Zune vs Ipod


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2006
Boston, MA
To the OP - I'd go with the iPod. Mine have lasted a very long time, including the batteries which some people have complained about. I have only gotten new ones to upgrade technology, not because they stopped working. They are a bit more expensive, but it is well worth it for the accessory options and the other functions. I'd definitely recommend an iPod touch....they are sweet.

Also, FWIW, I lost my iPod/USB connector in a recent move, and I bought 3 cheap knock-offs on Amazon (iPod/USB, iPod/outlet, iPod/car charger) for less than $7 including shipping and they all work very well. You can tell they are cheap, but they work, and they are, well, very cheap.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
Clonefane32 if you are in dsm take it out to Jordan creek apple store. Have them take a look.


Feb 18, 2010
Please, even if you have no Apple products you probably have 5 products within site of you right now that are copied from Apple innovation.

They have done well marketing the past decade, primarily because they have been the most creative and artistic technology company so they have something real to sell instead of just repackaging somebody else's ideas.

I'd say the computer mouse and visual interface is a little more than marketing. Inventing the smartphone as we know it (even though I'm annoyed by them) is a little more than just marketing. Apple skyrockets under jobs, he's forced out and it tanks, he starts Pixar which skyrockets, he comes back to Apple that is nearly bankrupt 12 years ago and they do a complete 180 and skyrocket again... there's a lot more than marketing going on, the guy is the Leonardo DaVinci of our times. I'm proud he's an American, we don't have much else to hang our hat on as far as innovation these days.
You work for Crapple don't you?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2010
I've never understood why people have thought Apple has a better product. If it was so great, why isn't it the standard computer platform for a majority of bussinesses? They don't have near as many virus problems because barely anyone uses them. I guess I just don't understand.

Most Mac/Apple users belong in the same snobish category as hybrid drivers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
I'm the first to criticize Apple products but it's hard to criticize the basic Ipod. It does what it's supposed to do. I didn't have good luck with the Touch.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2009
I'd go with the new iPod nano instead of any of the big iPod or Zune models. Convenient, cheap, long battery life.

If you care about the quality of your display, Apple's products over the past 5-10 years have made everything else look like cheap toys (that is unless you're familiar with brands like Eizo and Lacie and then you're probably spending many thousands anyway).

If you can't tell or don't care about display quality Apple products are probably overpriced. I'm talking mostly about their laptops and new iMacs that have AMAZING displays, but it's also true of the iPod touch and iPhone, the displays on these little devices are mind blowing. The iPhone 4's display is jaw dropping, I'm not a techy phone guy at all, just have a cheap piece of crap phone, but I want the thing just for watching movies on the go.

The other thing about Microsoft is, do you really want to reward a company that just waits 2-10 years and copies whatever Apple does? That's pretty much been their MO for decades now. MacOSX in 99... Windows XP rips it off several years later. iPod around 00, Zune 3-4 years later. iPhone... Windows phone several years later.

Holy Mary mother of Apple fanboys...... I think I found the guy that keeps hassling my GF over the phones for apple **** at Bestbuy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, CA
My first mp3 was a Dell, and I still have it. The thing is a beast. It has a metal casing that has withstood many drops. It doesn't look like much but it works just fine.

I held off on I-pods because I wasn't a fan of apple, but I finally converted a few years ago when they came out with their touch model and it has been great for travelling. The bigger screen is nice for playing movies and saves me from breaking out the laptop while on the plane or subway. The only down-side is that everything goes through the touchscreen so you can't hit fast forward or change the volume without looking at the device and making multiple movements. The I-pods are quality products.

I recently picked up a Sansa clip to use while working out. I'ts small but still has a screen and actual buttons which make it great for running. Whatever apple is calling their smallest player doesn't have a screen and the buttons are a bit hard to use while on the move.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
I have an I-Pod question for any tech wizard out there. I have an I-pod touch that is stuck in a "restoration loop" meaning its in restore mode, and when I go to restore it in just gives me a 1604 error. I've tried about everything I can think of: updating Itunes, restarting my computer, trying different USB wires, and I've also tried about any solution I could find on Google.

Anyone have this happen and have any answers?

Get a Zune.:yes:


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
My complaints about Apple will always be about their price vs. what you get. I don't think it's worth it. Some people do. That's a personal decision.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
Based on the craptacular Toshiba my wife got and the MacBook pro I got a month later the price is well worth it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
Get an iPod touch as your mp3 player. It offers so much more than a std player that you'll find yourself much more satisfied.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
I've never understood why people have thought Apple has a better product. If it was so great, why isn't it the standard computer platform for a majority of bussinesses? They don't have near as many virus problems because barely anyone uses them. I guess I just don't understand.

Most Mac/Apple users belong in the same snobish category as hybrid drivers.
Cost pure and simple. whe Apple took a dump and created crapola the business world adopted the PC and Microsoft programming. The cost of changing that over and then not having compatibility with other businesses/clients is what stops Apple from taking over the business world. The compatibility issues have been addressed to a certain extent but people are still afraid to try new things. In other words fear and tech support that has spent their life fixing PC/Micrsoft issues and have no idea how to deal with Apple. Afterall, they are the ones making recommendations.

I have an IMac at home and PC at work. I would go apple any day of the week. It isn't a snob thing as all. I bought the IMac becasue I thought it was a superior product. I still do. 4+ years with three kids and a wife that open anything and everything and I have never had anything done to the comuter. Just recently I have felt the urge to upgrade the OS but I don't need to. it does everything I want and more. I can't say the same thing for any PC I have ever had.
To each his own.

As for the OP I Pod all the way.
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Staff member
Apr 10, 2006
Cost pure and simple. whe Apple took a dump and created crapola the business world adopted the PC and Microsoft programming. The cost of changing that over and then not having compatibility with other businesses/clients is what stops Apple from taking over the business world. In other words fear and tech support that has spent their life fixing PC/Micrsoft issues and have no idea how to deal with Apple. Afterall, they are the ones making recommendations.

I have an IMac at home and PC at work. I would go apple any day of the week.

I do, and its a god awful experience. One thing MS does very well is simplifying the networking and file sharing. Even the most basic user could probably stumble through it. MAC's not so much.

Edit: Ugh, why do I get sucked into these. This is my last post on the matter. I swear.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
Houston, TX
My 30GB Vision: M from Creative is still perfect after I don't even know how many years! Almost wish it would go so I had an excuse to upgrade but at the same time I am impressed!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Re: Zune vs iGod

My 30GB Vision: M from Creative is still perfect after I don't even know how many years! Almost wish it would go so I had an excuse to upgrade but at the same time I am impressed!

Yep. If it lasts, it is a good choice.


Apr 21, 2006
Saint Paul, MN
My 30GB Vision: M from Creative is still perfect after I don't even know how many years! Almost wish it would go so I had an excuse to upgrade but at the same time I am impressed!

I have one that I don't use anymore that I'm looking to sell. Still works great.

This site, Gazelle.com, buys older electronics, and you can still get $50 bucks for a Creative Vision M.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
Cost pure and simple. whe Apple took a dump and created crapola the business world adopted the PC and Microsoft programming. The cost of changing that over and then not having compatibility with other businesses/clients is what stops Apple from taking over the business world.

Are you ignoring the fact that in comparable models between PC's and Mac's, the Macs are often 3 times as expensive? I'd say that's a much, much bigger issue than compatability.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2009
Cf is running really slow for me, or I would reply directly to you Bos. But I agree, these arguments go on for ages. I myself don't enjoy the raving lunatics that lose their mind over the new Apple invention. Have you ever been into a Apple store? How many were scene kids, or girls with lip piercings? Apple has a lock on the I'm too cool for school crowd. I don't really have a problem with either group, rather that they buy Apple because they want the shiny button of consumerism that says, "This guy is so cool because he bought the newest apple toy." Give me a break, spend a quarter as much and build it yourself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
To add my opinion, without adding fuel to the fire of which company stole who's ideas, I really like the iPod. Granted, I haven't used anything else in about 5 years, but it also goes with the fact that my company uses macs, therefore I have one at home. So, I don't spend much time on PCs at all anymore. When I did, it seemed like a big pain to easily transfer everything I wanted from my PC to the couple of mp3 players I owned before 2005. Now granted, this was a long time ago and i'm sure the technology has changed a bit.

I do think the iPod is a good product and I respect your opinion, but I really don't understand people who say that it is difficult to use the "generic" MP3 players or other portable media devices. Nothing could be simpler: plug in the device, open up its directory, drag media files there. Done.

The same with iTunes, I know that it is popular and widely used, but I feel it is an inferior product to virtually any other media player on the market today. It takes 30 seconds to open any time you want to use it and used to force you to convert your media to a proprietary DRM format which could not be used by other players. It is also used by Apple to attempt to control what media you can put on your iPod. If the iPod would accept files by drag and drop like any other type of portable media player, it would be practically perfect.

Even the general "user friendliness" that is touted by Apple is to me a disadvantage. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those Apple haters and I do think that Apple makes a decent product. It's just not for me. I would prefer to be able to directly interact and interface the things that are going on in my computer without the need to do convoluted "gestures" on the mouse pad or add additional layers of software which are supposed to do things for me. And that is (imo) why Apple is not used for business: it's made to look nice and be fun to use. On the other hand, Linux goes the opposite direction and maximizes utility at the expense of a usable interface for every day tasks. You need to strike a balance: easy to use and relatively easy to dig into the nitty gritty functions if necessary.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
Very few are the too cool for school crowd.

The high majority are technically users who like apple because they recognize it as a better product.

This has also worked against apple because their market also tends to demand the most perfection from their product. They expect near perfection because that's what they are use to.

You'll also find that most apple haters never really gave the product a try. I spend a significant amount of time on both and apple by far makes a superior product in a OS and hardware.
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