DC Extended Universe


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Looks amazing. My only problem, and kind of always my problem, with Superman is that unless Batman has some Kryptonite wouldn't Superman just melt him with his laser vision or toss him into the Sun or something?

Yeah, while it is played off that way, this movie isn't ultimately a battle just between the two of them and who would win because that obviously would be Superman in the end. It is more or less a movie about a feud between them where they ultimately overcome those differences only to team up in the end to take on the actual big bad, which is likely Lex/Doomsday.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
Well, Clark would never kill a human unless complete accident so no he wouldn't just throw him into the sun.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Flash has been OK. They're doing a nice job with the villain of the week tied together with the one major villain, but they really need to get some more cards on the table to flesh out the story. Right now, Zoom is nasty, but that's about all I know from the show so far. They need to nail some things down there.

Thanks for the response and info. Good to know. It is always a little tough to tell at this point beings how the season isn’t close to finished yet. If I’m honest, I thought The Flash Season 1 was just a pretty good show at first, but got better and better with every episode which resulted in a much better end product.

I have now officially finished Flash Season 1 as well as Arrow Season 2 finally. Again, none of these shows are part of the DC Extended Universe. As mentioned above, I ended up loving the flash and thought Arrow Season 3 was just alright, definitely the weakest of the 3 seasons so far. I’ve also given Constantine Season 1 a go (there is only one season), and am 1 episode from the end. I like the character of Constantine, and while there have been some good individual episodes, the show has turned out to be just kinda meh. It’s definitely one of those that suffered from many things including not getting extended for more episodes, resulting in a sloppy wrapping up of arcs. Trust me, while I haven’t seen the last episode, my mind won’t change.

With all this said, I figure I might give an updated ranking on all my modern-day comic book movie shows I’ve seen, which is most of them. I’ve even broken out seasons since it’s tough to compare overall shows when some of the seasons are all over the place.

  1. Daredevil (Seasons 1)
  2. The Flash (Season 1)
  3. Arrow (Season 2)
  4. Arrow (Season 1)
  5. Jessica Jones (Season 1)
  6. Agents of Shield (Season 2)
  7. Agent Carter (Season 1)
  8. Agents of Shield (Season 1)
  9. Arrow (Season 3)
  10. Constantine (Season 1)
The following are a list of current ongoing series I plan on seeing once they are finished: AOS (Season 3), Agent Carter (Season 2), Supergirl (Season 1), The Flash (Season 2), Arrow (Season 4), and Legends of Tomorrow (Season 1). It will be interesting to see how these ones shake out on my list. Yes, there are a few other Comic Book Movie shows, but for now, I’m just sticking to ones that tie into some type of greater universe.


Jun 13, 2011
Thanks for the response and info. Good to know. It is always a little tough to tell at this point beings how the season isn’t close to finished yet. If I’m honest, I thought The Flash Season 1 was just a pretty good show at first, but got better and better with every episode which resulted in a much better end product.

I have now officially finished Flash Season 1 as well as Arrow Season 2 finally. Again, none of these shows are part of the DC Extended Universe. As mentioned above, I ended up loving the flash and thought Arrow Season 3 was just alright, definitely the weakest of the 3 seasons so far. I’ve also given Constantine Season 1 a go (there is only one season), and am 1 episode from the end. I like the character of Constantine, and while there have been some good individual episodes, the show has turned out to be just kinda meh. It’s definitely one of those that suffered from many things including not getting extended for more episodes, resulting in a sloppy wrapping up of arcs. Trust me, while I haven’t seen the last episode, my mind won’t change.

With all this said, I figure I might give an updated ranking on all my modern-day comic book movie shows I’ve seen, which is most of them. I’ve even broken out seasons since it’s tough to compare overall shows when some of the seasons are all over the place.

  1. Daredevil (Seasons 1)
  2. The Flash (Season 1)
  3. Arrow (Season 2)
  4. Arrow (Season 1)
  5. Jessica Jones (Season 1)
  6. Agents of Shield (Season 2)
  7. Agent Carter (Season 1)
  8. Agents of Shield (Season 1)
  9. Arrow (Season 3)
  10. Constantine (Season 1)
The following are a list of current ongoing series I plan on seeing once they are finished: AOS (Season 3), Agent Carter (Season 2), Supergirl (Season 1), The Flash (Season 2), Arrow (Season 4), and Legends of Tomorrow (Season 1). It will be interesting to see how these ones shake out on my list. Yes, there are a few other Comic Book Movie shows, but for now, I’m just sticking to ones that tie into some type of greater universe.

I was super interested to see what they would do with Constantine but I definitely agree with you that once they didnt get additional episodes the whole thing kinda fell apart.

Overall I just am not pulled into the DC universe like I am the Marvel. I think most of it is because they cant/arent tying everything together. Which is disappointing because side by side there is no way a Marvel universe minus the xmen, fantastic 4, spiderman(kinda) has a more compelling roster of characters


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I was super interested to see what they would do with Constantine but I definitely agree with you that once they didnt get additional episodes the whole thing kinda fell apart.

Overall I just am not pulled into the DC universe like I am the Marvel. I think most of it is because they cant/arent tying everything together. Which is disappointing because side by side there is no way a Marvel universe minus the xmen, fantastic 4, spiderman(kinda) has a more compelling roster of characters

I hear yah on what to think of the DC separate movie and TV universes. I’ve actually gone back and forth on it. At first hearing it, I was partial to the MCU model of everything being combined. However, after catching up and watching all the DDC TV stuff lately (Arrowverse), I’ve changed my tone some on the matter because there is a lot to like with the separate model as there are some advantages of having separate universes. The biggest advantage is that you don’t have to deal with being limited on characters you can use. The TV can essentially can use whoever they want (mostly) and the movies can use whoever they want. Essential, you just get two different parallel full universes from two different perspectives at the same time, which is pretty fun. I also realize that one thing that would have been so hard combing them was the fact that the Arrowverse was so far along already before they decided to do the movie universe thing that it would have just been a mess combining them, which I would have hated. If they would have started at the same time, sure, it would have been much easier. With all that said, lately I’ve been shifting more to on the fence on what DC should have done now that I see the TV side is getting a ton of characters being cut off and off-limits since the movie side is now using them. Therefore, the one good thing of the separate universes having mostly full-character usage is getting trimmed slimmer and slimmer. However, all said and done, part of me also likes them doing something different from Marvel too with the two universe concept, just like the tone of the movies are so different, which I like. Haha, as you can see, I often go both ways on the concept, but I obviously can understand both sides of the argument fully. It is easier to pull in fans though with the combined concept. However, I also will say that if people do give the Arrowverse a shot, it is tough not to like and see some of the other side of the coin inevitably.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Don't know if people saw this, but apparently an R-Rated version of Batman vs Superman will eventually be available in an Ultimate Edition blu-ray. Thoughts? I like it. In general, the DCEU is being set up as a much more violent type universe as compared to the MCU. With that said, an "R" rating version fits with what they are doing, so yeah, I'd love to see it. Particularly Batman, I'd love to see a more ruthless Batman.



Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
I channeled my inner Dude when I saw that trailer where Superman said to Batman, "I could have killed you already".

"Well, yeah".


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Oh yeah, reports are that DC/Warner Bros are ALREADY planning a Suicide Squad sequel:


Apparently, they must be pretty confident as to how well the first one will be received beings how studios usually wait on seeing the success of a first movie before announcing a sequel. With that said, how much of a hit their most recent trailer for the movie was probably played into the decision somewhat. If you didn't see the trailer many people have fallen in love with, this is it:



Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Here is a bunch more details about the "R" rated ultimate director's cut of Batman vs Superman that will only be available in the DVD/Blu Ray release. Sounds like it is going to be kind of like the extended versions that were done for all the Lord of the Rings movies, but also more intense than the original version.


I personally like the idea and am super excited to get to see that eventually. The only thing that is perplexing for me is why they are talking about this now. I know it is riding the Deadpool waves in releasing this new now, but typically you'd think they would want to be promoting the film in theaters, then once that wave starts dying out, they slam the audience with this news to get them excited for buying the Blu Ray.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Des Moines
Oscar winner JK Simmons has joined the Justice League movie as Commissioner Gordon. This is a pretty big coup, as Simmons was best known as portraying J. Jonah Jamison in the Spider-Man trilogy. There was even a recent push from fans to have him return to the Marvel reboot of Spider-Man as J.J. but I guess that's not happening.



Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Oscar winner JK Simmons has joined the Justice League movie as Commissioner Gordon. This is a pretty big coup, as Simmons was best known as portraying J. Jonah Jamison in the Spider-Man trilogy. There was even a recent push from fans to have him return to the Marvel reboot of Spider-Man as J.J. but I guess that's not happening.


Truthfully, I don't know what to think of him as Commissioner Gordon yet. Maybe he'll be good, maybe not. All said and done, I was more in the boat for him coming back as J Jonah Jameson. He was perfect in that role, but with this Gordon thing going, might as well nix that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Got my tickets bought for the opening showing of Batman vs Superman here in Cedar Rapids. Anyone else planning on going, not just in Cedar Rapids? Shoot, I even got my wife convinced to go with me and she pretty much has zero interest in seeing any type of sci-fi or comic book movies. However, there is one anomaly in the fact that she really liked The Dark Knight (I mean, who didn't right?). Therefore, I can tell she has a bit of a slight soft spot for Batman and even thought the Batman vs Superman preview looked kind of good. Still, I'm not going to sit here and pretend she is actually looking forward to going with me, but I'll take whatever I can get.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Thanks for the response and info. Good to know. It is always a little tough to tell at this point beings how the season isn’t close to finished yet. If I’m honest, I thought The Flash Season 1 was just a pretty good show at first, but got better and better with every episode which resulted in a much better end product.

I have now officially finished Flash Season 1 as well as Arrow Season 2 finally. Again, none of these shows are part of the DC Extended Universe. As mentioned above, I ended up loving the flash and thought Arrow Season 3 was just alright, definitely the weakest of the 3 seasons so far. I’ve also given Constantine Season 1 a go (there is only one season), and am 1 episode from the end. I like the character of Constantine, and while there have been some good individual episodes, the show has turned out to be just kinda meh. It’s definitely one of those that suffered from many things including not getting extended for more episodes, resulting in a sloppy wrapping up of arcs. Trust me, while I haven’t seen the last episode, my mind won’t change.

With all this said, I figure I might give an updated ranking on all my modern-day comic book movie shows I’ve seen, which is most of them. I’ve even broken out seasons since it’s tough to compare overall shows when some of the seasons are all over the place.

  1. Daredevil (Seasons 1)
  2. The Flash (Season 1)
  3. Arrow (Season 2)
  4. Arrow (Season 1)
  5. Jessica Jones (Season 1)
  6. Agents of Shield (Season 2)
  7. Agent Carter (Season 1)
  8. Agents of Shield (Season 1)
  9. Arrow (Season 3)
  10. Constantine (Season 1)
The following are a list of current ongoing series I plan on seeing once they are finished: AOS (Season 3), Agent Carter (Season 2), Supergirl (Season 1), The Flash (Season 2), Arrow (Season 4), and Legends of Tomorrow (Season 1). It will be interesting to see how these ones shake out on my list. Yes, there are a few other Comic Book Movie shows, but for now, I’m just sticking to ones that tie into some type of greater universe.

I know this isn't DC related, but beings how I posted this earlier list on this forum, I figured I'd update it here. With that said, I finished Marvel's Agent Carter: Season 2 yesterday, which wasn't what I'd call bad, but also not what I'd call good. Great actors and characters combined with a poor, stand-alone story which lacked substance and true stakes to the MCU. Definitely kind of a disappointment after Season 1 and I wouldn't say it is a badge of honor in the DC vs Marvel TV battle, but again, not terrible. Nevertheless, I've updated my previous rankings to include it.

  1. Daredevil (Seasons 1)
  2. The Flash (Season 1)
  3. Arrow (Season 2)
  4. Arrow (Season 1)
  5. Jessica Jones (Season 1)
  6. Agents of Shield (Season 2)
  7. Agent Carter (Season 1)
  8. Agents of Shield (Season 1)
  9. Arrow (Season 3)
  10. Agent Carter (Season 2)
  11. Constantine (Season 1)

Again, I realize I'm missing a lot of ongoing series right now on here (AOS season 3, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Flash Season 2, Arrow Season 4), particularly on the DC side, but I still refuse to watch TV shows week-to-week. I'll eventually get to them. I also just stick to watching shows that are a part of some shared universe for now. This makes me exclude such other comic book movie shows like Gotham, IZombie, or Lucifer.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
DC just released 6 different clips from Batman vs Superman to the public if you want to see them:


I'm going to pass watching them just because I eventually get to the point where I start spoiling stuff for myself if I watch too much and the movie is literally right around the corner (I have my tickets bought). Maybe this is common practice by studios to do something like this, but I guess I'm not sure the sense it makes in releasing stuff like this so close to the movie. Anyone have any insight on why they do this?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Batman vs Superman has finally officially released its critic review ban and the hounds seem to be out and it doesn't seem to be looking good. Here is a sampling of some of those reviews:


Rotten Tomatoes is looking pretty brutal so far overall:


Overall, I'm really disappointed to see all these not so great reviews as I really wanted the DCEU to get kicked off with a bang, or a least with some solid footing. I've waited forever for DC to finally get their universe started and I'd hate to see this collapse everything in on itself.

With that said, I'm still going to try and do my best to go into Thursday with an open mind. At a minimum, I just hope it is enjoyable overall and still keeps me wanting more from this universe, even if it isn't the greatest movie in and of itself. Who knows, maybe I'll be surprised and like it too. While my opinions on movies overall tend to not stray too far from the critics, particularly like an overall rotten tomatoes score, there are certain movies where mine don't, and Man of Steel was actually one of them. Mock me all you want, but I actually really enjoyed Man of Steel and like their take of Superman, which I think gives me a much better chance than others at probably liking this movie. Sure, there were parts of Man of Steel I didn't necessarily love, but there were other parts I really liked. Who knows though, guess I'll find out tomorrow afternoon. I'll be sure to report my personal review as well.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2010
Tulsa, OK
Batman vs Superman has finally officially released its critic review ban and the hounds seem to be out and it doesn't seem to be looking good. Here is a sampling of some of those reviews:


Rotten Tomatoes is looking pretty brutal so far overall:


Overall, I'm really disappointed to see all these not so great reviews as I really wanted the DCEU to get kicked off with a bang, or a least with some solid footing. I've waited forever for DC to finally get their universe started and I'd hate to see this collapse everything in on itself.

With that said, I'm still going to try and do my best to go into Thursday with an open mind. At a minimum, I just hope it is enjoyable overall and still keeps me wanting more from this universe, even if it isn't the greatest movie in and of itself. Who knows, maybe I'll be surprised and like it too. While my opinions on movies overall tend to not stray too far from the critics, particularly like an overall rotten tomatoes score, there are certain movies where mine don't, and Man of Steel was actually one of them. Mock me all you want, but I actually really enjoyed Man of Steel and like their take of Superman, which I think gives me a much better chance than others at probably liking this movie. Sure, there were parts of Man of Steel I didn't necessarily love, but there were other parts I really liked. Who knows though, guess I'll find out tomorrow afternoon. I'll be sure to report my personal review as well.
The large difference between the two major comic franchises, DC and Marvel, is that Disney had a real plan for their universe. It started out disparate but it came together nicely. DC on the other hand is simply trying to mimic Marvel.

Also, the choice of Joss Whedon to get this started for Marvel was genius. Zach Snyder was just a terrible choice for DC. Did they watch Sucker Punch? After the Superman reboot everyone should have known this would end in failure. On a side note Gail Gadot's Wonder Woman film actually looks good, from early indications.