Do you have cat(s)? A funny for you


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006



Ancient Argumentative and Accidental Assassin Ape
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 18, 2013
traipsing thru the treetops
I'm married to a guy who "hates" cats. So of course we have seven...

No ********, but each has its own preferences for interaction. As I'm typing this, Milo is laying between my arms and has his head on my right arm. That's his usual spot, and if I'm not typing he's getting endless belly rubs from my left hand.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2010
Growing up, my family usually had 1 cat and 1 dog. After college and getting married we always had 1 dog (about 20 years with no cat).

Recently, for no reason at all, my wife decided we needed a cat. I of course objected saying why in the world do we need a cat. We have plenty going on and the last thing we needed was another dependent. I know, I know, cats are easy. I grew up with them.

Well, the cat arrived in November. And I had been sick ever since. Then it dawned on me that I might be allergic. And despite me not wanting the cat, he of course has picked me as his favorite person in the house. FML. Allergy test is on Tuesday... but I would be floored if I'm not allergic.
get an air purifier, it is like magic how much it keeps dander out of the air.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2009
The thing w cats is you have to let them come to you, when they feel like it. Whereas w dogs, they WANT to do what you want them to do- you drive the bus. Total 180 in how they interact, and thus how you should act, and people often dont get that.

And cats do have varied personalities. We have 4 and all very different. Manchild, debutante, crotchety old lady, and friendly dope.

As far as allergies, i am mildly allergic. Avoid petting them and touching your eyes for sure. Wash your hands off frequently. And if they lick or wet-nose you at all, wash that off right away. I take claritin too, spring and summer when my other allergies are active. Its the protein in their saliva that is the cause, typically carried to you via dander. Its not the fur per se thats the problem. We vaccuum thoroughly every week too.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
The thing w cats is you have to let them come to you, when they feel like it. Whereas w dogs, they WANT to do what you want them to do- you drive the bus. Total 180 in how they interact, and thus how you should act, and people often dont get that.

And cats do have varied personalities. We have 4 and all very different. Manchild, debutante, crotchety old lady, and friendly dope.

As far as allergies, i am mildly allergic. Avoid petting them and touching your eyes for sure. Wash your hands off frequently. And if they lick or wet-nose you at all, wash that off right away. I take claritin too, spring and summer when my other allergies are active. Its the protein in their saliva that is the cause, typically carried to you via dander. Its not the fur per se thats the problem. We vaccuum thoroughly every week too.
I also somehow ended up with 4 cats and each have their own personalities: bossy/spicy, shy/skittish/goofy, princess/needy, and the brave baby. Started out with two and wanted to get just one more, but had given up on one I was trying to adopt because it escaped the house. So I was in the process of working with another rescue on the other one and then they just happen to trap the other one again, so I had to get her.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
I'm married to a guy who "hates" cats. So of course we have seven...

No ********, but each has its own preferences for interaction. As I'm typing this, Milo is laying between my arms and has his head on my right arm. That's his usual spot, and if I'm not typing he's getting endless belly rubs from my left hand.

My dad also has a tendency to 'hate' cats that come around the farm and will act like they're a nuisance but there were plenty of years when I'd get home to him on the porch with the thing up on his shoulders purring up a storm with food in a dish and the old dog crate as its home.

He might have actually gotten worse at hiding it as time has gone on.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
Cats are just misunderstood I feel like.

Dogs are easy. You treat them well and they'll typically accept any kind of interaction you'll give them.

Cats are more like a human relationship. You have to be willing to respect their boundaries, and different cats will have different boundaries. They'll usually warm up more over time. Too many people try to act like a cat is a dog and jump right in with way too much affection, more than the cat is comfortable with yet, and assume the cat is just an ******* for rejecting them.

Both are great in their own ways though.
Cats need a new PR person. Before we got cats, my wife thought they were all aloof and a**holes. Now she has turned into more of a cat person.

Compared to dogs they are WAY easier to care for, cleaner, don't smell bad (I have a pretty sensitive nose), quieter, and don't require constant attention. I have four cats and I pretty much handle all their care, but I think even one dog would be more work than the four cats.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
Cats need a new PR person. Before we got cats, my wife thought they were all aloof and a**holes. Now she has turned into more of a cat person.

Compared to dogs they are WAY easier to care for, cleaner, don't smell bad (I have a pretty sensitive nose), quieter, and don't require constant attention. I have four cats and I pretty much handle all their care, but I think even one dog would be more work than the four cats.
Four here also. Three was kind of a stretch, then we had to save a fourth from imminent death. Like mentioned by others, each is his own cat. All know who the food guy is, but they are opportunists when seeking out attention.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
I also somehow ended up with 4 cats and each have their own personalities. . . . I was in the process of working with another rescue.

Bravo, love rescue stories.

My buddy of 18 years was a rescue, as are the two guys who decided in August that I'd make a decent roomie.

Bogart, I found out late in his life, was a Nebelung ("creature of the mist"), a breed I had never heard of before. (Shelter photos; I am a miserably poor photographer.)

Bogart's ashes are here, in a box on a shelf. My kids have instructions to put my ashes and Bogart's together one day and to let fly . . . somewhere not yet determined.

01.jpg 02.jpg

My two new guys were good friends at the shelter, I couldn't split them up. One is a Maine Coon mix who somehow wound up on the street, attempting to fend all the ferals. He was beat up, badly. The shelter named him Justin; they had got him off the street Just In Time.

This is Jake (formerly Justin) at the shelter. His injuries required, in part, removal of all four primary teeth (the fangs) plus two other small ones. He is a sweetheart, so happy he has a home.

Justin - Shelter 4.jpg
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Ancient Argumentative and Accidental Assassin Ape
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 18, 2013
traipsing thru the treetops
Trina ("Tri-Tri")

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Eucalyptus ("Eukie")

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And yes. There are five of them. I love them all so much. They're my little friends.
Milo is a box cat also. It really doesn't even have to be a box. He likes sitting on the bathroom scale. I have an easel style stand for my needlework that has a square base made of 1.5 x 1" boards. I'll look over and he is sitting in the "box" made by the boards.
I should mention that Milo's full name is Milo the Dork.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Schaumburg, IL
We have a cat I wish we could clone. She is like no other cat I’ve ever known. For one, she has zero balance. She doesn’t play like cats normally do either. You could beat her with a mouse on a string and get zero reaction. When our kids were young though, she was the best. Her goal in life is to be held and cuddled. Our youngest used to dress her up and carry her around like a rag doll and she loved it. She has never bit or even scratched anyone, even strangers she just walks up to and meows until they pick her up. She’s a little cuddle bug and it awesome. Heck, we even have a little bird, a parrotlet, she loves it when the bird sits on her and grooms her fur.

EDIT: The bird though, what an *******. IMG_3671.jpeg
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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
We have a cat I wish we could clone. She is like no other cat I’ve ever known. For one, she has zero balance. She doesn’t play like cats normally do either. You could beat her with a mouse on a string and get zero reaction. When our kids were young though, she was the best. Her goal in life is to be held and cuddled. Our youngest used to dress her up and carry her around like a rag doll and she loved it. She has never bit or even scratched anyone, even strangers she just walks up to and meows until they pick her up. She’s a little cuddle bug and it awesome. Heck, we even have a little bird, a parrotlet, she loves it when the bird sits on her and grooms her fur.

EDIT: The bird though, what an *******. View attachment 127464

The bird has a Clint Eastwood look, I gotta admit. No offense!


Ancient Argumentative and Accidental Assassin Ape
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 18, 2013
traipsing thru the treetops
Very true!

ALL seven of our cats started life outside. People tend to dump them here.

Cricket (14) was born in our garage with her two brothers. Mom disappeared, and we moved them indoors. Smudgy and Garf are no longer with us, but Cricket is our grand old girl.

Molly the Poly and Milo the Dork (10 year old siblings) started life as members a barn litter that were taken to a shelter. They're the only ones who didn't adopt us - we adopted them.

Bonded pair Puss and Boots (approx 10) lived outside for about four years until Puss got injured (something attacked her). We had her in a large dog pen in the garage while she was on antibiotics. Boots was very upset at the separation, and laid up against the outside of the pen crying until we put him inside with Puss. After her injury, we decided to bring them inside.

Tab (the baby at 7, but also the giant at 20 lbs) was born in our shop. We found homes for two siblings, but the third was taken by a hawk. He moved inside when he was about 2 months old, along with his mother Button (9).

Now, when they sneak outside they freeze and freak out. They can't wait to get back inside again. :D
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