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  • Yeah I know the Lewis Family, I live in the area and farm part time with my father-inlaw, work in New Hampton. I also know the whole Niess clan...Did you go to high school in Osage?
    McIntire huh.....My hometown is Orchard! :) Small world! Glad to see a former fellow Mitchell County resident!
    I was very surprised by big whiskey, i said what the hell, its ten bucks, might as well, and i love it...its been awhile since hes put out a good all around album. About a year ago i got hooked on the dmb wagon, i never really listened to him until my buddy got me into it, and then i started listening to his old stuff and have really gotten into it.
    GOTCHA...thanks for the help. Keep throwin pointers my way, sounds like I'm going to need em. Thanks again.

    Ya i agree with that, I stopped listening to kxno a while back because of the lack of quality of their on air talent. I'm hoping they can get someone decent to replace him so I can listen again.
    Hey, thanks for your note. I really do appreciate it. I namecall, too, but I keep it in my head, then I upbraid myself for thinking that way ;-)
    not sure how to respond to your rep post, so I'll just tell you: I had a copy of it saved on my computer from when it showed up on ESPN. I think you can probably find it on google, though.
    Toast. The GDMCC site said 20% off food but didn't mention drinks so don't know what to take from it. I really don't care, but cheap brew sounds good here. Not to mention, if we lose, there won't be a kick in the nuts drive on ice afterward.
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