MLB: 2018 - 2019 General Baseball Off Season Thread


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2009
Dez Moinz
I'm a Braves fan and happy with the Bryce Harper news. One of the most overrated players in the game and I'm glad Philly has him on the books at that price for the next 13 years. I can think of a number of guys I'd rather sign. 1) He's a sub-par clubhouse personality imo 2) He's pretty bad defensively 3) He's had one great year that was deserving of this kind of deal and every other year has been meh to decent.

Congrats, Philly. I'm happy for you. And laughing.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
I'm a Braves fan and happy with the Bryce Harper news. One of the most overrated players in the game and I'm glad Philly has him on the books at that price for the next 13 years. I can think of a number of guys I'd rather sign. 1) He's a sub-par clubhouse personality imo 2) He's pretty bad defensively 3) He's had one great year that was deserving of this kind of deal and every other year has been meh to decent.

Congrats, Philly. I'm happy for you. And laughing.

As a Cubs fan I feel similarly. Glad the Cubs bowed out when they did. You can get two very good players or more for that price. 13 years is an eternity and I think chances are almost nil that he makes it to 10 years with the Phillies before they cut bait and trade him.

Harper's biggest asset is that he's marketable. Not for his consistent play, but because he's a hothead with good hair. I'd rather have the Cubs resign Rizzo and Bryant for the long term than overpay Harper.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Des Moines
As a Cubs fan I feel similarly. Glad the Cubs bowed out when they did. You can get two very good players or more for that price. 13 years is an eternity and I think chances are almost nil that he makes it to 10 years with the Phillies before they cut bait and trade him./QUOTE]

Harper got a no trade clause too, so even moving him could be tricky. The Phillies are really locked up on this deal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Makes you wonder what Mike Trout will get in a couple years. He's a free agent after 2020, right?

Yeah, I think it's after this season. I know I saw an article already speculating that Philly will be in on him, as well.

The thing is, there will always be an owner willing to pay. There are what, 3 to 10 bonafide superstars in the league? Meaning, one player that gives you a huge swing of success versus not. Out of all the owners, there will always be one or two that think giving these huge contracts will pay off. If Harper helps them win a WS in the next few years, everyone will be happy, but that wears off pretty quick in the years afterward when he's a drag on the payroll.

On the other hand, you could have what the LA Angels do with Pujols. They paid him all that big money with the long term stuff and have barely scratched the playoffs during that time. Now he's far beyond his prime and they're stuck with him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
As a Cubs fan I feel similarly. Glad the Cubs bowed out when they did. You can get two very good players or more for that price. 13 years is an eternity and I think chances are almost nil that he makes it to 10 years with the Phillies before they cut bait and trade him.

Harper's biggest asset is that he's marketable. Not for his consistent play, but because he's a hothead with good hair. I'd rather have the Cubs resign Rizzo and Bryant for the long term than overpay Harper.

I felt the same way when the Cards passed on signing Pujols to the big deal (boy that feels like an eternity ago). If they would have signed him for what they offered (I think it was something like $25M for 5 years), they would no longer have Yadi, probably couldn't have re-signed Wainwright when he was still good, and a host of other acquisitions.

Sometimes these gambles work out, but they are just that: a gamble. The playoffs are a crap shoot anyway. So, you're basically spending $300M to try and ensure you get one of 16 lottery tickets each year.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
Cubs need to get to work and see what it would take to get Bryant and Baez to sign extensions before they hit free agency. You'd hope with Bryant's recent shoulder injury problem and down season last year he might be more open to taking a long term deal now than waiting until after the 2021 season but he's a Boras client so he probably won't be signing an extension before then. The Cubs have at least been pretty generous so far with their arbitration offers so hopefully that accounts for something at the negotiation table. Baez I think also is a free agent after 2021 and Contreras is after 2022. Cubs would be wise to see how Contreras develops before going down extension talks with him. He took a step back with his offense last season and his pitch framing needs work as depending on whose analytics you trust he's one of the worst starting catchers in the league at it by just about anyone's measure. Guy has a cannon arm that no one questions is probably the best in baseball behind the plate but he needs to become more well-rounded as a catcher and not just a tough guy to run on if they are going to invest big money long term on him.

Rizzo is still on a pretty affordable deal as the Cubs locked up him and Castro with friendly long term deals when they were bad. Rizzo is not due to be a free agent until after the 2021 season unless the Cubs don't exercise the options on the last 2 years of his deal which is a no brainer. I'd still be open to signing him to an extension too though. Rizzo is 29 so he'd be 32 going into 2022 season and power hitting 1B aren't too hard to find so he's not going to break the bank with a record deal at that point.

All this is why I'm frustrated why the Cubs sat on their hands in the offseason. They have a small window left to compete for a World Series with this core of players essentially this year and next before they have to start addressing long term deals for their young guys and losing some key aging vets too. It could be either an expensive venture to keep the roster mostly intact or they may have to blow it up and build around certain guys. I have already wondered what happens if the Cubs fall out of the playoff race before the deadline this year. Surely they'd try to trade Zobrist, Hamels, Chisek, who are on the final year of their contracts for some kind of prospects. Hate to say it but you'd almost have to entertain trading Lester too at his age - basically any veteran with some kind of value that is not in the long range plans you'd have to consider because if you aren't competing for a playoff spot this year there is no reason to hold onto them. I sure hope that doesn't happen but I am nervous with Joe's lame duck manager status and last year's struggles while nearly everyone in the division made moves to improve this year that it is a possibility.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
I was scanning the XM dial. Sounds like the Phillies are going after Trout when hes available and that Harper and Trout have been talking.

I'd have to see it to believe it. We were teased with his lovefest with Kris Bryant already.
Jan 8, 2019
I'm a Braves fan and happy with the Bryce Harper news. One of the most overrated players in the game and I'm glad Philly has him on the books at that price for the next 13 years. I can think of a number of guys I'd rather sign. 1) He's a sub-par clubhouse personality imo 2) He's pretty bad defensively 3) He's had one great year that was deserving of this kind of deal and every other year has been meh to decent.

Congrats, Philly. I'm happy for you. And laughing.

The only Phily fans that are happy with this move are females that don't know much about the game who are just happy pretty boy with his four hair dryers is on the team and the dumb meathead homers. If you want to succeed in this sport, build culture. Nobody knows more about how to run an MLB team than me and right now sadly that includes many GM's in this sport. 2025 this team is going to be the joke of baseball. Another NL team screwing themselves this offseason makes me feel...... joy.


Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Do baseball players seem to have the most none baseball related injuries of any sport or is it just me? Here's the latest, Sano for the Twins is out after cutting his heel on some metal stairs in January at some celebration in the Dominican Republic. From the article it seems like maybe he's lucky he didn't cut his achilles of something. Jeez, wrap these guys in bubble wrap or something!

Edit: In one of the comments there was a Jimmy Buffet reference. Made me laugh:

I blew out my flip flop
Stepped on a pop top
Cut my heel had to cruise on back home
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Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
How to make the playoffs or win your division (1) sign/develop a solid core (2) stay healthy. Can do it without both. #2 is mostly luck but you have to have that luck.

Already feeling #2 starting to slip somefor my Yankees with Severino on the DL. Ace with rotator cuff issues ain't a positive development especially when you are going to miss spring training and probably April at a minimum.


I'm Mike Jones
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SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2008
