Harkin v. Limbaugh


Staff member
Mar 17, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
You need to do a little research and get your facts before you start shooting off your mouth.

First, I am nearly certain that a guy named Paul Shanklin wrote and performed this song. He and Rush have a long standing relationship and I believe an "exclusive" arrangement but I do not believe you could say the Rush's "show wrote" this song.

Secondly, it was the LA Times that first "tagged" Obama as the "Magic Negro":

Obama the 'Magic Negro' - Los Angeles Times

Rush likes to use parodies on his show because they point out things that are ridiculous in a very impactful way. This article in the LA Times is ridiculous.

Can you imagine what would have happened if Rush would have been the first to call Obama a "Magic Negro"? Wow...that would have been a firestorm. As it is, uniformed people like you don't even know that the liberal LA Times was responsible for coining this term...once again, the mainstream liberal media protecting its own.

I enjoy debating you liberals...but please try to get some command of the facts.

Ummm.... What did I say that was not factual or "uniformed" as you put it?

I said: 'He also plays a song his show wrote called "Barack the Magic Negro"'.

As you admit, someone with whom Rush's show has exclusive usage rights wrote the song, so you are parsing words more than Clinton to say his show didn't write the song. I never said Rush coined the phrase. I was merely adding something else derogatory (and by his tone of voice he most certainly means it to be derogatory) that Rush says about Obama's race.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
I think Rush is trying to make a point about the hypocricy (sp?) of the left more than trying to be derogatory about race. Maybe I'm mistaken.

It's kind of amazing how you guys are still talking about Rush. I guess he really gets your gourd. Whatever trips your trigger I guess.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Ummm.... What did I say that was not factual or "uniformed" as you put it?

I said: 'He also plays a song his show wrote called "Barack the Magic Negro"'.

As you admit, someone with whom Rush's show has exclusive usage rights wrote the song, so you are parsing words more than Clinton to say his show didn't write the song. I never said Rush coined the phrase. I was merely adding something else derogatory (and by his tone of voice he most certainly means it to be derogatory) that Rush says about Obama's race.

Your initial post leaves one with the impression that this racist Rush Limbaugh is calling Obama a "Magic Negro". The reality is that he is pointing out how the left continually dredges up the race card...and the real "racists" are on the left side of the political ledger. Rush doesn't make derogatory remarks about people based on race. He is typically decrying liberal policies and the actions of liberals. The beauty of this parody is that he is able to show the unadulterated hypocrisy of the liberal press!

As I reread my post above, it dawns on me that if you do what your liberal friends did with Rush's words relative to the whole "phony soldier" issue, you could take three words (racist Rush Limbaugh) from my post and accuse me of calling Rush a racist...WHAT A FARCE THE WHOLE "PHONY SOLDIER CONTROVERSY" IS!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I don't think that Rush is complimenting Obama with his Halfrican American comments. I don't think Rush is complimenting Obama when he makes his "Osama" Obama comments. Reality is that Rush makes derogatory insulting comments. Defending him means you condone what he says. The man has no credibility and will attack anyone who has a different point of view. (Insert Michael J. Fox reference here.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I don't think that Rush is complimenting Obama with his Halfrican American comments. I don't think Rush is complimenting Obama when he makes his "Osama" Obama comments. Reality is that Rush makes derogatory insulting comments. Defending him means you condone what he says. The man has no credibility and will attack anyone who has a different point of view. (Insert Michael J. Fox reference here.)

Show me someone that is political who doesn't attack organizations/people with different politcal views. It is the nature of being political and both liberals and conservatives attack those with counter political views.

Having said the aforementioned, attacks should be based on factual information and limited to political ideology.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
I don't think that Rush is complimenting Obama with his Halfrican American comments. I don't think Rush is complimenting Obama when he makes his "Osama" Obama comments. Reality is that Rush makes derogatory insulting comments. Defending him means you condone what he says. The man has no credibility and will attack anyone who has a different point of view. (Insert Michael J. Fox reference here.)

Yes, Rush makes derogatory insulting comments. He has made a small fortune doing it.

I don't mean to get personnal but don't YOU make degorgatory insulting comments when you say (as you have on these boards) that everyone who voted for GWB is an "idiot"? I believe you called Rush "a fat, obnoxious, drug using, hypocritical idiot."

Seems like the pot is calling the kettle black. Just my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 27, 2006
Comparing something this president did with something Hitler did is libel to get the conservatives gunning for a treason execution. Rush linking Obama's name with Osama's name is just a funny little jingle. There's no way he's doing it to get weak minded people to vote against him thinking he might be a terrorist.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
Comparing something this president did with something Hitler did is libel to get the conservatives gunning for a treason execution. Rush linking Obama's name with Osama's name is just a funny little jingle. There's no way he's doing it to get weak minded people to vote against him thinking he might be a terrorist.

Do you have a link to Rush linking Obama's name to Osama's or did you make it up?

I would not condone that.


Nov 26, 2006
Looks like he was poking fun at Ted Kennedy for his slip-up. Nowhere is he atually equating Osama to Obama.

I don’t believe Limbaugh should be taken seriously – he is after all an entertainer. But in addition to making fun of Ted Kennedy, it would also be naïve of us to think that he does not have an ulterior motive for repeating the “Obama Osamaâ€￾ mantra. He knows that it creates an image among a certain section of his audience, leading to people forming associations like this one that was posted on this board a couple of days ago: “Obama....Someone who shares a religion with the terroristsâ€￾. That being said, I don’t think Limbaugh is responsible for his audience, and I think he can say whatever he wants within the law. I just choose not to listen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
From a practical standpoint aren't the standards for slandering a politician considerably more liberal?

For example, Democrats are labeled as Communists or worse while Republicans are labeled as Fascists or worse. Nobody seems to be suing when these charges are leveled.

Has anyone went to Vegas? Rush's remarks are rather lame when compared to the political remarks of the stand-up comedians.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
From a practical standpoint aren't the standards for slandering a politician considerably more liberal?

For example, Democrats are labeled as Communists or worse while Republicans are labeled as Fascists or worse. Nobody seems to be suing when these charges are leveled.

Has anyone went to Vegas? Rush's remarks are rather lame when compared to the political remarks of the stand-up comedians.
Very true........the far right and far left do not believe that people are able to make judgements for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Looks like he was poking fun at Ted Kennedy for his slip-up. Nowhere is he atually equating Osama to Obama.

You are absolutely correct. Rush was just pointing out that Teddy Kennedy called him Osama...again it was not something Rush said first.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
I don’t believe Limbaugh should be taken seriously – he is after all an entertainer. But in addition to making fun of Ted Kennedy, it would also be naïve of us to think that he does not have an ulterior motive for repeating the “Obama Osamaâ€￾ mantra. He knows that it creates an image among a certain section of his audience, leading to people forming associations like this one that was posted on this board a couple of days ago: “Obama....Someone who shares a religion with the terroristsâ€￾. That being said, I don’t think Limbaugh is responsible for his audience, and I think he can say whatever he wants within the law. I just choose not to listen.

Way to contradict yourself in one short paragraph...telling us you don't believe Rush should be taken seriously...and then bemoaning the fact that he may have influence over a certain section of his audience.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Show me someone that is political who doesn't attack organizations/people with different politcal views. It is the nature of being political and both liberals and conservatives attack those with counter political views.

Having said the aforementioned, attacks should be based on factual information and limited to political ideology.

This is why Rush is the most listened to radio talk show host...he bases his attacks on the facts and stays focused on attacking the political ideology and not the person.

Unlike, the other side (liberals) that rarely can command any facts and resort nearly immediately to personal attacks...witness that fine literary piece from Al Franken entitled "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations"...now that is intelligent!


Nov 26, 2006
Way to contradict yourself in one short paragraph...telling us you don't believe Rush should be taken seriously...and then bemoaning the fact that he may have influence over a certain section of his audience.

Perhaps you could explain to me how that is a contradiction?

(And I was just observing, not bemoaning.)


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
If I am not mistaken, Obama called himself a fellow "Halfrican American" when he received an endorsement from Halle Berry.

By the way, what do you think of the Daily Show's use of a “Negrometerâ€￾ to show just how black Obama actually is? I don't wee you decrying that on this site? A little selective outrage on your part?

I will assume that since none of you liberals have posted anything about the Daily Show's "Negrometer", that it does not outrage you.


Staff member
Mar 17, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
I will assume that since none of you liberals have posted anything about the Daily Show's "Negrometer", that it does not outrage you.

Umm....they did a satirical piece on the fact that all the news stations kept running stories about "is Obama black enough?" and it was funny.

So, no, that didn't outrage me.

Also, Jon Stewart has never been fired from a job for making racist comments on the air. There's more too something being derogatory that just the text, it's tone of voice, context, and the history of the person saying it.


Staff member
Mar 17, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
This is why Rush is the most listened to radio talk show host...he bases his attacks on the facts and stays focused on attacking the political ideology and not the person.

How is calling the Majority Leader of the Senate "Dingy" Harry a factual attack on political ideology?