
Tornado man

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Ames, IA


Mar 30, 2006
I was referring to comments about Brackins made by coaches Bo Ryan, Rob Jeter, and Frank Haith of the USA team. They all talked about how competitive he was, as well as his attitude. You know, attributes that you can't measure by looking up stats.
Tells me it's not the player, but the bb culture he's trapped in...
I would love to see the Link...?

Bo Ryan is one of Greg's biggest supporters and have similar styles.....
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
Guys, Craig is being consistently double teamed and played physically. Watch the games, the guys totally put a body on him for at least 75% of the game. I mean literally a body on him..the guys get physical with him.

He'll be in the NBA..sure he's probably no lottery pick anymore but he definitely has the talent. Plus, the NBA barely plays any tough defense until the playoffs so it's perfect AND he'll have players around him who are the best of the best in the world so it's not like in college where you have 1 or 2 great guys on a team and everyone else is mediocre. Everyone is in the NBA for a reason and most teams aren't going to be double teaming a guy the ENTIRE game because everyone else on the team knows how to score too and they have to worry about them.
It's a good thing the NBA doesn't have players who will play physical against him.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2009
It's a good thing the NBA doesn't have players who will play physical against him.:confused:

Seriously watch the NBA, there's very few guys who will double team Craig and in my opinion, Craig has no problem when heeds to 1v1 playing a little physical.

Watch NBA though, most shots are severely uncontested and that's because (1) the isolation defense and (2) because teams know how to pass the ball around finding the open man much better than most any NCAA team. I can't tell you the last time I saw 3 or 4 guys on a team in the NBA just standing around while some guy with the ball is running an offense. They're almost always moving.

And also, look at someone like Stephen Curry. In college, this guy was a beast even against major conference teams and if you watch him he was ALWAYS moving around. His team was almost ALWAYS moving around..something most of our guys don't do and I strongly believe it's the system, not the players.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
I think CB might have no other choice but to declare, no matter what type of season he has. I remember reading somewhere (maybe ESPN) that "experts" were surprised he didn't declare after last season since he is older than the average college player. I think he is a 22-23 year old junior already.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
With the benefit of hindsight, I've been wondering lately if maybe it would have been best for both parties if Cb had gone ahead and left for the NBA last spring. Expectations and pressure went up big time with CB's return and it looks like those expectations will not be met. Everything else remaining the same, my guess is that our record would still be about the same, without CB. Something is clearly amiss with regard to attitude/chemistry and I hope we can play through it, but I get the feeling some of these guys just don't get along with each other.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
I was referring to comments about Brackins made by coaches Bo Ryan, Rob Jeter, and Frank Haith of the USA team. They all talked about how competitive he was, as well as his attitude. You know, attributes that you can't measure by looking up stats.
Tells me it's not the player, but the bb culture he's trapped in...

Almost four years of the same shows it is the court culture. Our teams stand around almost more than any team that I see in college basketball. Are we lazy? Are we slow? Are we waiting for lightning to strike? Are we out of shape? With ten people to play, we shoud be working our butts off. Looks like we do not have the die hard attitude needed against the better teams. We need to look more like a Haluska, a Cato, a Meyer. Instead we look like we are waiting for the next fellow to make a play. For instance, Gilstrap will get the ball down low and try to force up a bad shot. Yet he gets no help to pass out to as the passing lanes are blocked since we stand around. It is more that he wants to make a play but his side partners are not helping against the defense. Looks like McD is trying to coach by osmosis - it is slowly sinking in. The season will be over before we sync as a team.

For as many free throws Dendy misses, we should be in there rebounding each time instead of running back down the court. Hey, it is the whole team that needs to play with more desperation. When we lose to good teams, at least go down fighting.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2006
No chance he comes back, barring a real serious injury. Coming back will only hinder his NBA hopes. He'll be a year older and it will be another year for people to nit-pick his game.

He'll be fine in this summer's draft. He's still seen as a good prospect. Scouts understand the situation he's in right now...


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2009
In some ways coming back might have been good in the long run for Craig. If he would have gone last year and guys started double teaming him in summer league/pre-season and he was doing what he's doing now, coaches might have been reluctant to put him on the team and then allocated him to D-league.

This way I think, he's getting double teamed and if it happens in pre-season NBA, he might respond better to it and be in a better position with that respect than he might have been last year because he now has more experience with it.

ALTHOUGH, I'm missing the fact that in pre-season NBA there is going to be more help from other players than on our team for the most part. Guys will probably set better picks to make him get open in NBA/pre-season NBA.


Jul 21, 2009
He is having issues but he did start slow last year as well.

I thought he didnt play well til big 12 play. I still think he has a hard time keeping his head up and having fun. Gilstrap looked like he needed a attitude adjustment yesterday. Its a game, they shouldnt be all ****** off all the time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2006
The NDSU game, I noticed Brackins would get the ball and stand with it for 3 seconds...enough time for 3 guys to surround him defensively. I don't know why he isn't moving with the ball as soon as he gets it instead of standing with it hoping for some hole to magically appear.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2009
From a Mock draft board:

"He has very long arms, but he has not shown the willingness to becomes a disruptive force on the defensive end, either by blocking shots, or by getting into the passing lanes … "

Craig get you're as@ going!!!

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