"Homeland" on Showtime


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2006
Unbelievably intriguing show. The show fouses on a former Marine that was a prisoner of war held captive for 8 years and was finally found by U.S. forces. He returns home as a hero but a member of the CIA suspects he may now be working with Al-Qaeda. If you seen the show, what are your thoughts??? This is the first time in awhile that I've watched a show and not been able to walk away from it while its on.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2006
I didnt think I'd care for it, my wife dvr'd it and told her to watch it by herself. I didnt think the story would be anything id be interested in... Damn was I wrong. It has only been 2 episodes but it is very addicting so far.
I am just wondering how long they will go with this storyline? Will it be for this season only and have a new one next year or will it stretch longer?