First Roommate


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
I do have all kinds of memorable stories from being a RA though. Had 2 strange combinations for floors though. Had the best behaved yet worst GPA floor in my building at Towers then transfered to apparently the worst floor in the best behaved building in Linden. First floor was continuous housing, had a really diverse mix of ethnicity because of that, the other floor was specifically for design students who were part of some program they had to go to a special class once a week or something to work on their projects and get help and needless to say all those creative minds on 1 floor was not always a good thing when they found mischief.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
Our first conversation when I finally met my roommate went something like this:

Him: Do you smoke?
Me: No.
Him: Good. Do you chew?
Me. Nope. But I don't care if you do.
Him: Good. Do you drink beer?
Me: Yep.
Him: We're gonna' get along just fine.

Lived together three years. Didn't even change dorm rooms. He was the best man at my wedding, I was in his. Don't say in close contact but we do stay in contact.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Lived in a 3-man room my freshman year and both my other roommates took every opportunity to go home and see their gf's. That included EVERY SINGLE weekend and at least 2 nights during the week making a 40 minute trip one way.
Got along with both of them very well. One left school after that year, the other broke up with his gf and we roomed together the rest of school, and now work for the same company in different cities.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Fort Collins, CO
I lost touch with my roommate the day after the semester ended. He was a very odd character, would play porn Tetris, take up the entire floor with his enormous bean bag, etc. The guys on my floor decided he would never get lucky with the ladies unless he had some sort of reputation, so they nicknamed him "Snake". I don't think most of the people even knew his real name.

I would not recommend random roomates, although I remember several people switching roommates halfway through the semester or at semester. I'd think you'd have better luck rooming with a HS friend or even trying to make a friend during orientation than going with the random draw.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
Johnston, IA
My first roommate was from China and conversation was limited with the language barrier.

Ping loved Star Wars like no other.

No contact.
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Kevin Dresser Fan Club
Staff member
Mar 19, 2006
Chicago, IL
I do have all kinds of memorable stories from being a RA though. Had 2 strange combinations for floors though. Had the best behaved yet worst GPA floor in my building at Towers then transfered to apparently the worst floor in the best behaved building in Linden. First floor was continuous housing, had a really diverse mix of ethnicity because of that, the other floor was specifically for design students who were part of some program they had to go to a special class once a week or something to work on their projects and get help and needless to say all those creative minds on 1 floor was not always a good thing when they found mischief.

You were on Fulmer? I also moved from towers to Linden. Actually this thread encouraged me to find my first roommate on facebook. We have not been in touch. Got along well enough.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
Did you live on anders? That might explain the introverted honors people. The floor where I lived, harwood...well, lets just say that the people from that particular honors floor were not introverted at all.
Whatever. Suckiness is an inherent quality of Harwood. We had people move from Harwood to Anders because of the immense lameness of Harwood.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
I lost touch with my roommate the day after the semester ended. He was a very odd character, would play porn Tetris, take up the entire floor with his enormous bean bag, etc.

I'm sorry, did you say "porn Tetris"? I'm sure I'll regret asking, but what the heck is that?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Cedar Rapids
Whatever. Suckiness is an inherent quality of Harwood. We had people move from Harwood to Anders because of the immense lameness of Harwood.

Funny...I was thinking the same thing about Anders. When I was on Harwood, I remember beating Anders in just about everything that they competed with us on, other than playing cards, studying and for some reason ping pong.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
My first roommate and I did not get a long at all. He was a big bible thumper, and while that is not necessarily a bad thing, he took it to an extreme. I was raised Christian, and have no problem with people having faith. This was a totally different thing, though. He was a big fan of contemporay christian music, and did not appreciate my love of Metal. Black Sabbath was a particularly sticky subject. I used to engage him in hypothetical religious discussions like whether or not God could create a boulder so big that even he/she couldn't lift it. He seemed to find the entire concept sinful, and would chastise me for ever bringing it up. He would constantly leave me notes asking me to pick up my dirty laundry, or reminding me to go to class and sign them with "Jesus Loves You" Also, he had an unholy obsession with Mariah Carey. Not, a sexual attraction, but more like a brotherly love, type of thing. In fact, if I, or anyone else, mentioned Mariah in "amorous" terms, he would get upset. He was a big fan of the sitcom "Ellen" until she came out of the closet. Then, he never watched the show again. And, once, when he was going away for the weekend, he asked me to record the ALF reunion show.

Suffice it to say, we did not room together for our sophomore year.

This was a great read! Good stuff...unless you were the one who had to live through it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Rochester, MN
Roommate from last year, although on the phone constantly and driving me up the wall, is still one of my best friends. Went to high school together and still play hoops at the Rec and intramurals and stuff together. I will say it was really nice having our room to myself every weekend of the year except one since he either went home or went to see his girlfriend.

This year however, I don't know if my one roommate will read this thread (but he is on CF due to seeing me here constantly :biggrin:), but we had a HORRIBLE roommate. There were times we had to leave (the 2 other guys I live with) because the Korean's cooking was sooo horrible smelling. To top it off, he'd leave his pans on the stove for weeks at a time, so you had to babysit him as well :mad:

And as if he needed a cherry on top, the bastard didn't tell us he was moving out at semester, so we didn't get to pick a new roommate, and got a Chinese dude :mad:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Ankeny, Iowa
I was assigned to live in Helser, fall of '89. My roommate called me. He was a 5th year senior and wondered if I could bring a couch, a loft for me, a fridge and a microwave. He said we didn't need a tv or a radio and not to bring either. I ended up living with two guys in my fraternity, one engineer and one design major. They were almost too perfect of the stereotypes that you would imagine. The engineer studied literally all the time constantly, sun up to sun down. He got a 3.5 one semester and I had to listen to him explain to is father how it wouldn't happen it again. his dad was ticked that he almost didn't make deans list. He didn't want a tv in the room and listened to turned the channel on the radio after every song just to see what else was on. He had this enormous desk in our very small room (and didn't think I needed a desk). the artist barely went to class, slept all day and was up working on projects all night long. I used to come into the room in the morning to a haze from his airbrush. he played Rush very loud all the time. it was quiet the experience.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Cedar Rapids
Roommate from last year, although on the phone constantly and driving me up the wall, is still one of my best friends. Went to high school together and still play hoops at the Rec and intramurals and stuff together. I will say it was really nice having our room to myself every weekend of the year except one since he either went home or went to see his girlfriend.

This year however, I don't know if my one roommate will read this thread (but he is on CF due to seeing me here constantly :biggrin:), but we had a HORRIBLE roommate. There were times we had to leave (the 2 other guys I live with) because the Korean's cooking was sooo horrible smelling. To top it off, he'd leave his pans on the stove for weeks at a time, so you had to babysit him as well :mad:

And as if he needed a cherry on top, the bastard didn't tell us he was moving out at semester, so we didn't get to pick a new roommate, and got a Chinese dude :mad:

I can relate. We had a chinese dude for the first semester this year who was in the English learning program, he never seemed to get over the fact that you should sleep at night and go to class during the day. He also would make nasty smelling food at midnight ( not a good thing when I was trying to write a 35 page lab report.) On the plus side, he spent ALL of his weekends at his girlfriend's place. But yes, I would recommend getting a roommate who at least speaks the english language. It would also be good if they have at least heard of Football where the ball isn't round at some point in their life.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
Funny...I was thinking the same thing about Anders. When I was on Harwood, I remember beating Anders in just about everything that they competed with us on, other than playing cards, studying and for some reason ping pong.
It looks like you were a few years after me. We didn't associate with Harwood as much as possible, so the only competition that occurred was KQ. I have some great KQ memories, including a victory over Harwood where I was our tiebreaker representative.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Rochester, MN
I can relate. We had a chinese dude for the first semester this year who was in the English learning program, he never seemed to get over the fact that you should sleep at night and go to class during the day.

Oh, hell, I forgot about that. The guy that moved out had no concept of sleeping at normal times like normal people do. I recall multiple afternoons (2:00-3:00) that he'd walk into my room and try to turn down my stereo. I didn't have it obnoxiously loud, but he'd whine he wanted to sleep. After about the second time of him sticking his hands on my stereo, I just started to turn it up because it was ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Cedar Rapids
Oh, hell, I forgot about that. The guy that moved out had no concept of sleeping at normal times like normal people do. I recall multiple afternoons (2:00-3:00) that he'd walk into my room and try to turn down my stereo. I didn't have it obnoxiously loud, but he'd whine he wanted to sleep. After about the second time of him sticking his hands on my stereo, I just started to turn it up because it was ridiculous.

My guy also liked to listen to things like Britney Spears, backstreet boy, random soft rock with high pitched chinese vocals...needless to say, the Kitty and Finntroll that I would play when he played this did not go over well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Mine was an Ag Studies Major who is now an FBI Agent and still a good friend of mine. Which is ironic considering that I skirt, avoid, or simply break the law whenever convenient. :smile:


Active Member
Mar 23, 2006
Ankeny, IA
I don't keep in contact with my first roommate. He was from Chicago. Cool guy and we got along alright, but never spoke to him after the day I moved out at the end of the year. He was an interesting fellow at times and into some "recreational" type of stimulants. I remember one night I came back to the room and he was sitting on the couch staring at the TV with caution tape on his head. All he did was look at me, point to the tape, and say caution. He then went back to watching TV and didn't speak another word.

Also, he came back from a party one night drunk and some guys on the floor decided to play a prank on him by moving all of his stuff (bed, clothes, desk, etc.) into another room. Since he wasn't the happiest of persons when he was drunk, he got mad and proceed to put his knee through the wall outside of our room. His knee went right into a stud and made a massive hole in the wall. In the next week he repaired the hole himself and did a good job at it, but since the incident was reported by our RA, maintenance came to repair the hole, so they knocked out what he had done and did a crappy job of re-re patching.

I believe he dropped out after freshman year. Something about too much Goldeneye and not enough class work. :smile:


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
My first roommate and I did not get a long at all. He was a big bible thumper, and while that is not necessarily a bad thing, he took it to an extreme. I was raised Christian, and have no problem with people having faith. This was a totally different thing, though. He was a big fan of contemporay christian music, and did not appreciate my love of Metal. Black Sabbath was a particularly sticky subject. I used to engage him in hypothetical religious discussions like whether or not God could create a boulder so big that even he/she couldn't lift it. He seemed to find the entire concept sinful, and would chastise me for ever bringing it up. He would constantly leave me notes asking me to pick up my dirty laundry, or reminding me to go to class and sign them with "Jesus Loves You" Also, he had an unholy obsession with Mariah Carey. Not, a sexual attraction, but more like a brotherly love, type of thing. In fact, if I, or anyone else, mentioned Mariah in "amorous" terms, he would get upset. He was a big fan of the sitcom "Ellen" until she came out of the closet. Then, he never watched the show again. And, once, when he was going away for the weekend, he asked me to record the ALF reunion show.

Suffice it to say, we did not room together for our sophomore year.

Wow, I didn't know you felt that way about me.

By the way, Jesus still loves you.



Well-Known Member
May 7, 2008
West Des Moines, IA
I don't keep in contact with my first roommate. He was from Chicago. Cool guy and we got along alright, but never spoke to him after the day I moved out at the end of the year. He was an interesting fellow at times and into some "recreational" type of stimulants. I remember one night I came back to the room and he was sitting on the couch staring at the TV with caution tape on his head. All he did was look at me, point to the tape, and say caution. He then went back to watching TV and didn't speak another word.

Also, he came back from a party one night drunk and some guys on the floor decided to play a prank on him by moving all of his stuff (bed, clothes, desk, etc.) into another room. Since he wasn't the happiest of persons when he was drunk, he got mad and proceed to put his knee through the wall outside of our room. His knee went right into a stud and made a massive hole in the wall. In the next week he repaired the hole himself and did a good job at it, but since the incident was reported by our RA, maintenance came to repair the hole, so they knocked out what he had done and did a crappy job of re-re patching.

I believe he dropped out after freshman year. Something about too much Goldeneye and not enough class work. :smile:

I once walked into my room and my roommate was sitting in the dark, just Christmas lights on and was jamming to Zepplin. Didn't say anything just looked at me like I had disrupted his meditation when he was about to reach eternal inlightenness. I grabbed my beer and hit the road.

He would also continously lock me out of the room. My girlfriend had a dorm room down the hall and I use to visit her early in the morning. :biggrin: I would then go down to the room and he would have left for an 8:00 class and lock the door. I never locked the door so I didn't have a key. I would have to grab a towel from my girlfriend, shower, and then tell the RA that I he locked me out while I was in the shower. I'm sure he caught on quickly

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