Good Lord


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Chicago, IL
On the cartoon side of things:
Isn't there a transformers movie coming out this year too? I heard that it as well is going to be new school and not true to the old roots. I always used to love watching Beast Wars. Back in grade school I remember countless recesses playing Megatron and the other sweet characters. Oh the good times.

Yes, July 4. Peter Cullen, who did the voice of Optimus Prime in the 80's cartoon, is doing the voice of Optimus in the movie. I can guarantee it will rock @$$.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
Why is it that the Religious zealots typically have the most intolerant and bigoted opinions of any conversation?

Why is it that the only one ranting and yelling in this thread is you? Must be your unbridled tolerance shining through... :baffled5wh:


May 1, 2006
I didn't yell and that was hardly a rant. I am intolerant of ignorance, a true downfall in my character. Sorry if I struck a nerve.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
At least myself, I will never give anyone neg rep for having an opinion/thought, especially one as vocal as this out can get. So I'm going to say this, I truly would appreciate to talk to you guys out there in CF land on this subject and hear your thoughts/ideas about it. If you don't feel comfortable or don't want to post publicly, just PM (Private Message) or email me at [email protected] . This is a subject that really interests me, and as a Catholic who advocates Gay Rights, I'd love to hear your opinions on the subject. Just contact me and I"ll get back to you ASAP.

Search in the archives for the John Amaechi thread several weeks ago. There is some good civil dialog about this topic in that thread.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
Good Lord, kids' television sure has gotten supportive of the gay/lesbian/transgendered/bisexual community. I have NickJr. on right now, and Diego (I think), just had a rainbow flag for a "finish line."

In my opinion, this is great! Showing support for all people is something that, I think, has been missing in our society as of late. Anyone else remember the Des Moines community being against the high school that put on the play about the Matthew Shepard murder?
I have no problem with allowing people to be whoever they want to be. My problem starts when the activists of any activity start to promote their lifestyle, through the media, directly to children. I also have a severe problem with any issue that labels anyone who disagrees with their world view, as essentially racist.

The same crowd who seems to be hell bent on protecting children FROM religion, seem hell bent on exposing children to "alternative" lifestyles. Can anyone see the hypocracy in that? Organized religion has it's own issues too, but how about equal protection for everyone, regardless of beliefs?

I do find it interesting that the same people who condemn religion, using Darwin's theory of evolution, also are huge supporters and promoters of the gay lifestyle. So how does that fit in with the survival of the species?

Liberals are starting to get downright Orwellian on us........from "all animals are created equal" to "all animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

I believe that, in a free society, all beliefs should be tolerated, but when the government starts to support a certain group's beliefs over others, we have a huge problem.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
OK people, I got 3 points that are my opinion and, of course I pretty much respect everyone else's OKYDOKY. So here goes:

1. I am a Christian and proud of it. It does say in the bible that homosexuality is wrong but I am too lazy to look right now. With that said, sin is sin and homosexuality is no more of a sin then murder, taking the Lords name in vain, or stealing the pack of gum at the store. We as christians need to love the sinner but hate the sin.

2. I have my opinions on if homosexuality is a disorder or if it is nature throwing a curveball. The thing that strikes the nerve with me is all the gay's throwing it in my face. I can respect a person, but do what you do in your house and leave me out of it. Homosexuality makes my skin crawl(and it isn't because I am insecure with my sexuality). I will respect any person who respects me, but when I have to hear all that activist force fed BS, I'm done. My impact on this earth has nothing to do with my sexuality(except hopefully my wife), so maybe some of them activists should use the same thinking.

3. I can't believe that by now noone has mentioned Scooby Do as the champion of cartoons. I ain't talking about the one with the pup either. I'll watch the old versions of scooby doo as long as they can keep the reel together. The Smurfs are a whole different story though....I will watch Spongebob, Curious George, and Clifford the big red dog(mainly since I know eventually someone will have to take him for a walk and I want to see the size of that pooper-scooper) with my daughters and barely can watch the wigglesc BUT my 2 yr old loves Barney and that one aint happening, that's Mom's job.


Apr 21, 2006
Saint Paul, MN
So how does that fit in with the survival of the species?

I believe that, in a free society, all beliefs should be tolerated, but when the government starts to support a certain group's beliefs over others, we have a huge problem.

On your first point: I don't think we have anything to worry about over the propagation of our species. If the estimates are correct, 1 in 10 of us are gay, and that means that the other 9 have the opportunity to do it like rabbits. Our species will be fine if gays are allowed to openly profess their love for one another.

Second point: I agree with you totally, however it seems to me that the conservatives, not the liberals, are the ones that recent history has shown to have one faction of religion on their side. The conservative Christians literally won this White House the election in 2004. This government is "supporting a certain group's beliefs over others."


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
Good Lord, kids' television sure has gotten supportive of the gay/lesbian/transgendered/bisexual community. I have NickJr. on right now, and Diego (I think), just had a rainbow flag for a "finish line."

In my opinion, this is great! Showing support for all people is something that, I think, has been missing in our society as of late.

This one peeves me off...I am not about to tell people how to live their lives, and although I disagree with a homosexual lifestyle I'm not going to go scream at somebody to change their ways. However, I don't want my kids watching that crap on a mainstream kids show and have them think that it's "normal". It's one thing to teach tolerance, but as a parent I should be able to protect my kids from watching this. I know for some people I'm going to come across as unaccepting, but that's just how I feel about it. To me it's about the equivalent of having profanity or sexual content on a kids show. It might not be illegal, but to many people it is immoral or inappropriate, and has no place on a kids show.


Apr 21, 2006
Saint Paul, MN
This one peeves me off...I am not about to tell people how to live their lives, and although I disagree with a homosexual lifestyle I'm not going to go scream at somebody to change their ways. However, I don't want my kids watching that crap on a mainstream kids show and have them think that it's "normal". It's one thing to teach tolerance, but as a parent I should be able to protect my kids from watching this. I know for some people I'm going to come across as unaccepting, but that's just how I feel about it. To me it's about the equivalent of having profanity or sexual content on a kids show. It might not be illegal, but to many people it is immoral or inappropriate, and has no place on a kids show.

I think we may be going overboard on the symbolism of the rainbow flag on a kids' show. I'm not a biblical scholar, but didn't God him(her)self use a rainbow to symbolize something?


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
On your first point, I am not a well studied scholar of Darwin, but I believe that along with the survival of the species instincts, there is also a subcategory of survival of the individual....basically the instinct to "go forth and multiply"... pass your genes down to subsequent generations.

On your second point, I am dead center in the middle of the political spectrum, which generally means that both sides pi$$ me off constantly. The beauty of our system is that the radical sides of any issue rarely take complete control of any situation, and rarely get all that they want. But usually the core theory behind their ideas better society in some way. I am a Christian, and I believe in the morals of Christianity. I am not, however a "if you don't believe what I do, you're going to burn for eternity" Christian.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
Photoshopped, meant-for-humor image of Anti-Safe-Zone sticker attached...may be borderline offensive (Especially to Dr. Evil)


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
I think we may be going overboard on the symbolism of the rainbow flag on a kids' show. I'm not a biblical scholar, but didn't God him(her)self use a rainbow to symbolize something?

Yeah it was God's promise to Noah that he wouldn't completely flood the Earth again. I'm not a rainbow hater in general :no6xn: , I just took issue to it being in a kids show if it was meant for homosexual propoganda. I didn't actually see the show so I'm just commenting on what clone62 was saying about it.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
I think we may be going overboard on the symbolism of the rainbow flag on a kids' show. I'm not a biblical scholar, but didn't God him(her)self use a rainbow to symbolize something?
Some of that may be the adults looking for symbols, but I saw a Nickelodeon show the other day that had cut scenes of a guy and his girlfriend kissing, followed directly by a couple of guys about to kiss. No problem if they want to do that, or if they want to promote their lifestyle to adults. Big problem if they want to promote their lifestyle to my children.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
Wow. There are so many posts I want to reply to. Rather than replying to each individually I will do my best to summarize my beliefs.

I am a Christian, but I certainly don't take the Bible literally. The Bible is not the word of God. The Gospels are accounts of Christ's life, and the rest of the New Testement contains letters that are written to convert the Gentiles and Jews of that day to Christianity. Where does God say homosexuality is wrong? Jesus' message was simple. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus befriended prostitutes and tax collectors, considered by people of that day to be the biggest sinners.

Also, it's not for us to say what is or is not a sin. Because I accept Christ I do my best to be a good father, good husband, good friend, servant to those less fortunate, and an honest person. The one thing I try not to do is judge the actions of others. That's for God to do. "Judge not lest ye be judged." As a society we punish those that infringe on the rights of others, not because we believe stealing, rape, murder, etc. are sins, but because our society is based on the "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Our laws are based on protecting citizens, not on morality.

As far as kid's shows that promote a gay lifestyle, I have three boys (8, 6, and 4) and I've never seen a kid's show I thought did this. What shows are we all upset about? The only one mentioned was a rainbow flag from Diego. I never would have thought this had anything to do with gay rights, and I'm positive my boys wouldn't either.


Apr 21, 2006
Saint Paul, MN
Wow. There are so many posts I want to reply to. Rather than replying to each individually I will do my best to summarize my beliefs.

I am a Christian, but I certainly don't take the Bible literally. The Bible is not the word of God. The Gospels are accounts of Christ's life, and the rest of the New Testement contains letters that are written to convert the Gentiles and Jews of that day to Christianity. Where does God say homosexuality is wrong? Jesus' message was simple. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus befriended prostitutes and tax collectors, considered by people of that day to be the biggest sinners.

Also, it's not for us to say what is or is not a sin. Because I accept Christ I do my best to be a good father, good husband, good friend, servant to those less fortunate, and an honest person. The one thing I try not to do is judge the actions of others. That's for God to do. "Judge not lest ye be judged." As a society we punish those that infringe on the rights of others, not because we believe stealing, rape, murder, etc. are sins, but because our society is based on the "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Our laws are based on protecting citizens, not on morality.

As far as kid's shows that promote a gay lifestyle, I have three boys (8, 6, and 4) and I've never seen a kid's show I thought did this. What shows are we all upset about? The only one mentioned was a rainbow flag from Diego. I never would have thought this had anything to do with gay rights, and I'm positive my boys wouldn't either.

Now that is a thoughtful, level-headed post on religion, morality, and society. Well-said, no matter what you believe.

I can go to bed now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
The Bible is not the word of God. Where does God say homosexuality is wrong? .

"Ye shall not add unto the word which I commanded you, neither shall ye diminish anything from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you" (Deut. 4:2)

To me that's saying that the bible IS the word of God, although it doesn't tell you to necessarily take it all literally.

“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (Leviticus 18:22)

Enough said on the second point.


Aug 25, 2006
Des Moines, IA
"Ye shall not add unto the word which I commanded you, neither shall ye diminish anything from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you" (Deut. 4:2)

To me that's saying that the bible IS the word of God, although it doesn't tell you to necessarily take it all literally.

“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (Leviticus 18:22)

Enough said on the second point.

Do you sleep with your wife when she is having her period? Leviticus also forbids this. Leviticus also tells us to burn moldy clothes, make animal sacrifices and offerings, tells us what food we can and can not eat (shrimp and pork are abominations, but it's o.k. to eat beetles). Do you believe that a sin is a sin? That all sins are equal? Well then, we are all in a bunch of trouble.

How many times did Jesus speak out against homosexuality? Never.
How many times did Jesus speak out against divorce? Several.

My wife just left me for another man and we are in the process of getting a divorce. Do you believe that God is going to send me to hell for this?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
I'll agree on the cartoons sucking these days. What ever happened to the good cartoons that you could actually understand? I remember growing up on The Flintstones, Duck Tails, Tail Spin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dennis the Menace, Goof Troop, Transformers, Hee Man, Thundercats, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers to name a few. Then you had the non-animated shows like Alf, Dukes of Hazzard and The A-Team for instance.

I've tried to watch some of this crap now and some of these cartoons are the dumbest things in the world with no story lines. And what the heck is a Spongebob Square Pants? :no6xn:

How about Looney Tunes? Sorry, but Bugs, Daffy, Foghorn Leghorn and the rest get me every time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
Do you sleep with your wife when she is having her period? Leviticus also forbids this. Leviticus also tells us to burn moldy clothes, make animal sacrifices and offerings, tells us what food we can and can not eat (shrimp and pork are abominations, but it's o.k. to eat beetles). Do you believe that a sin is a sin? That all sins are equal? Well then, we are all in a bunch of trouble.

How many times did Jesus speak out against homosexuality? Never.
How many times did Jesus speak out against divorce? Several.

My wife just left me for another man and we are in the process of getting a divorce. Do you believe that God is going to send me to hell for this?

In the New Testament Jesus' sacrifice covered most of these old traditions so he stated that it was no longer necessary to make sacrifices and abstain from certain food. I don't recall where he said it was ok to mount up on dudes.

I'm sorry to hear about your marriage situation. I know that He has said that it was sinful to divorce unless there was unfaithfulness or death, so I guess in my opinion I would say that if it's her leaving you for another man it's definitely not on you. Obviously I'm not the guy whose opinions on such things matter, I was just making a reply to somebody who said that God never said homosexuality was wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Des Moines
In the New Testament Jesus' sacrifice covered most of these old traditions so he stated that it was no longer necessary to make sacrifices and abstain from certain food. I don't recall where he said it was ok to mount up on dudes.

I may be getting into this argument a bit late, but doesn't Jesus dying for our sins pretty much cover everything sinful? I think that's the point shakes20 was trying to make. If Jesus died for all of our sins, I doubt he said, "Oh yeah, that homosexuality rule is still in effect. Eww!"

The Bible says a lot of things that we no longer follow, and I think that arguing that Jesus died for all of our sins except for the ones still conveniently considered taboo by our modern society is a pretty weak argument.