dumb hawk fan/ road rage


Active Member
Apr 13, 2006
Before today I never realized how someone could get road rage so bad that they could want to smash that drivers face in,but today I figured out how it could happen. So I was driving on i35 north between Ankeny and Ames for my daughter first check up. I'm going along on cruise and a car passes me and slows down.they then speed up again as I change lanes. So I just got in the right lane and slowed down a little because I don't like to play that game. I catch up to some more traffic and get in the left lane behind this car and truck pulling a small trailer. We are doing about 74-75 and all of a sudden the truck in front of me flashes his break lights and then we slowed to 45 and I had to swerve into the right lane ( thankfully I had room). The car in front of the truck had slowed down for no reason from the looks of it and as we passed these piles of **** they are both laughing and the passenger is showing off his forearm tattoo of the birds hit hawk logo. So basically these 2 idiot hawk fans thought it would be funny to try and cause an accident on the interstate. And we played cat and mouse all the way to the Nevada before parting ways. I guess I don't know what I was more upset about. The willingness to slow down in the fast lane or that because I had isu plates they need to trash talk through the window or that I had a baby in the back. I already dislike hawk fans a lot so maybe my bias just ****** me off more. I really think they were just low lifes that just happened to be hawk fans, but I'm still fuming and needed to get it off my chest. Thanks.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
...while it's not cool for people to do that, what's the speed limit on I-35?

And if you have more following space in general, someone slowing ahead wouldn't isn't much of a problem.

Sorry, but it seems like your paragraph is full of a lot of unsafe behaviors on your own part, which, if adapted, help avoid other drivers altogether (tavern hawk or not).


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
...while it's not cool for people to do that, what's the speed limit on I-35?

And if you have more following space in general, someone slowing ahead wouldn't isn't much of a problem.

Sorry, but it seems like your paragraph is full of a lot of unsafe behaviors on your own part, which, if adapted, help avoid other drivers altogether (tavern hawk or not).


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 13, 2011
...while it's not cool for people to do that, what's the speed limit on I-35?

And if you have more following space in general, someone slowing ahead wouldn't isn't much of a problem.

Sorry, but it seems like your paragraph is full of a lot of unsafe behaviors on your own part, which, if adapted, help avoid other drivers altogether (tavern hawk or not).

Know you've done it. Aunt Ethel is ****** and calling out your driving habits (which sound within reason).


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2012
(515) 725-6090

This is the state trooper headquarters phone number. I keep it in my phone in case I run into any unsafe/drunk drivers. I've never had to use it, but it's nice to have in case you ever have to



Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2010
...while it's not cool for people to do that, what's the speed limit on I-35?

And if you have more following space in general, someone slowing ahead wouldn't isn't much of a problem.

Sorry, but it seems like your paragraph is full of a lot of unsafe behaviors on your own part, which, if adapted, help avoid other drivers altogether (tavern hawk or not).
madguy30, you forgot to turn the blinker off on your Buick again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
Bro, I get road rage every time I see a Hawk on the interstate. Not sure why. When I see 'em in the city I'm fine, but whenever they're on I35 I always find something wrong with them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
They're just scumbags. Being hawk fans has nothing to do with it. That said, you should have absolutely called the cops. Most likely, they'd get pulled over and arrested for possession of meth.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
They're just scumbags. Being hawk fans has nothing to do with it. That said, you should have absolutely called the cops. Most likely, they'd get pulled over and arrested for possession of meth.

This. The correct thing to do is to call the cops. They could seriously hurt somebody.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
On Wisconsin
They're just scumbags. Being hawk fans has nothing to do with it. That said, you should have absolutely called the cops. Most likely, they'd get pulled over and arrested for possession of meth.
Yeah, the only thing that being hawk fans did was make you a target. But the reason they did it was because they were scum.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
Too bad they didn't meet the guy who passed me @ 85 while texting. Iowa State dude in the white Chevy and North Carolina plates, you know who I mean.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
madguy30, you forgot to turn the blinker off on your Buick again.

...sorry, just some very basic factual things that people are too ignorant or stupid to acknowledge when it comes to driving. Darwinism at its finest.

Going, at times, even 10 miles over increase the chance of collision, but doesn't save much time, especially over a trip like Ankeny to Ames. Google it.

Keeping yourself farther away from objects keeps you from hitting them. Speeding closer to them makes it more likely that you will hit them. These aren't things that are difficult to understand....are they?

...wait--are you one of these people that has to have your car tell you that you're in the oncoming lane, since you were too busy listening to your GPS, that sits in your view on your dashboard?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
On Wisconsin
...sorry, just some very basic factual things that people are too ignorant or stupid to acknowledge when it comes to driving. Darwinism at its finest.

Going, at times, even 10 miles over increase the chance of collision, but doesn't save much time, especially over a trip like Ankeny to Ames. Google it.

Keeping yourself farther away from objects keeps you from hitting them. Speeding closer to them makes it more likely that you will hit them. These aren't things that are difficult to understand....are they?

...wait--are you one of these people that has to have your car tell you that you're in the oncoming lane, since you were too busy listening to your GPS, that sits in your view on your dashboard?
I guess I don't see what parts of his post indicate that he was unsafe because none of the things he was doing were really that dumb. 5 to 10 over is not bad at all, and is not going to make that much of a difference. He also switched lanes in order try to avoid the situation (safe driving). I also read it as the hawk car really slammed on the brakes which forced the car in front of him to slam on the brakes which forced him to swerve. I assumed this all happened very quickly and you don't need to be tailgating to almost hit a car, especially if you go from 70 to 45. Him almost hitting the car seems to have more to do with it going 20-25 under the speed limit as opposed to him going 5-10 over.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2006
Re: dumb hawk fan/ road rage bbbb

...sorry, just some very basic factual things that people are too ignorant or stupid to acknowledge when it comes to driving. Darwinism at its finest.

Going, at times, even 10 miles over increase the chance of collision, but doesn't save much time, especially over a trip like Ankeny to Ames. Google it.

Keeping yourself farther away from objects keeps you from hitting them. Speeding closer to them makes it more likely that you will hit them. These aren't things that are difficult to understand....are they?

...wait--are you one of these people that has to have your car tell you that you're in the oncoming lane, since you were too busy listening to your GPS, that sits in your view on your dashboard?

I was going 74-75 in a 70 zone....the flow of traffic, which is much safer than simply the speed limit. Mostly ****** because it wasn't just me they caused to slam the breaks. I could've been 500 foot away but going from 75 to 45 in a a second will cause an accident. I'm sorry a bad driver and kept switching lanes for no reason. It is much safer to keep a steady speed and definitely not safe to slam your brakes on in the fast lane, when there was no reason. There wasn't a car in front of them, nothing was in the road, nothing crossed the road, just a couple of asshats that were laughing and mocking us. But thanks for the drivig lesson Mr. Dot.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2010
...sorry, just some very basic factual things that people are too ignorant or stupid to acknowledge when it comes to driving. Darwinism at its finest.

Going, at times, even 10 miles over increase the chance of collision, but doesn't save much time, especially over a trip like Ankeny to Ames. Google it.

Keeping yourself farther away from objects keeps you from hitting them. Speeding closer to them makes it more likely that you will hit them. These aren't things that are difficult to understand....are they?

...wait--are you one of these people that has to have your car tell you that you're in the oncoming lane, since you were too busy listening to your GPS, that sits in your view on your dashboard?
Nope, unlike you I am the guy that read his post and understood he was not driving in an unsafe manner.