Good Lord


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
About having homosexuality "thrown in your face" -
I don't like having religion thrown in my face, either, but I don't see too many Christians trying to hide their religion from others. For instance, when Bush says that he invaded Iraq because God told him to. Or when Christians tell me that I'm not a good person because of X reason. I've never had a Jew or a Muslim tell me I'm not a bad person because I don't live up to their standards, but I have had many Christians do so. A lot of people believe that their religion is the only way and will do anything to try to force that upon others. I'm not comfortable with that. At least with Gays they aren't trying to make me gay, they just want me to accept that they are and let them live their lives as I live mine.

Also, don't we allow other 'sinners' to marry? Alcoholics and adulturers can marry and no one seems to have any qualms about that. If all sins are equally as sinful, why withhold the right to marry (state sanctioned, even) from someone just because they love their own sex more than the opposite?

Did we just try to equate religion and homosexuality?

On a sidenote, I think religion itself is garbage. How about we reject religion, and embrace Jesus?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
Just out of curiousity, if there is ever conclusive evidence that Homosexuality is an inborn characteristic, and not a personal choice that was made; would that change anyone's mind that think they shouldn't have the ability to have a state-sanctioned marriage?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Clive, IA
I have only replied once in this thread.
My opinion on this discussion is that it has been very civil. Why not use the off topic option to discuss issues like this. If you don't like it do not click on it.

I agree. I shouldn't read this post if I don't want to see what is posted in it. However, whether I read it or not, it is a divisive thread within the Cyclone Fanatic community. I cannot support threads that are going to be divisive.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
About having homosexuality "thrown in your face" -
I don't like having religion thrown in my face, either, but I don't see too many Christians trying to hide their religion from others. For instance, when Bush says that he invaded Iraq because God told him to. Or when Christians tell me that I'm not a good person because of X reason. I've never had a Jew or a Muslim tell me I'm not a bad person because I don't live up to their standards, but I have had many Christians do so. A lot of people believe that their religion is the only way and will do anything to try to force that upon others. I'm not comfortable with that. At least with Gays they aren't trying to make me gay, they just want me to accept that they are and let them live their lives as I live mine.

Also, don't we allow other 'sinners' to marry? Alcoholics and adulturers can marry and no one seems to have any qualms about that. If all sins are equally as sinful, why withhold the right to marry (state sanctioned, even) from someone just because they love their own sex more than the opposite?

Here's what I'll say about the first part of that post...George W. Bush may have said that he prayed about going into Iraq, and you can be free to rip on him for that. But if he said he went into Iraq because he was gay and I ripped on him for that I'd be massacred. It's considered PC to speak out against Christianity but not about homosexuality.

For the second part, the reason I have a problem with homosexuals marrying isn't because they are sinners, its because if it is done in a church it is basically the church saying they agree with the sin. If you want to compare it to letting alcoholics marry it would be similar to if I went into the church and said I would like them to marry me and my friend/lover Captain Morgan so we could be drunk together forever. To me it's not the fact that homosexuality is a sin, it's the idea of the church condoning it.
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Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
On a sidenote, I think religion itself is garbage. How about we reject religion, and embrace Jesus?

And boom goes the dynamite...exactly how I feel. I believe in God/Jesus but I think that organized religion is just as corrupt and has just as many faults as our government.


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
About having homosexuality "thrown in your face" -
I don't like having religion thrown in my face, either, but I don't see too many Christians trying to hide their religion from others.

This country was founded on religion/Christianity...not homosexuality. Comparing the two is ridiculous in my opinion.

Our society is getting SO far away from the principles that started our country, it's not even funny.


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
The last time I checked, being African American describes a race of people with common heritage, being gay is a description of your sexual preference and what you choose to do with your body. I am pretty sure that black people don't have the option of hiding their identity until they are ready to "come out".

Agreed. You cannot compare homosexuals and blacks at all. How are homosexuals discrimiated against in the housing sector? Last time I checked, if you are renting or buying...they don't ask you if you are gay. It's a little easier to determine if someone is black...


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
This country was founded on religion/Christianity...not homosexuality. Comparing the two is ridiculous in my opinion.

Our society is getting SO far away from the principles that started our country, it's not even funny.

True that. And it gets to the point where every single opinion that the minority has, will get priority. The country was founded largely because of religious freedom, yet today it seems like that is being snatched away. The minority will continue to find things they don't like in the U.S. and will get those taken away til we are a country with no fundamental or foundational principles. It almost gets to the point that when this happens I wan't to say, if you don't like our country and what it was built upon, go somewhere else. But I don't say that, cause im tolerant. :wink0st:


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
Our society is getting SO far away from the principles that started our country, it's not even funny.
Yeah... things like slavery and the subjugation of women were great.

htownclone said:
I wan't to say, if you don't like our country and what it was built upon, go somewhere else.
Yup. The blacks should have gone back to Africa and the women should have started a colony in the Amazon...

How about the principles like democracy, which allow for changes through the political process, and freedom of speech, which allow the advocation of those changes? I rather prefer those types of values, embodied in the Constitution of our nation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
What's with everybody whining about how difficult it is to be Christian in our society? We've had one president that wasn't a Protestant, and he was Catholic. The vast majority of Americans consider themselves Christian. And I bet it's a lot more difficult being Jewish or Muslim in our current society. Nobody is asking Christians to change their beliefs. People only get upset when Christians in power try to force Christianity on people that are non-Christians.

It reminds me of John Stewart when they interviewed the Senator that led the charge to have the Ten Commandments displayed in the courthouse because it was the basis of founding our country. When asked to list them he hemmed and hawed for a minute, until he was finally able to list only 4.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
In response to some of the other posts lately, I have a really hard time equating the gay rights movement with the black civil rights movement. The last time I checked, being African American describes a race of people with common heritage, being gay is a description of your sexual preference and what you choose to do with your body. I am pretty sure that black people don't have the option of hiding their identity until they are ready to "come out".

cycloneworld said:
Agreed. You cannot compare homosexuals and blacks at all. How are homosexuals discrimiated against in the housing sector? Last time I checked, if you are renting or buying...they don't ask you if you are gay. It's a little easier to determine if someone is black...

I want to be sure of just what you are saying here, because your posts appear to imply that discrimination against homosexuals is OK and different from discrimination based on race because someone can hide their sexual orientation more easily.

My hope is that your only point is that the magnitude of discrimination against blacks was far greater, and you would no doubt be correct in that point. This certainly doesn't justify the discrimination that does exist against homosexuals though.


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
Yeah... things like slavery and the subjugation of women were great.

Yup. The blacks should have gone back to Africa and the women should have started a colony in the Amazon...

How about the principles like democracy, which allow for changes through the political process, and freedom of speech, which allow the advocation of those changes? I rather prefer those types of values, embodied in the Constitution of our nation.

Of course things are going to change. Social issues are obviously going to change. Social acceptances have changed drastically over the last 250 years. Christianity hasn't changed much over the past 250 years.

And the entire basis this country was founded on was religion, specifically Christianity. And now we can't even say "Under God" in the pledge.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
Yup. The blacks should have gone back to Africa and the women should have started a colony in the Amazon...

Wow, excellent job taking that quote out of context. Were we talking about civil rights movement? Were we talking about women's equality? NO :no6xn:

I was talking about how there are groups that are trying to take away the principles our country was founded on. The rights I'm speaking of are exactly what helped give blacks and women equal rights.

To try and twist what I said to make me look like a racist, sexist ***** is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
Here's what I'll say about the first part of that post...George W. Bush may have said that he prayed about going into Iraq, and you can be free to rip on him for that. But if he said he went into Iraq because he was gay and I ripped on him for that I'd be massacred. It's considered PC to speak out against Christianity but not about homosexuality.

For the second part, the reason I have a problem with homosexuals marrying isn't because they are sinners, its because if it is done in a church it is basically the church saying they agree with the sin. If you want to compare it to letting alcoholics marry it would be similar to if I went into the church and said I would like them to marry me and my friend/lover Captain Morgan so we could be drunk together forever. To me it's not the fact that homosexuality is a sin, it's the idea of the church condoning it.

First off, about Bush, I have a problem with him using his religion as a reason to declare war on a country.

As for your second paragraph, my problem is something that the founding fathers put in place back when this country was first started. The seperation of church and state. Just because the church thinks something is wrong doesn't mean that we should deny people rights that people who don't even believe in God or Jesus recieve. Take the church out of the equation and there is no logical argument for denying homosexuals a state sanctioned marriage.


Aug 3, 2006
And yet India has had a female Prime Minister, and the US still isn't "ready" for a female president.

And in parts of India a woman can be stoned for adultry, the majority of marriages are arranged, many bride's families offer a dowry to the gorrm's parents, etc. etc. I caution you when holding up India as a model we should follow for women's equality.

Also many female babies are aborted because in India having a daughter is like watering your neighbor's yard.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
This country was founded on religion/Christianity...not homosexuality. Comparing the two is ridiculous in my opinion.

Our society is getting SO far away from the principles that started our country, it's not even funny.

Again, I say: Seperation of Church and State. The founding fathers put that in there to keep things like denying rights to people out of this country!


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
I want to be sure of just what you are saying here, because your posts appear to imply that discrimination against homosexuals is OK and different from discrimination based on race because someone can hide their sexual orientation more easily.

No, no, no. It's wrong and I'm sure it does occur but to compare it to the problem blacks had/have, it's very minor.

I don't like all of this comparison between blacks and homosexuals. Black people have been discriminated against because of the way they look. In general, this isn't the case with homosexuals because they look like everyone can't visibly look at someone and tell that they are gay (even if someone dresses/talks/acts gay, doesn't mean you know 100% that they are).

Some people dislike the gay lifestyle and the choices they make because they believe its a sin. Just like they would to an adulterer...I don't think that's discrimination because those people actually believe homosexuals are "wrong" in what they are doing.

Now I'm not specifically in that crowd, I'm just trying to convey the other side.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Denver, CO


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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
there is no logical argument for denying homosexuals a state sanctioned marriage.

There is from a purely financial standpoint. If more same-sex couples are marrying (and I think this would lead to more friend-friend marriages for financial gain...see my earlier posts), the government will lose tax money. In turn, they will raise taxes.

I know no one wants to look at it from a purely monetary aspect but the fact of the matter is that's all American and the government care about.