Harkin v. Limbaugh


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
Umm....they did a satirical piece on the fact that all the news stations kept running stories about "is Obama black enough?" and it was funny.

So, no, that didn't outrage me.

Also, Jon Stewart has never been fired from a job for making racist comments on the air. There's more too something being derogatory that just the text, it's tone of voice, context, and the history of the person saying it.

So John Stewart can use satire but Rush can't? That seems like a double standard to me.
May 31, 2007
Central Iowa
"Crap" is throwing around words with precise meaning, such as AWOL, without being aware of what they mean. The citation that you included in your second post up makes my point, precisely. Or were you coming on here to apologize for being wrong?

We could also quibble about what "being ordered to take a flight physical" means. "To have orders issued" is not the same as "being ordered". To the kind of person who has no military experience, yet considers themselves an expert, what looks black and white on paper can often be quite gray.

If GWB's state cuts him orders for an annual flight physical, and he does not receive them, he is not legally ordered. That stuff happens all the time in the military, especially the Guard. I have two orders, myself, one from 2002 and one from 2004 in my official military records that are for training that I did not report to, yet, because they did not reach me, I was unable to comply with. Does this mean I'm AWOL? (The answer, for those who are lethally dense, is "no")

The problem with the fine individuals of the whacko left, they are in love with throwing around precise words, like "semiautomatic rifle" and "AWOL", without either knowing, or caring what they really mean. The whacko right are also guilty of this, but I think to a much lesser extent; though the "shadow gov't"/"income tax is not legal" crowd pushes the whacko curve pretty hard.

They are just wielding a hatchet, and both you and I know it.

Spare me the did-not-receive-my-orders-in-the-mail snow job. That excuse is for losers.

In the case of GWB's missed flight physical, a flight physical is not only important event for the pilot, it is also important to the unit to which the pilot is assigned. The unit keeps track when flight physicals are due and schedules them well in advance. Since a flight physical is an important event, the schedule for flight physicals are normally listed, by name, in an annex to the training schedule. A training schedule is published and posted 3 months in advance. Officer are customarily provided their own copy. You would think that a service member with 25 years experience would know that, wouldn't you?

Furthermore, should a pilot miss a flight physical for good reason, he has every opportunity to reschedule a flight physical, a priority at most medical facilities, before a review board takes action to revoke a pilot's flight status. GWB could have gone to any AFB on short notice and taken a flight physical, taken it on any regular army post, or a Troop Medical Clinic just about anywhere. He did not. His flight status was revoked because of his failure to undergo a flight physical. There is really no question that GWB's failure to appear for his flight physical was deliberate and willful. Only GWB apologists for whom the standard of proof is beyond all possible doubt will argue that GWB was not AWOL in his failure to report for a flight physical.
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Staff member
Mar 17, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
So John Stewart can use satire but Rush can't? That seems like a double standard to me.

Jon Stewart is a comedian who has a satirical show.

Rush Limbaugh is a political partisan who has a political show with a political agenda.

And just because it's satire doesn't mean it's not offensive.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Jon Stewart is a comedian who has a satirical show.

Rush Limbaugh is a political partisan who has a political show with a political agenda.

And just because it's satire doesn't mean it's not offensive.

What types of limitations do you think there should be on speech? Should all speech be outlawed if it offends someone?


Staff member
Mar 17, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
What types of limitations do you think there should be on speech? Should all speech be outlawed if it offends someone?

Whaaaaa? :confused:Who said anything about "outlawed"? I think that conversation began with someone asking why "you liberals" weren't outraged at The Daily Shows "Negrometer" skit.

I find Rush offensive and a lot of other things, but I believe he has a right to say what he says.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Whaaaaa? :confused:Who said anything about "outlawed"? I think that conversation began with someone asking why "you liberals" weren't outraged at The Daily Shows "Negrometer" skit.

I find Rush offensive and a lot of other things, but I believe he has a right to say what he says.

Wow, we may have found common ground. :smile:

My situation is different than most people that post on this board. I don't have access to radio stations that offer political commentary. Secondly, I watch almost no television so I don't have the "cultural" exposure most experience.


Nov 26, 2006
Wow, we may have found common ground. :smile:

My situation is different than most people that post on this board. I don't have access to radio stations that offer political commentary. Secondly, I watch almost no television so I don't have the "cultural" exposure most experience.

Which brings up the question: What is a cyclone fan doing in Nome?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Which brings up the question: What is a cyclone fan doing in Nome?

I'm originally from Northwestern Iowa and my undergraduate degree was awarded from ISU.

My wife insists on television so we have satellite television (Dish). I just don't watch much television.

The strangest thing is that there is an individual that is the biggest Hawk fan I have ever met living in this area. He is always wearing Hawkeye apparel, sports Hawkeye license plates, and large Hawkeye flags surround his house. And this guy never even went to school there. His Hawkeye connection is that his childhood was in eastern Iowa.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Umm....they did a satirical piece on the fact that all the news stations kept running stories about "is Obama black enough?" and it was funny.

So, no, that didn't outrage me.

Also, Jon Stewart has never been fired from a job for making racist comments on the air. There's more too something being derogatory that just the text, it's tone of voice, context, and the history of the person saying it.

Rush is also doing satire with on his show...so why the outrage for Rush?

Oh, I get it...you are arrogant enough to assume you know what someone is thinking when they say something...so you assume Rush is racist so outrage for Rush but you assume Stewart or the LA Times writer are not so no outrage for them...I get it!

By the way, Rush has never been fired for making racist comments...sorry to let the facts get in the way of you trying to make a point..darn it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
How is calling the Majority Leader of the Senate "Dingy" Harry a factual attack on political ideology?

Again, Rush uses this nickname (a take on tough guy Dirty Harry of 70s movie fame) to make a point about Reid's politics. If you had ever seen a Dirty Harry movie you would understand...Dirty Harry does not hesitate to cross ethical boundaries in pursuit of his own vision of justice...and his political brother Dingy Harry does the same...you do know about his shady vegas land dealings...don't you?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Jon Stewart is a comedian who has a satirical show.

Rush Limbaugh is a political partisan who has a political show with a political agenda.

And just because it's satire doesn't mean it's not offensive.

Actually, Rush freely admits that his job is to get and keep the largest listening audience that he can...that is why he make his show entertaining. These parodies are absolutely hilarious.

God forbid you be offended.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
I'm originally from Northwestern Iowa and my undergraduate degree was awarded from ISU.

My wife insists on television so we have satellite television (Dish). I just don't watch much television.

The strangest thing is that there is an individual that is the biggest Hawk fan I have ever met living in this area. He is always wearing Hawkeye apparel, sports Hawkeye license plates, and large Hawkeye flags surround his house. And this guy never even went to school there. His Hawkeye connection is that his childhood was in eastern Iowa.

Where in NW IA? I am from the "Hub of NW IA"...Spencer!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Yes, Rush makes derogatory insulting comments. He has made a small fortune doing it.

I don't mean to get personnal but don't YOU make degorgatory insulting comments when you say (as you have on these boards) that everyone who voted for GWB is an "idiot"? I believe you called Rush "a fat, obnoxious, drug using, hypocritical idiot."

Seems like the pot is calling the kettle black. Just my opinion.

My comments are factual. The people who voted for GW Bush TWICE are idiots. Look around you. I don't think they made a very wise choice....TWICE. Fool me once, okay, but FOOL ME TWICE?? Rush IS a fat, obnoxious, drug using, hypocritical idiot. What part of that is false? Another factual statement.


Giving it a go
Apr 11, 2006
I'm originally from Northwestern Iowa and my undergraduate degree was awarded from ISU.

My wife insists on television so we have satellite television (Dish). I just don't watch much television.

The strangest thing is that there is an individual that is the biggest Hawk fan I have ever met living in this area. He is always wearing Hawkeye apparel, sports Hawkeye license plates, and large Hawkeye flags surround his house. And this guy never even went to school there. His Hawkeye connection is that his childhood was in eastern Iowa.

How can you have Hawkeye license plates in Alaska?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
My comments are factual. The people who voted for GW Bush TWICE are idiots. Look around you. I don't think they made a very wise choice....TWICE. Fool me once, okay, but FOOL ME TWICE?? Rush IS a fat, obnoxious, drug using, hypocritical idiot. What part of that is false? Another factual statement.

Wow...God love you liberals...doesn't take much for you to resort to all out name calling.

I guess you don't understand the difference between fact and opinion.

Your use of idiot...clearly an opinion...clearly nothing more than an insulting, derogatory comment. Your use of obnoxious and hypocritical are again purely your opinion.

Yes, I believe Rush probably is using drugs...legal drugs...just as apparently the vast majority of our society does based upon what some of my friends who are doctors tell me.

Finally, based upon the 6.b.definition of "fat" in my Third Edition American Heritage Dictionary, I would agree that Rush is "fat"...6.b...prosperous; wealthy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
My comments are factual. The people who voted for GW Bush TWICE are idiots. Look around you. I don't think they made a very wise choice....TWICE. Fool me once, okay, but FOOL ME TWICE?? Rush IS a fat, obnoxious, drug using, hypocritical idiot. What part of that is false? Another factual statement.

You're quite the Socrates.

I think a lot of the left-leaning people on these boards make good well-reasoned arguments. I respect them even though I disagree.

You on the other hand resort to name-calling and general disrespect of others. If you can't argue like a reaonsable educated person you don't add anything to these boards. That goes for those in the left and right.