and by the time she graduates, that thing could be obsolete. Kids these days just want any kind of what we would consider normalcy in their life, because to them, it’s the normal that’s truly weird.
GTO: This would set off all kinds of parent alarms. Time for you to enroll at her current college under the fake name Mark McCrotch and blend in with the students to get some information about what is happening at her college.


@jcyclonee asks: Since you too are known for your fashionable upscale clothing and creative beer bongs, I have a question about the Greek system.
Why do some of the houses pronounce the letter Phi as Fee and some pronounce it as Fie?
[@ImJustKCClone with the perfect response: “Because "fo" and "fum" were already taken?”]
I’ve never heard it pronounced as fee before. I think those were the frat boys always hyped up on coke.
GTO: KC hit this one out of the park. Nothing I could answer could top that.

@VeloClone attempting to provide additional leads to solve the case of the defiled Taco mobile: Is it a coincidence that KC failed to give my tailgate (protection) money to watch her car this week and it ended up getting broken into?
Seriously, someone probably confused that little thing with a porta-potty in their drunken stupor. They probably realized their mistake when they found that there were actually paper products left in it. Even a stumbling drunk knows that never happens in the tailgating lots.
It sounds like Velo may have used his socks to wipe at least once in his life. That is what I got from this story.
Pants: I feel like someone that missed a very important part of a conversation with what’s happening here.

@Sigmapolis asks: How do you know the extroverted engineer from the others?
I never interacted much with engineers, but did spend the majority of my college life in Gilman Building. Probably worse.
Pants: All engineers are nerds. (GTO, please insert a photo of Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
I asked: Whar @VegasCy? mdk2ISU replied: I’m gonna guess in Vegas, so maybe he didn’t square up from his bets this past weekend and took another beating he hasn’t recovered from?
Makes me think of some Vegas related questions:
What is the best casino on the strip?
What is the best movie that involves Vegas?
What’s the best game to play in Vegas?
I’ve never actually been to Vegas, so no idea on best casino. As far as game, I enjoy both slot machines and blackjack, so either one would work for me. Movie - maybe 3000 Miles to Graceland? Ocean’s Eleven?
Pants: 1. Vegas is a **** hole city and it sucks hard.
2. Swingers
3. Vegas is a **** hole city and it sucks hard.

@cychhosis at the buzzer: Are beaver pelts acceptable substitutes for eye brows?
Fur is murder.
GTO: This seems like a Luka Garza question. I’m just glad the whole thing is not a unibrow. I don’t know what type of lawnmower he uses to split his eyebrow in two, but I’m sure he’s dulled a few blades. By the way:


@cmjh10 asks: Why do I hurt all over? Growing up sucks.
Call me back when you’re 40 and then we’ll talk. Just remember to always stretch before doing any strenuous physical activity. Especially in the bedroom. Nothing kills the mood like needing a 5 minute timeout to work out a cramp.
Pants: Call me back when you’re 35 and then we’ll talk. Just remember every calorie you’ve ever eaten in your 20s will come back to haunt you in your 30s.

@cyclones500 in overtime: Would you rather:
1. Never have to eat?
2. Never have to sleep?
You would have the freedom to do each whenever you wish, but wouldn’t be required to function/survive.
This seems easy, but I have some questions. First off, on its own, the answer is never have to sleep. Food tastes good. Why deprive yourself of that? But like, if I no longer have to sleep, do I no longer get tired? Or can I just function without sleep? A good sleep feels good, but only when you’re exhausted. If I don’t get tired, sleep is pointless. Meanwhile if I don’t get hungry, I can still enjoy the taste of good food.
GTO: I’ve had this same discussion with my wife multiple times. I’m already a night owl and would love to not have to sleep at all. I feel like I could get so much done in that additional time each day. Probably nothing that productive at first - gaming, movies, web browsing, etc. but I’m sure I would eventually get around to doing some actual work, exercise, chores, travel, writing, painting, etc. Sleep just seems like a huge waste of time. Additionally, if you never sleep it would feel as if whatever years you have left to live have been extended.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
I throw one last question at the buzzer: I'm throwing one last question into the mix - rank the following infomercial pitchmen from best to worst:
-Ron Popeil
-Billy Mays
-Vince Offer (ShamWow, SlapChop)
-George Foreman
-Jay Kordich (The Juiceman)
-Matthew Lesko (Riddler Suit guy)
-Phil Swift (Flex Seal)

1. Vince Offer. That dude was coked up at all times.
2. Billy Mays, a true legend.
3. Ron Popeil. I used to love watching infomercials just because of that dude.
4. George Foreman. The only product on this list I actually owned was a George Foreman grill. Worked really well. Was a pain in the ass to clean, though.
(the last three are because I know the products, but not the names, so they must not have had a big impact on me as salesmen)
5. Phil Swift. No idea who it is, but FlexSeal actually works pretty well in a pinch.
6. Matthew Lesko. What did he actually sell?
7. Jay Kordich. If you went with the original juicer guy, Jack Lalane, he would have been higher.
GTO: This came up because I saw the FlexSeal guy on TV and got me thinking about all these guys. Here’s my ranking and why:
1. Billy Mays - the dude was just high energy and sold a ton of different products. Died of a heart attack from doing so much cocaine. That explains all the high energy he always had.
2. Vince Offer - anyone that has the balls to go on TV and say “you’re going to love my nuts” has my vote. He was also arrested for getting in a fight with a prostitute.
3. Ron Popeil - Ronco. The OG. The Don. What else can I say?
4. Phil Swift - the NKOTB selling all that FlexSeal. Cutting that boat in half, putting it back together using his product, and taking out on the water is one of my favorite infomercial moments.
5. George Foreman - a truly likeable guy (even if he was one of the meanest SOBs in his youth). He must have sold a crapload of those grills. I remember having one in college.
6. Jay Kordich - dude was just straight up scary. He looked like he had seen some **** in his lifetime, had some scary looking brows, and was definitely too intense for his age.
7. Matthew Lesko - did anyone ever take this dude seriously in his question marks suit? He looked like a Riddler cosplayer trying to give you college and financial advice. No thanks. Not interested in attending Arkham Asylum University.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
Final overtime - since we felt like answering more questions, we also answered all the questions from the Monday Musings mailbag below:

@cyclone4L asks: When do we get the basketball starting line-up? Who’s do you think will be the starting 5? Who are the first two off the bench?
We already answered this question weeks ago, if you followed along! GTO has the most logical answer, though I can’t get past how Prohm likes having four guard lineups. Also, by conference time, Zion Griffin will see more minutes than Lewis. And that’s not a shot at Lewis.
GTO: We’ll get the lineup the week before the start of the season. My guess on the starting five would be Nixon, Bolton, Halliburton, Jacobson, and Solo. First two off the bench would be Conditt and Lewis. I would actually prefer a starting lineup of Bolton, Halliburton, Lewis, Conditt, and Solo but don’t think that’s happening.

@jsb trying to figure out where to place her meltdown chips asks: What happened in the basketball scrimmage today?
Should I panic more about football or basketball? ;)
What happened in the scrimmage? CSP probably took a sick day and the game was coached by his brother Jeff. In all seriousness, I wouldn’t panic about basketball at this point. We’ve lost scrimmages in the past and gone on to have great seasons afterward. Most likely just a bunch of lineup tinkering to see which combination of players works best for that season opener. Football worries me more, as we could potentially be looking at 2 losses in a row if we don’t bring our A game to Norman, OK.
Pants: We’re talking about practice here. Practice. We’re not talking about a game. We’re talking about practice. Panic more about football because expectations were higher than basketball, but really, don’t panic about either.

@Jiub wondering What do you think about the Murray twins committing to Iowa and how will that help or hurt our chances with Foster?
I’ve said multiple times on multiple threads that I feel really good about where we stand with Foster.
GTO: Iowa missing out on Foster and getting the Murray twins is comparable to a hot chick telling you she has a twin and they would like to have a threeway with you. Then you show up to their apartment and realize she has a twin brother.

@dbodeenisudm asks:
-Does the football team have a screen game in their back pocket?
-Also will we see more power formations as the season progresses, as ever since it was teased against WSU it was believed that it may be seen more often.
-After beating Oklahoma a few years ago, it was believed at the time that bringing the lanram package really seemed to mess with them mentally more than anything, and although it is viewed as a bad idea, but since they want to limit hits on purdy, is it time to start bringing in the Re-al package more often, and hopefully seamlessly, to try to get a mental edge?
-And finally could this be the year we peak in November instead of October, and do you think campbell has been focused on that(peaking later instead of earlier)?
-Is campbell aware that the offensive playcalling seems to have lacked creativity the last few novembers, do you think, and do you think we could get some new wrinkles put in during the bye week?
I think Breece Hall is a physical enough runner that we should not need power formations or LanRam packages to gain short yardage. Just for a change of pace, yes, I could see Re-Al working out. However, if we are not going to keep defenses honest by letting Re-Al throw the football, don’t even bother bringing him in. Regarding the November question, I can’t say that November success happens in a vacuum. Last year, our November games were @Kansas, Baylor, @texas, and K-State. We won 3 out of 4, but that was an easier schedule than what we’re facing in November this year (@OU, Texas, Kansas, @K-State). We could be playing at a higher level and still only go 2-2 this year. Regarding your last question, I don’t think there will be much tinkering with the offense. The defense was also fine after making adjustments at halftime. The bye week will be a good time for the injured players on defense to rest and they may also work with Purdy to clean up the issues from last game.
Pants: I think people really need to not panic after one game. Our offense is still one of the top rated offenses in a ton of categories. You don’t throw everything out because our defense essentially gave up three big plays.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@LoyalFawker asks: A Co-worker bet me that KU would beat ISU in a best of 3 between the 3 matchups in football and basketball this year. I took that bet assuming that football was a gimme and the clones could pull out at least one of the basketball games. How concerned should I be with my bet?
Dumb bet. It’ll already be an uphill battle to beat Kansas basketball twice this season.
GTO: KU is loaded again this year, so you should be very worried. May I ask what you bet with your co-worker?

@Sighclone44 asks: How will Brock Purdy and the offense as a whole continue to improve as teams bring the heat on defense.
More runs and quick dump-offs to Hall on obvious blitz situations. At least that is what I hope they do.
Pants: Brock will be fine. I trust in him. He’s a super smart kid that’s dedicated to getting better every week. He’ll take this loss hard, and he’ll blame himself for it, and he’ll come back stronger than ever against Oklahoma.

@Cycsk asks: Thoughts about the Iowa Air National Guard KC-135R Stratotanker flyover?
Didn’t see it. Always thought that stuff was kind of lame, personally. But I’m also the guy that doesn’t see the appeal of fireworks as well.
GTO: Watching the video someone posted of the flyover from the plane was really cool. However, seeing that plane flying over everyone with the refueling cord hanging out made me think of Superman flying over a nude beach.

BCClone acting like he doesn’t know: I’m confused what mailbag to use? This one or the Wednesday one.
Our mailbag brings all the boys to the yard.
Pants: Ours is better because we do it weekly and we answer EVERY question.

@acoustimac asks: I’m thinking Campbell has to be aware of the calls be made on offense. Why do you think they abandoned a successful rushing attack...especially as poorly as Purdy was throwing all day?
They didn’t abandon it. The number of passes were a matter of circumstances. They racked up in the first half because we had a drive at the end of half, then unexpectedly got it back again for another drive before the end of half. You’re going to naturally be passing a lot in those situations. And then the end of the game when we were desperately trying to get back in it. Those passes add up.
GTO: We should have rushed more. Their cornerbacks were big and experienced and at times it felt like the refs were allowing them to be very physical against our receivers. By the end it didn’t matter much, as we needed to put up points in short time and they only way we could keep the offense moving quickly was the passing game.

@jbindm trying to get an early head start on fantasy drafts: Better NFL prospect - Ray Lima or Jamahl Johnson?
It might depend on scheme. Which one of them would thrive in a traditional four man front? I think Lima is stronger, but Johnson is faster. I feel like Lima would be a lot more disruptive at the next level since he won’t be double teamed every play.
Pants: Lima, thought I LOVE Johnson.

Sigmapolis asks: What is different about CF in five years?
I’ll be a mod and have most of you guys banned.
GTO: Robot moderators. You can’t negotiate with them, open new accounts with different usernames, or ask for explanations. They’ll find you and then they’ll terminate you. My other guesses are: new CF dating forum, game ticket auction forum, or a merger with WRNL.

@CyGuy5 asks: Why did Campbell allow Manning to call the game he did when things clearly weren’t working?
Is there a reason why we the coaches are not allowing Purdy to run? Because our offense seems to be at its best when we utilize his running ability
“...reason why WE the coaches…” Who dis???
Pants: It’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t. People bitched about Purdy running because he would get hurt, they’re ******** about Purdy not running anymore.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@JM4CY asks: Is 7-5 a disappointment? It seems to be a reasonably good year but it just tastes like a disappointing one. And now with the okie st loss it almost feels inevitable at this point.
Yes it will be a disappointment. But we’re still going 8-4. It’s so crazy how quickly people go from “We’re going to play in the Sugar Bowl!” to “We suck and won’t win another game!”
GTO: 7-5 would definitely be a disappointment. The only thing that could redeem a 7-5 finish would be a bowl matchup with a decent P5 school and a bowl win.

@MJN asks: Was this the most disappointing loss of Campbell era? Reminded me of 2012 Steele Jantz drop ball game vs Tech.
I would say the Texas loss with Jacob Park in his pre-game Tony Montana suit and this year’s Baylor loss were both worse than OSU.
Pants: No. There were lots of disappointing games in his first year. But Texas last year was more disappointing.

@bsaltyman asks: What is you favorite Halloween candy?
Dude, candy corn and peanuts is good as hell. But isn’t pretty much all candy Halloween candy? How about caramel apples? I freaking love them. But it has to be with Granny Smith apples, not those gross red ones.
GTO: The only candy that I would consider Halloween specific is candy corn and it sucks balls. I read that it was introduced in the 1880s and that 35 million pounds are sold annually. I’ve never met anyone who actually eats it, so I’m sure at some point this will become a bigger environmental issue than landfills.

CW stated: Thanks guys. This should be good. I'll have it up later today!
Pants: TWHS

@bgprest with one after the bell: Yeah, I'd like to see a ranking of "most disappointing losses" and just where this one fits in.
Like, of all time? This person must have only been an ISU fan for a year or so.
GTO: Every bowl game loss would be at the top of the list. After that, every loss by less than 3 points. Then followed by every loss where we had a sizeable lead heading into the 4th quarter. Then any loss to Kansas or FCS teams. So in short, this loss would be way towards the bottom of the list.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
I’m torn on Rubber. For some reason, it’s near and dear to my heart, but for all intents and purposes it’s really not that great of a movie. It’s a VERY slow burn.
For some reason, that movie always made me think of Scanners, but with a tire. Yeah, it's not that great, but the concept is so outlandish that you just can't stop watching.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
@jcyclonee with one of his questions that provide ALL the context: So I brought my daughter to ISU this last weekend. She visited a friend, went to the football game and stayed overnight. She really enjoyed herself and said that she appreciated that there seemed to be more "normal" people at ISU than at her current college. I think this is meant to be a compliment but I always considered myself and my friends to be pretty weird during college. Does this mean weird is the new normal or are college students now normal instead of weird?
We live in weird times right now. Our youth is living in a volatile world, and one that’s changing so fast, that those that are your daughter’s age, have no idea what it will look like when she’s done with college. She could be going to school for one thing, and by the time she graduates, that thing could be obsolete. Kids these days just want any kind of what we would consider normalcy in their life, because to them, it’s the normal that’s truly weird.
GTO: This would set off all kinds of parent alarms. Time for you to enroll at her current college under the fake name Mark McCrotch and blend in with the students to get some information about what is happening at her college.
Mark McCrotch is the name I use to check in at hotels. If a bunch of college students find out I'll never be able to travel incognito anymore.

I throw one last question at the buzzer: I'm throwing one last question into the mix - rank the following infomercial pitchmen from best to worst:
-Ron Popeil
-Billy Mays
-Vince Offer (ShamWow, SlapChop)
-George Foreman
-Jay Kordich (The Juiceman)
-Matthew Lesko (Riddler Suit guy)
-Phil Swift (Flex Seal)

1. Vince Offer. That dude was coked up at all times.
2. Billy Mays, a true legend.
3. Ron Popeil. I used to love watching infomercials just because of that dude.
4. George Foreman. The only product on this list I actually owned was a George Foreman grill. Worked really well. Was a pain in the ass to clean, though.
(the last three are because I know the products, but not the names, so they must not have had a big impact on me as salesmen)
5. Phil Swift. No idea who it is, but FlexSeal actually works pretty well in a pinch.
6. Matthew Lesko. What did he actually sell?
7. Jay Kordich. If you went with the original juicer guy, Jack Lalane, he would have been higher.
GTO: This came up because I saw the FlexSeal guy on TV and got me thinking about all these guys. Here’s my ranking and why:
1. Billy Mays - the dude was just high energy and sold a ton of different products. Died of a heart attack from doing so much cocaine. That explains all the high energy he always had.
2. Vince Offer - anyone that has the balls to go on TV and say “you’re going to love my nuts” has my vote. He was also arrested for getting in a fight with a prostitute.
3. Ron Popeil - Ronco. The OG. The Don. What else can I say?
4. Phil Swift - the NKOTB selling all that FlexSeal. Cutting that boat in half, putting it back together using his product, and taking out on the water is one of my favorite infomercial moments.
5. George Foreman - a truly likeable guy (even if he was one of the meanest SOBs in his youth). He must have sold a crapload of those grills. I remember having one in college.
6. Jay Kordich - dude was just straight up scary. He looked like he had seen some **** in his lifetime, had some scary looking brows, and was definitely too intense for his age.
7. Matthew Lesko - did anyone ever take this dude seriously in his question marks suit? He looked like a Riddler cosplayer trying to give you college and financial advice. No thanks. Not interested in attending Arkham Asylum University.
Ashley Tisdale is Ron Pompeii's cousin's granddaughter. If in doubt, go with the pitchman with the hottest relative.

@LoyalFawker asks: A Co-worker bet me that KU would beat ISU in a best of 3 between the 3 matchups in football and basketball this year. I took that bet assuming that football was a gimme and the clones could pull out at least one of the basketball games. How concerned should I be with my bet?
Dumb bet. It’ll already be an uphill battle to beat Kansas basketball twice this season.
GTO: KU is loaded again this year, so you should be very worried. May I ask what you bet with your co-worker?
Don't elaborate on Kansas basketball in here or you-know-who might show up.

Tuco, Tuco, Tuco
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
Mark McCrotch is the name I use to check in at hotels. If a bunch of college students find out I'll never be able to travel incognito anymore.

Ashley Tisdale is Ron Pompeii's cousin's granddaughter. If in doubt, go with the pitchman with the hottest relative.

Don't elaborate on Kansas basketball in here or you-know-who might show up.

Tuco, Tuco, Tuco
View attachment 67984
Candyman > Bloody Mary - just sayin'.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
I’m torn on Rubber. For some reason, it’s near and dear to my heart, but for all intents and purposes it’s really not that great of a movie. It’s a VERY slow burn.
By the way, have you ever watched Trick r Treat? Probably one of the best (if not THE best) Halloween theme horror movies.