Help! I'm Fat - *** Official Exercise and Weight Thread ***


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 29, 2006
Good luck! I would post suggestions, but every single body is different, so you got to find what works best for you. Ive gone with the simple eat less and exercise more, and that works for me. I had a goal to lose 40-50 pounds this year, and so far have only lost about 20-25. Ive had a couple of plateaus in there, but I haven't gained any back so thats good. Just be patient with yourself and you will get there! Ill be using your progress as motivation for me to get to the rest of my goal.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
Downtown Minneapolis
I am in the same boat only I'm much larger than 270. I would love to get back into the gym however I have had foot issue for over a year which makes doing the treadmill a not a possibility at the moment. Now the my knee on the same leg as bad foot is hurting. I fear that I've torn something in that knee. I've long battled depression and now my physical pain is becoming equal with my mental pain. I'm not sure how much more i can put up with.
Have you tried water work outs at all? Could be a little less stress on the ailing body parts, although previously having torn my medial meniscus I understand the annoyance and pain that come with knee issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
I am in the same boat only I'm much larger than 270. I would love to get back into the gym however I have had foot issue for over a year which makes doing the treadmill a not a possibility at the moment. Now the my knee on the same leg as bad foot is hurting. I fear that I've torn something in that knee. I've long battled depression and now my physical pain is becoming equal with my mental pain. I'm not sure how much more i can put up with.
Go see the doctor with the injuries and tell him/her you are serious about an exercise plan. If the answer is you can't run, ask about rowing or cycling. If you can't row or cycle, ask about swimming. Don't take no for an answer. If you get that answer tell the doctor what you told us about being on the road to an early death.

There is a good chance that the knee pain is from compensating for the bad foot. Get them both looked at!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2013
I am in the same boat only I'm much larger than 270. I would love to get back into the gym however I have had foot issue for over a year which makes doing the treadmill a not a possibility at the moment. Now the my knee on the same leg as bad foot is hurting. I fear that I've torn something in that knee. I've long battled depression and now my physical pain is becoming equal with my mental pain. I'm not sure how much more i can put up with.
Wanna do the diet part with me until you’re healed and healthy enough to go to the gym?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
Best of luck to the OP, I hope this journey goes well for you.

Thanks for posting - I need a good kick in the butt myself and your post provided it. I’m not very overweight, if overweight at all, but I generally don’t feel that great and am tired all the time. I’ve been checked out for heart-related issues, sleep-apnea, and a number of other health problems and they can’t pinpoint the issue. I’ve been told to improve my diet and exercise more but I haven’t found the motivation to do either. Like you, I don’t want to go through life “like this” and need to make a change.

Thanks again for your post.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2010
Council Bluffs, IA
Hey Fellow Fanatics,

This is going to be pretty humbling for me to right this, but I think I gotta or else its only going to get worse. i have a serious problem on my hands. It is one that probably many of us face. We know it's a problem. We know that WE are doing it to ourselves. We feel guilt ever time we make the problem worse. But, we continue with our habits. In my case, it hadn't always been this way, but it is now.

I have got to face the facts. I'm fat. and only getting fatter.

A few months ago, I posted what order at five guys in its respective thread and stated how I spend $25 and don't even get full. I got a barrage of replies about how that's so much food and GIFs of fat bastard from the Austin Powers movies. I did take those as jokes, but I felt AWFUL because I did it to myself.

Well, I've gained 10 pounds since that post. I am now up to 270lbs. I entered college at 170, left 190. My back and knees always hurt. I have EMBARRASING stretch marks on my stomach. I get out of breath just walking up the stairs. My blood pressure is 160/90. None of my clothes fit (and I refuse to bigger clothes since I know it's because I'm gaining weight.

I need things to change or I'm going to die. If not, I'll be stricken with a life of painful knees and disdain for having to walk up stairs.

Therefore, I will begin my weight loss journey on November 1st with a goal of losing 50 pounds by April 1st. If I do not lose the weight, I will donate $400 to one of Cyclone Fanatics Charities. To make sure I'm not cheating, I will be positing my weight every Friday.

I'm writing this post so that I have accountability and to see if anyone else feels the same way and wants to join me.

B.T.W. Feel free to make fun of me for being fat. It will only motivate me.

I'd advise some sort of calorie counting. It's helped me quite a bit and helped me understand why I'm failing at times too. Even if it's just to do for a little while to get an idea how many calories per day/week you're eating now, and how you need to change it to fit your goals.

Running has helped my back, knees, and hips quite a bit. I started with a couch to 5k, I think it was a 3 month buildup. Had some injury setbacks but eventually got there.

Everyone has something different that works for them, it's really just finding something you can stick with. Good luck, it'll be hard as hell but worth it.


Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
So much this.

Diets are great to drop weight initially, but you need to have a plan in place to change your eating/exercising habits once you get there. A friend of mine has dropped 30-40 lbs about 3 different times and falls back into old patterns once he loses it.

It's the difference between diet and dieting. Lot of mixing and matching the two.

And portions. JFC, I'd swear the food industry and restaurants WANT to kill us all. :mad: Not sure of their motivation but damn. The only time I see proportions that I think are reasonable is at higher end expensive restaurants. :( I go out with a couple on occasion to dine and we are all pretty lean by USA standards. If we get a dessert it's usually a three way split for a single item.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
I have a noticeable increase in appetite when l've been lifting. Even just 20 mins revs up the old metabolism.

Ive done Hammer and Chisel a couple times and the difference as far as hunger between that and say, Insanity, was astounding.

I've done this before. Got up to about the same as you, dropped 50, felt great, had it figured out, then just fell off the wagon. So, I'll try again. I'll match your exact proposition. Let's do this.


Really Strong Cardinals
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 20, 2010
Where they love the governor
I'll echo what others have said about going to see a doctor. Both my father (quit running marathons, didn't quit eating like it) and my wife (pregnancy/gestational diabetes) went to nutritionists to get diet plans.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Des Moines
Good luck to you. This is a tough time of year to commit to losing weight and getting healthier with the big holidays coming up, but it sounds like you have the right attitude. Stay with it, and I hope you start seeing results soon.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Des Moines
I downloaded my fitness pal to help me track calories back around the start of the new year. I lost 20 lbs and didn't really do any exercise. It is a free way to count calories and hold yourself accountable. Good luck, it isn't easy, but it is doable.

The app is a nice tool to have. I wouldn't necessarily treat what it says as gospel but it does give you pretty handy and accessible means of checking your daily calorie intake and burn. Just remember - garbage in, garbage out. If you're not honest with yourself then any fitness app is just going to show you what you want to see.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
A few months ago, I posted what order at five guys in its respective thread and stated how I spend $25 and don't even get full. I got a barrage of replies about how that's so much food and GIFs of fat bastard from the Austin Powers movies. I did take those as jokes, but I felt AWFUL because I did it to myself.

i have the same problem
i dont get full
i can eat and eat and eat and not get full
but ill get a stomach ache an hour or so afterward if its something like a pbj or something
but im not fat at all, obviously because of some genetic disposition
i am currently in the process of cutting out wheat; coffee and sugar
but i think it is something with the endocannabinoid production in your body
because before i was messing with my ecs system i never had the problem
but now that i have messed with it not sure how to undo without losing some of the good effects that i gained by messing with my ecs system
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 21, 2009
Way up there
You probably picked the toughest time of year to do this but good luck to you dude. I went through something a little like you right after I graduated college. Was up to about 260 from 200, mostly thanks to the college lifestyle (booze, fast food). Like others have said, a diet won't do you any good without some lifestyle changes. I really didn't diet, just managed portions and calories while essentially eating what I wanted, plus consistent exercise. I didn't work out like crazy just always stuck to 2 or 3 things that I knew I could do everyday and that i knew I could maintain after I reached my goal weight.

I wasn't looking at getting results as fast as you were but after around 18 months, I was back around 205. Several years later, I've settled in between 215-220. I've put a little bit of the weight back on but its been over a decade and while I'm heavier, I'm much healthier. Good luck again, I hope you get the results you are looking for.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2010
Fats and proteins are not your enemy. Sugar and carbs (fries, bread, potatoes, etc) are most certainly your enemy.

I'm sure you've been told that before, but I can tell you it worked for me.

You've got nothing to lose taking 60 days and going off sugar and carbs and seeing what happens. If you're looking for a good book, try Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat.
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Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
Go see the doctor with the injuries and tell him/her you are serious about an exercise plan. If the answer is you can't run, ask about rowing or cycling. If you can't row or cycle, ask about swimming. Don't take no for an answer. If you get that answer tell the doctor what you told us about being on the road to an early death.

There is a good chance that the knee pain is from compensating for the bad foot. Get them both looked at!

That's another issue. My previous doctor who I wasn't thrilled with is retired so I'm in search of a new one. I know the doctors that associate with the iowa state sports teams are through McFarland clinic. I wonder if they take on regular patients. Anyone on here that is in Ames have good recommendations regarding physicians in Ames?